[23]: Spunk

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"Oh, so, even you lot didn't know?" Mia steps forward.

Taehyung glares at your friend, his eyebrows resting high on his forehead, personifying his shock.

"Well, that makes me feel a little better." she admits, luring you forward by the arm. "Alright, make room. All of you, get a drink and sit the fuck down."

Mia drags you over to one of the camp chairs, forcing you to sit down and taking the seat beside you not long after.

The boys stand around like gawking chickens, staring down at you with faces less than sure of how to behave. And you'd be lying if you said you looked anymore certain.

"You. Pretty boy." Mia points at Jungkook, but Jin seems to respond also. "Go get Y/N a beer."

Jungkook's shoulders slack down as he turns away. "Yes ma'am."

"And you three, sit down! If you wanna get to the bottom of this shit, take a knee. Damn."

Jesus, Mi. Got the whole narcotics team by the balls.

"...Okay, well. If you don't mind, I'll be the first to say," Taehyung breaks the tension with no trouble. "What the hell is all this? Haru? Can you talk?"

Mia's finger shoots in front of her, pointing directly at Taehyung.

"She can talk, but you're not gonna get your answers if you don't ask clear questions. Jeez. Is everyone in the force this dense?"

"Hey, relax, new girl." Taehyung holds his hand out pleadingly while he takes a seat opposite the fire, to you. "This is all pretty weird timing, since you're Jin hyung's girlfriend, and also happen to know Haru- or, Y/N. Fuck, I don't know what's happening."

"I seriously feel like i'm going insane." Jimin admits, rubbing his face into his hands. "Did someone put something in my drink? Fuck."

"Maybe it's just the twenty drinks you drank."

"Look. Just walk us through this before Tae goes batshit on your ass."

"Nobody's going batshit on anybody." Jungkook walks back into the circle, holding two beers before handing one to you. He taps your shoulder, shooting you a warm smile, before he sits down beside you. "Y/N had a good reason for what she did."

Jungkook's friends all stare at him as if they don't really recognise him, and that makes perfect sense. The men exchanged incredulous glances, the realization slowly dawning on them that maybe something sinister was growing.

But Jungkook ignores them - he just wriggles around to get comfortable in his seat, and stares at you with that same, perfectly relaxed smile.

"Didn't you?"

You hold eye-contact with him, taken aback by his attitude that bounced back and forth too fast for you to keep up with. You almost cocked your head to the side like a dog.

But, instead, a smile grows.

A small one. A sneaky smirk that you try (but fail) to hide.

And it matches his perfectly.

"Well yeah. I did. I do."

"What the hell is going on, Haru? Can't you just skip the theatrics and tell us what's going on?"

"What does it look like, genius? I'm a girl. Okay? End of discussion."

"NOT end of discussion! Beginning of discussion, okay!?" Jimin's pointing finger shoots into the air and his brows furrow. "I am way too drunk for this!"

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