[34]: Exploring

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"Are you sure?"

You nod firmly. You'd never been more sure of anything.

"Okay, if it'll help you sleep."

Jungkook walks over to your bed and you instinctively shuffle over to give him the warmest spot.

Neither of you say a word as he peels back the cover and very cautiously climbs into the sheets. You wriggle closer together and start to get comfortable. Jungkook puts his arm under you, pulling you towards his chest. And given the nature of the situation and the feeling in your stomach screaming for any level of support or intimacy, you don't hesitate to lean into him.

You move your head onto his chest and that's when you realise he is mostly upright.

"You're not going to sleep?" you ask.

"I'll wait for you to fall asleep." he replies, and it breaks your heart.


He starts to stroke your hair on the back of your head. "I'm certain I won't be able to sleep like this."

"Why?" you sound like a lost puppy.

You're not you right now, and you like it.

This sleep-disguised version of you doesn't care about working out her feelings. She just knows she wants this right now, and that's enough for her.

She has courage that disappears at sunrise.

"A long list of reasons," Jungkook wonders aloud. "But most of them, including the first one, are because I'd be sleeping next to you."


"Not only would I not be able to sleep," he says. "But I think i'd just die on the spot."

You almost laugh but you're too shocked to follow through.

"D-Don't be silly."

"I wish it were a joke."

"You...you have to sleep." you sort of beg. "Just lie down, and we can at least try."

You were fairly sure you weren't going to be falling asleep any time soon, also. But lying down in the warm embrace of a man shielding you from the cold of loneliness? You could think of worse ways to spend a couple hours.

Silence follows for a while. You can tell Jungkook is thinking.

"Okay," he agrees.

And then, he starts to move down. He brings his body to lay horizontally, and you find yourself turning onto your side away from him, completely on accident. (😏)

Jungkook's inside arm slides under your neck and comes to rest in front of your chest. His hand lands on your shoulder facing the roof. "This okay?"


Your tone suggests that it might be a little more than okay.

You don't know where his other hand has gone, but you don't dare to ask. You hold onto your breath as you feel the front of his body come to meet the back of yours.

He presses against you, and suddenly, you're not so cold anymore.

In fact, you're going to break a sweat very soon.

You attempt to rid yourself of those nerves by wriggling around a little. You move your hips to get your spine in the most comfortable position, and you cross your ankles. You force out a sigh and that's when you feel Jungkook's arm tense against you.

"Could you-" his voice cracks under pressure. "Could you stop moving around- please-"

Oh. My. Days.

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