[28]: Need

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In the spirit of maintaining some form of cover, Jungkook thought that it was better to let you walk on your own legs to the car.

Though, you were about to prove him very wrong.

He is right beside you, holding your arm discretely as to not make your leg-less state the main attraction of the party.

But, unfortunately for him, you'd never been good at discrete.

Your arms sway towards the railing as you are both making your way down the stairs in front of everyone. And although everybody is far too crazy and fucked up to pay any mind to
you, Jungkook doesn't want to risk catching a guard's eye. He knew it would do more harm than good.

For right now, he just had to get you the hell out of here.

Jungkook is scanning over the dancing bodies at the foot of the stairs with a sharpness in his trained eye. He is looking for red flags - looking for anyone looking at him.

And just as you take on the third step, your left leg gives out and your body flies towards the short railing. You almost throw yourself completely over it. And you would have, if not for Jungkook's freakishly fast reaction time.

"Fuck, Y/N," he hisses, grabbing your waist with both hands before directing one arm over his shoulders. Because of your significant height-difference, your feet naturally bore less weight on the ground, and you were less of a danger to yourself.

Jungkook clutches you close to his body, his hand firmly on your waist in a way that you could not stop thinking about. In fact, it was all you were thinking about: how his hands felt on you. 

He had you glued to his side and you fucking loved it.

At least for right now.

He was strong and firm beside you, a strong pillar, a strong body. And he had no intention of letting you fall down these god forsaken stairs.

Though, you were really close to falling down these fucking stairs.

Your weight was slipping back and forth with each step, and no pattern. Completely unpredictable. You had a goofy grin on your lips showcasing where your mind was at, and your eyes were spinning in circles.

"Y/N? Y/N!" Jungkook tries to get your attention, gently squeezing your waist as you make the dangerous trek down the stairs. "Jesus Christ." he cusses under his breath.

All he had to do was get you to the car. Then, he could get you to safety without having to juggle all your crazy limbs.

But Jungkook is panicking. Scared. Running out of time.

He didn't know much of this new mystery drug, but he did know it was dangerous.

And Jungkook had absolutely no way of measuring how much you had ingested in your time at the party.

Dammit. He should have been watching.

The whole night it had seemed like he couldn't get his eyes off of you no matter how hard he tried. And suddenly, it felt like they couldn't possibly have seen enough of you.

As he guides you both down the stairs, wearing a falsely amused smile, his tipsy mind flashes to all the times he had caught himself staring at you.

Fucking creep.

But she was dancing, enjoying herself, and he wanted it to be with him. How could he not stare?

Fuck. That dress.

Satan's cloak, that dress.

The personification of need.

Not want. Not lust. Need. For all the hours spent staring at her like she was the first woman he'd ever seen, and how badly he wanted her to look at him with some sort of affinity.

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