[08]: Duality

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Sometime, over the following weeks, the rivalry between you and Jungkook has snowballed into something unstoppable.

Jimin's frantic mothering was absolutely no use against the beast that was born when you and Jungkook started mouthing-off to one another.

Everybody had grown tired of it, but nobody quite as much as you. You, who hoped Jungkook would just leave you the fuck alone.

Currently, you sat down in a quiet corner of the gym with a few of your fellow boxers, as you all stretched your limbs in preparation for the training to come.

Your tranquility with the others was short-lived, as you noticed Jungkook sauntering over with a smirk on his face.

"Ah, the lovely Haru." Jungkook declared, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "What fascinating wisdom are you gracing us with today?" Jungkook kneels down beside Jimin, all too proud of himself. "Now that you're here, I think we should all bow down in awe of the boxing king."

Such a child.

"Oh, Jungkook. Such a charmer, aren't you? But i'll bite, if you promise to lead the way."

The group's attention shifted between you both, as the challenge grew higher. Everybody was intrigued by what was happening, though this was nothing new.

Some of the boys were actually impressed to see you finally snapping back, at least the last few days.

"Anything for you, sir. But don't strain your wrist trying to keep up."

You narrow your eyes and subconsciously roll your wrist that Jungkook had pinned you down with just yesterday. The boys around you start making small noises in amusement.

You couldn't help but take the bait.

"Instead of worrying about my wrist, perhaps you should worry about straining your ego. It might be too fragile to handle the challenge."

You met his gaze with a mischievous glint in your eyes.


He matched it perfectly.


As the banter reached its peak, Jungkook leaned closer, his glare locked onto you. "Alright, Peanut, let's cut to the chase. I dare you to show me your 'new and improved', best right hook. Right now. In the cage. Give me something to remember."

That last sentence melted into you like a hot knife through butter. You raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk etched across your lips.

For the last three months, you woke up every morning wanting nothing more than to put a bullet between this man's eyes. And you went to sleep every night, dreaming of a life that Jungkook wasn't in. He was a leech, slowly sucking the blood from your ankle. And you wanted nothing more than to pour salt over every inch of him.

But still, you sometimes played along with his bullshit.

"Well, i'm all for a good show. But I wouldn't want to leave you wounded for training."

"Oh, Peanut, i'm swooning! The idea of your strongest punch is making me lose my mind! I just know it would have the grace of a swan and the power of a locomotive. Truly...breathtaking."

"Save the theatrics," you roll your eyes, reaching down to touch your toes. "Stick to what you're good at: being the gym's resident tease."

At this point, the boys surrounding you are chuckling with every insult you throw at each other. You can't really tell whose side they're on, though they had never been in your favour.

Whiplash | jjk.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang