14: goodbyes and Nat's memories.

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Eli hale, It had been awhile since I... left the farm, I've been... in a bad head space, freaking out this whole time. "why- why didn't sh-she-" I sobbed, okay, more than Just a freak out, a lot more than freaked out. I can't stop crying, anytime I think it'll stop I just start sobbing again. "Why.. why didn't she.." I cried, I Slumped down a tree, sitting on the ground. "Why didn't she Just tell me?" I asked, I stared at my muddy, bloody hands. I got so angry I.. I just started to hit anything, everything. "I trusted you with everything Nat" I whispered, I wiped my face and felt the smeared mud against it. I let out another sob and curled up on the floor. I squeezed my body, and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to regulate my breathing. Why didn't she tell me? I- I told her everything about me. I let out a shaky breath and squeezed myself more as the air got colder and more windy.

I was being shook "-li Eli!" Yelled Dad, I looked up, it was him, gray T-shirt, leather Jacket. him. Fully him. "d-dad!" I yelled, I pounced on him, Wrapping my arms around him. "D-dad-d" I sobbed I haven't slept in a week, so I haven't seen him in a week. "Dad" I whimpered, I've missed him so much. "Eli, I've missed you" he breathed, dad repositioned me in his arms, I gripped his Jacket and T-shirt. "Sa-me he-re" I mumbled, he wiped my eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked, he held me close as we stood up. "My friend kind of betrayed me" I mumbled, I wiped my eyes and sniffed as we started to walk. "I- I never thought she'd do anything like that" I said, his arms tightened, pulling me against him. "what did she do?" He asked, he sounded angry. that's nice, him being angry that I was hurt. "I was doing something embarrassing without realising f-for two months! She... never told me" I said, I wiped my eyes again, why didn't she tell me? I've told her everything about me! Everything! "I told her everything dad, sh- she was my best friend" I said, I stopped walking, crying hard, He sat us both down and pulled me closer. "I should of listened to everything you said" I sobbed, I should of never gotten close to her. "What? -oh, right" Dad remembered, his terrible taste in women. "W- we were Just friends, but I trusted her" I cried, I put my head against him, his arms held me closer. "I guess I did get you taste in women, even for friendship" I sobbed-laughed, of course the first friends I'd have would betray me, even the brothers did. "Eli, it'll be okay, it was Just something embarrassing, you can get out of that friendship before something else goes wrong" he said, he's right. I got a warning. "I- I know... but I don't think I want to" I admitted, I looked up at him, he didn't look angry. "She's my first friend" I whimpered, he wiped my eyes. "I know wolf pup" he said, he ruffled my hair a little. "If I can know, what did she do?" He asked, I pulled myself up. "I was calling our friend's mum, mum.. for two months" I said, that is the truth, technically. "-I know it isn't that big" I mumbled, he pulled me closer, running his hand through my hair, lightly shushing me. "It is big Eli, Just because it's not like what happened to me, It's still terrible" he said, I collapsed against him. "I don't know what I'm going to do" I admitted, his arms wrapped around me more. "P-part of me wants to forgive her... but what if- she does something worse?" I asked, the majority of me wants to forgive her, but the other part... wants to hold it against her, never speaking to her again. "Maybe explain what's happened better" Suggested Dad, I pulled myself up "Okay" I said, I wiped my eyes.

I explained what had happened, and as I did, we had gotten up and started walking. "So you have three friends, two of them are brothers and you've been calling their mum, mum when you've been over there?" Re-explained Dad, I nodded, that's the jist. "And the reason you're stuck on your best friend not telling you is because you've told her literally everything" ended Dad, I nodded, I explained everything without the crazy add of... everything. "I don't know what you should do, I'm torn aswell" said Dad, that's... really surprising. "Really?" I asked, I looked up at him. "Ya, I am" he said, he ruffled my hair. "I don't want you to lose your best friend, that can hurt" started Dad, she's my first ever Friend. "But what she did was wrong, what they all did" Continued Dad, she should of told me. "So? Any advice?" I asked, he'd know what to do better than I would. "I think you should tell her how you feel, and get her side, it could help" suggested Dad, right, like I did with Peter. "But I don't think you should immediately forgive her, make her prove herself" finished dad, he put his arm back around me. "Thanks for your help, I needed to talk to someone" I said, not someone, him. I needed him. I'll always need him. "but can we forget about this for the moment" I asked, I don't want to think about her, for now anyway. "And shouldn't we go deal with your brother?" I asked, it's weird calling him that, but it helps me.. stay calm when thinking, talking and being about him. "Actually it's Just us today" smiled Dad, I smiled, I missed it Just being us. "And I have an Idea of what we can do" grinned dad, we both stood up. he was excited, so probably shifting again. "What then?" I asked, I don't mind shifting with him, he's always wanted it, he deserves it, and... it's actually pretty fun. "It's a suprise, Just listen to what I say, it'll be scary, but it will worth it" he said, I nodded and closed my eyes. "Picture yourself changing, but not into a werewolf" he started, I did, it was tricky, but I did. "Imagine your bones shifting, changing" he Continued, I did. I started to feel different.. "you're doing it, now picture your skin changing" he said, what am I feeling? Wait what? skin changing, huh? "to what?" I asked, why would my skin need to change? "To fur" he ended, fur? I felt myself changing, I fell to the floor, on all fours. "Wh-ho! Open your eyes" he ordered excitedly, I did. I was tiny, I looked up. "Look at your 'arms' wolf pup" smirked dad, um.. okay... "Holy shit I'm a wolf!" I 'yelled', it came out as a bark, well, I heard it as both. Dad chuckled. "Look over here" dad said, I looked at him. He was a wolf too! I ran over to him, onto him. "I love you!" I yelled, this is amazing! "thank you! Thank you, thank you!" I repeated, he told me wolf-shifting was a possibility, but it was rare, and he was one of the first male hales to shift into a wolf. "No problem wolf pup, wanna go on a run?" He asked, I licked him, repeatedly. "I'll take that as a yes then" chuckled Dad, I got off of him and we ran.

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