[15]: Party Favours

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About five minutes ago, there was a close call.

While all of the boys on your team were suiting up into their deliciously classy, in-vogue suits, you opted to go to the bathroom to change.


They were used to it by now, right?

But apparently not, as it was no easy feat convincing them all to let you go without a fight, and it boiled down to downright begging.

But Jungkook, of all people, happened to think it would be absolutely hilarious to try and rip your hoodie off of your body, on your way out of the room.

In a desperate panic to maintain your secret, you screamed and forced your fist deep into the dark muscle of his stomach. You used your arms to separate yourself from him and ran away while he nursed his poor throbbing, rock-hard abs.

After the war, finally, you managed to find your place inside the safety of the locked door in the bathroom, of what you could only assume was Taehyung's apartment.

The place was nice. Simplistic and clean with all the decor being fairly colourless. Whites and beiges, and browns and greys. He seemed to like high-end brands a lot, and it was lucky he had the money to enjoy them.

You looked up through your fringe into the reflection in the glassy-clean mirror, as you pulled a white button up over your chest, and started doing it up over your binder.

The binder had done a fantastic job at helping your front remain flat.

Sometimes it felt like it was suffocating you and doing more harm than good, and then you remembered why you were doing this in the first place.

After your shirt was all the way done up, you pulled a necktie around your collar and started doing it up casually (courtesy of the countless YouTube videos you had watched).

Then, it was time for the blazer.

As Namjoon had the suit fitted perfectly snug on your body, it hugs you nicely. Looking at yourself in the reflection now - messy short hair, fancy suit - you can't help but fight back a grin.

You looked good.

Being a guy was starting to be sort of fun.

Then, as you're smiling and shrugging your shoulders as if you'd just come out on top of a huge Wolf Street money dispute, you jump at the sound of fists slamming against the bathroom door.


"We gotta get moving, bro!"

"Did you get your period or somethin'?"

That last comment was followed by a symphony of muted giggles.

You glare at yourself in the mirror, rolling your eyes before turning towards the door and unlocking it.


You hate to admit when you're wrong, but you're not above it.

So as you take a huge, gasping leap across a terrifyingly large gap between two dark rooftops, landing on your back and rolling across the pebbles - you admit: Namjoon was right.

It would suck to be in a dress right now.

"Up ya get, Pipsqueak." Taehyung is behind you already like a shifting shadow, light on his feet. He grips the back of your suit jacket and pulls you to your feet with way too much ease. "Gotta move."

You follow his lead as the four of you duck down low, and trot across the roof.

Your breathing is strained by the adrenaline that came with all the parkour you just did, and the two near-death experiences you had.

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