[24]: Advancing

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It's Monday morning in the police academy.

And you're sitting at your desk in the narcotics office, behind your name badge, and in your uniform.



And still employed.

On that messy night at Jimin's parents house, enough had gone down for you to write a book about.

Namjoon had run his own little series of tests on you, in an interview style conference, in front of everyone, to determine weather or not he thought you were still a valuable asset to his team.

And you passed with flying colours.

To follow up, Namjoon ran a background check on you to ensure your name wasn't on some kind of hotlist. You came up completely clean, until you didn't.

Until they tracked your parents.

Or more specifically: your father.

You explained to Namjoon in confidence what had happened to your father. How he had gone missing a while ago, leaving you alone in your family home as a young girl. You tried to do your rage some kind of justice, and finally came clean about him being the man you were after.

Namjoon connected the dots and took it upon himself to verify your claims.

And he believed you.

At the end of a very long, treacherous weekend, you wound up back, exaclty where you started.

In the office.

"Mornin'!" Hobi's cheerful voice breaks the silence of the focused room. "I come baring gifts!"

You perk an eyebrow.


You see Jungkook's hand fly up above his desk guard, and perfectly catch a sandwich that Hobi had thrown to him.



Taehyung does the same.

"Thanks bro!"


You stand up and hold out both hands, barely catching the sandwich he had thrown. He smiles at you.

"Thank you..."


"Yahoo!" Jimin stands up and when he catches the sandwich, he throws it into the air. "Thank you Hobi Christ, I was starting to wither away."

"Doubt that." Jungkook jokes, now standing up. "You got the appetite of a whale."

"Wales eat shrill. Dumbass." Jimin replies, "A sandwich-eating gorilla fits my description better."

Jungkook chuckles and starts unwrapping his sandwich, so you decide to do the same.

Taehyung is the only one eating his down behind his desk. You bite the sandwich with an expression of uncertainty, and you wonder how Hobi had guessed your favourite ingredients so perfectly.

"Alright fuckers," Namjoon comes rocking into the room out of his tiny private den. "New scoop."

He throws a portfolio case file onto a smaller table at the end of your row of desks, and marches on over. Naturally, you follow the heard to go and gather around it. Again, like you once had before.

"So, as we know, Haru's trial went absolutely dog shit, but I think we know why." Namjoon began. "It was the first on-the-field mission with a new comrade, and it was probably our most dangerous insertion yet. I was already nervous about sending our top dogs, let alone the newest of us. There was lots of room for error on this ride, and you all did your best. Really, there was nothing you could have done in the end. You had eyes on you and that's all you needed."

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