15: healed and home

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Eli Hale, I pulled my claws out of Nat, I stumbled away from her, breathing heavily. I just saw her mums death. I heard her gasp. I tripped over my own feet, falling onto a tree, it keeping me up. I Just saw her mum's death. "Eli, are you okay?" She asked, she turned to me. She's moving. She's breathing. "Why- why did you show me that?" I breathed, her hand went to her neck. She's alive and not paralysed. I did it. And saw her mums death. "-er-ah! -what do you mean?" She asked, I spotted blood on her hands. I didn't kill her. I saw her mums death. "That- that Last memory Nat! You- you..." I said, why did she show me that? "I get the- the others, first one to show me that you hadn't know till then and wanted to tell me" I listed, I moved off of the tree, standing up. "Second to show me Lois lied, third showing me you hadn't known it continued till then" I continued, I had Started to calm down, but I was still.. out of it. "Hell even the fourth one, when we met! But why did you show me- that one?" I ended, that was so personal. And to show me that- how? she walked over to me. "Because, you told me so many things, even your dad's death, the dreams about it, I owed you this" explained Nat, owed me this? I shook my head. "No- no you didn't" I said, I had Started tearing. I do that alot. "That's different, I- I saw that, I watched it" I said, I wiped my eyes. I just told her things. "That was more private then anything I said" I said, she showed me that. "My world saw her die with me, through a screen" corrected Nat, Yes I know that, but it's still so, so private. "Yes it was private, but not as private as those nightmares and dreams" said Nat, I disagree with that. "But-" I said, she held my hands, they were shaking, one with her blood. "Is it the fact you saw it, or the fact that I let you see it?" Asked Nat, I nodded and Shook my head. So basically Just circled my head. "You didn't need to, you- you- could of Just told me if you needed too" I mumbled, she shook her head and wiped my eyes. "that would of been harder for me, was it hard to watch?" She asked, I shook my head slightly. "No, not really, it was more shock and panic because I was seeing it" I answered, she let go of my hands. "But you didn't need to-" I said, she did something so brave, both of them. "Would you of given a chance of forgiveness if I didn't show a private memory?" She asked, I froze. She's right. "I guess not, but I wouldn't of- but it didn't need to be that one!" I yelled, I had stopped crying, I wiped my eyes for a hopeful final time. I am a very emotional person. "You told me multiple different versions of how you watch your dad die, real and nightmare. I felt like it was the best one to show" explained Nat, she's right- in a way. it was the best one. I pulled her into a hug "I forgive you, I so forgive you" I forgave, she hugged me, we stayed like that for a little while.

Lois Lane, I had been calling Nat and Eli multiple times, no answer from both of them. "Mum!" Yelled Jordan, I turned to look. He had both of their phones in his hands. "They'll come back, Nat won't let Eli run away" promised Jordan, I hope she won't. I sat down. "We really thought we were doing a favour for Eli, Not telling him" said Jonathan, the boys sat Next to me. "We really did" agreed Jordan, I don't see how we thought that. "I promised to never do something like this to him again, but of course I did" he mumbled, his head was in his hands. I put my arm over him. "Don't beat yourself up, we all did it" I said, but none of us should of. "But how did we get Nat to not tell? She seemed to already know" said Jonathan, I never told them that Nat knows. I looked down. "She actually found out the day Jordan gave Eli Lacrosse stuff" I admitted, that worked a lot better than I thought it would. "Why didn't you tell us?" Asked Jordan, I knew they were looking at me. "And why didn't she tell him?" Asked Jonathan, I turned to them. "I didn't tell you because I was handling it" I answered, I could tell they didn't like that answer. "And I didn't exactly convince her not to tell" I added, I didn't exactly lie. "Mum, what did you do?" Asked Jonathan, we should of Just told Eli. "Nat gave us two weeks to see if Eli would stop" I started, and she only did that because she accidentally mentioned others hurting Eli. "And when the two weeks came, I basically lied, chosing my words carefully" I finished, but Nat was right, that was lying. "Mum what the hell!?" They yelled, are my sons about to tell me off? "I know! I know I shouldn't of done that" I said, I put my head in my hands. "We should of Just told Eli" I mumbled, I looked up. "And now we don't know where Eli and Nat are" I said, I don't even know if we'll find Eli.

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