[39]: No Fair

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Jungkook had been trying to hold himself in high-spirits.

He, only for your sake, had been trying his best to be distracting and normal and not make you feel like some sort of pity party.

But there was too much pity at this party.

He had given it his best shot, trying to be ditzy and light, but Jungkook's eyes were dark and basically bleeding pity. He couldn't help it.

He did feel sorry for you.

He was feeling so many things. Anger, sitting pretty fucking high on the list. But pity was a close second. He hadn't been able to get many words out of you on the drive here.

Though, he had certainly tried, asking you questions and pointing out landmarks and cracking jokes. But every time he looked over at you, you were staring out the window with a dullness in your eyes that was more than disheartening for him to witness.

He wanted to help.

He had questions. The drive was mostly silent when he wasn't talking, and he wanted nothing more than for his suffocating questions to be answered. Sooner rather than later. However, out of respect for you and the situation at hand, he held off on them. He knew you didn't need an interview right now.

And so it became his top priority to just support.

To be there for you. However you needed him to be.

He had a feeling in his chest, an intuition, that you didn't have anybody else to fall back on. And that fact alone was driving him mad; it gave him no choice but to step up.

And he didn't mind.

He wanted to be that person for you.

Someone you knew you were safe with, and that you didn't have to defend yourself around. Someone that made you feel like you could relax. Jungkook wanted to be that; he wanted to be a good friend. 

And this was step one.

When you finally make it home, Jungkook jumps out of the driver seat and runs around the car to welcome you out of it.

"Let's go." he smiles warmly and takes your hand.

Jungkook grabs your backpack and throws it over his outward shoulder. He holds out his arm to you and you absentmindedly wrap a hand around his bicep.

The two of you walk slowly together into the building. Neither of you wanted to address how absurdly wild you looked, covered in all types of blood, your faces painted with fatigue and a deadly sickness. You looked like you were going to be in the next Slasher movie, and your arms remained linked.


Jungkook takes some of your weight as his own, and he does so with a nurturing smile on his face. He leads you into his building and you ride up the elevator in silence.

The silence follows all the way until you're inside.

Jungkook finally lets go of your arm, but hesitates to make himself sure that you're not going to tip over. Then, he puts his things down onto the bench, and brings his attention back to you.

You glance around the space with an airiness in your eyes that shows that your attentiveness is lessening by the second. Your overall consciousness is starting to fall short, and Jungkook can see it.

He needs to get you into a warm bed.

But first, he needs to help you get the dry blood off your face.

You crane your head back, looking around. You look sleepy and disoriented, but all you're thinking is how much nicer his apartment is than yours.

You bring your eyes back down. You blink very slowly, a few times.

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