2. Part ways.

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Abraham was still dragging Eliza on the train tracks, even if she was complaining and getting tired. "Can we take a break yet? Just for five minutes or something?"

"Did anyone ever get anywhere by taking breaks?" Abraham asked back.

"No. But I've never heard of anyone walking to Washington on foot from where ever we are now," Eliza told him.

"Then no, we can't," Abraham continued walking, not even sparing Eliza the slightest glance.

"Great," Eliza sighed sarcastically. She was practically hopping now, the bleeding had slowed down a lot but the shirt was soaked with it. She looked up ahead and saw Eugene talking at Tara. "Why is he flirting with her?"

Rosita shrugged, she was walking on the grass next to the train tracks quietly. "He's tried it with me."

"He has no game," Eliza scoffed a laugh and shook her head.

Rosita scoffed a laugh too. "Tell me about it."


Everyone started to settle down for the night, laying on bags or whatever else they had. There was a clearing on the tracks, it was surrounded by leaves and bushes, so they'd hear if anything was coming for them.

Tara was taking first watch, but Eliza still couldn't sleep. Her leg was itching and she just wanted to take the tie off, maybe she could use the bottom of her shirt as another tie.

So, she started to untie the shirt. It hurt and made her flinch, but she needed to do it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're supposed to leave that on," Abraham was stood behind Eliza. She didn't even know.

"It's uncomfortable, it's soaked," Eliza squeezed her eyes together as she accidentally tightened the knot around the wound.

Abraham sighed and kneeled down in-front of her, ripping a pocket off of his pant leg. Eliza tried to move back, but he held out a hand to say that he wasn't threatening.

"It ain't gonna hurt. I've done this before."

Eliza nodded and outstretched her leg again, he started to untie it slowly. It was a lot more bearable than when she was doing it herself. Once the tie was off, blood started to slowly trickle out of the wound. Abraham threw the old shirt off to the side and then wrapped the pocket around it, giving it a few pulls to make sure it was tight.

"Get some rest," he stood back up and began walking over to Tara, so Eliza lay down on the leaves and started to fall asleep.

It was hard to fall asleep, considering the leaves were so itchy and full of bugs. She could also hear every cricket chirp there was in the woods. It was almost unbearable. But she managed.


Eliza jolted awake to a gunshot and screaming outside of the tent. "Dad?" She stood up out of her sleeping bag.

"E-Eliza...stay- stay inside," he croaked out.

"What? Are you okay? Dad, what's happened?" She wasn't listening to a word he was saying, she just wanted to know if he was okay.

"Just- just stay inside, baby,"

Eliza didn't listen though. She unzipped the tent and walked outside. Her dad was lay there, a gaping hole in his stomach and a dead walker next to him. Her mouth gaped open and her eyes filled with tears. "Are- did...no, no, please no, Dad."

Casually Cruel - TWD Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ