[25]: Promise Land

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You hear Jungkook's voice bellow over your tiny apartment in a backstreet corner of Yeonnam.


You wished you didn't have to let them in.

But, you were the one who lived closest to the address that Namjoon had assigned you. It was in Hongdae, which was a ten minute walk from yours. You had no choice.


When the others asked you questions about where your parents were this evening, you evaded them expertly.

They had no business knowing that you lived alone.


You rolled your eyes, looking at yourself in the mirror, and toyed with your hair to get it just right. You had just finished dusting up your favourite features with makeup.

Your hair was loose. And styled.

It had grown a lot since you first cut it. Now it hung just past your shoulders, in choppy, wavy layers.

You liked it. You felt pretty.

You wore fitted black dress pants, with small flat heels poking out underneath. On top, you wore a white button up with a small, black fitted vest.

You looked smart. Sharp. Pretty.

And with your hair and makeup done how you used to do it, for the first time in months, you felt like a woman.

Taking one final look at yourself in the mirror, you decided to head back out to the chaos of the living room, where the rest of the agents were all readying up.

You opened the door and pursed your lips nervously as you followed the voices into the main room.

You walked in, and everyone turned to face you.

They were all looking dangerous, and good.

Dangerously good.

Clad head-to-toe in rich, black suits, tailored expertly to each of their bodies. Why did it take them changing into suits for you to realise how handsome they all were?

All of them in matching suits.

Most of them were completely ready to go, just helping each other with the finishing touches.

You had to stick to the blueprint.

You had to look like rich, arrogant teenagers that were working for daddy, and coming out on a weeknight, to get royally fucked up.

And you all seemed to fit the part.

Jungkook is the only one who isn't completely dressed. He's wearing his white button-up, but the first few buttons at the top are all undone. A gap opens up, revealing his chest, as he is bent over.

And his sleeves are rolled up his forearms.

He is looking up at you through his slicked black hair, and he cracks a grin. He toys with his shoe that's rested on your coffee table, and Taehyung helps him double-knot the laces.

You feel yourself staring.

And he knows it, too.

You gulp, and force yourself to look away from whatever the hell kind of spell he was just casting.

Devilish man.

"Y/N, darling, you look great," Jimin's face moulds into a cringe as he lets go of Hobi's wrist and approaches you. "But absolutely fucking not."

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