[21]: Company

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Night had fallen a long time ago.

The time was of no importance to you or any of the others anymore. With no work tomorrow, and bellies full of alcohol, there was really no reason for any of you to stalk the clock.

It had to be in the AM, by now. It was funny to see the way the boys had all settled down into sleazy drunken fogginess, separating into smaller groups, and chasing side-quests. The night seemed to have no end in sight.

You liked to dabble in a side quest, every once in a while.

Like earlier: when you had snuck away from the scrutiny of everyone else, and quietly found the only bedroom with a cat, as if you had followed your nose to sniff him out.

You curled up with a tipsy smile on the rich carpet beside the orange critter that Jimin was supposed to be feeding - as that's why he had the key to the house. But you weren't too worried about the cat's food intake, for the sweet prince had to be on the heavier side of the word 'chubby'.

You cuddled on the floor with him for the best part of an hour before Jimin ultimately ended up dragging you out of the room by your heels.

Much to your protest, may I add.

And now, things had calmed down. Because of your untimely sleep the night before, none of you were particularly tired.

But you were all drunk.

Sloshed, even.

After the many hours of drinking games and rowdy chaos, you had finally found your sanctuary out near the fire that you were shocked Jungkook was coherent enough to light.

You didn't know where Taehyung and Hosoek were, but you could hear them shouting in hysterics inside. They had been talking about girls, earlier on. You simply turned around to face the wall when they asked you about your type.

Now it was just you, Jungkook and Jimin, sitting out silently by the fire, in camp chairs.

You hadn't spoken in a while.

You and Jungkook were both lost in the glare of the dancing flames, somewhat hypnotised by them. 

You were leaning very far back, sinking into the chair. Your gaze was heavy, resting still and forward, while a beer slowly turned warm in your hand.

Now and then, you'd sip on it.

It was peace and quiet and not completely insufferable for the last half an hour, as Jungkook had finally shut up. But that all changes when Jimin's phone gets a notification.

"Yesss," he celebrates in a woozy whisper, humorously drunk himself. "My boy is almost here."

"Your boy?" you grumble absentmindedly, thrown off by the mention of more people showing up.

"His dealer." Jungkook responds, but keeps staring flatly into the fire. "He's cool, don't worry."

You soften again, "Wasn't worried."

Jungkook scoffs.

"Imma go let him in." Jimin clutches his phone is his hand and lets out a monstrous groan as he slowly peels his body out of the chair that had almost fused to his backside.

"You need a hand?" Jungkook finally looked his way.

And you looked at him.

His eyes were wide and wandering; yet so focused. Undeniably cute, even for him. The fire was lighting them up, showcasing a deserts' night sky, worth of twinkling starts.

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