21. A coincidence.

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It was a pretty big shock when Eliza collapsed after trying to push past Abraham. He was scared at first, thinking he had hurt her in some way.

Daryl had pulled up with a truck a few minutes after it happened. Abraham and Sasha were quick to put Eliza in the back. They needed to get her back to Alexandria. Something was wrong.

Abraham had a good idea of what was wrong. He'd seen the way she was, always pushing food away. But for the time being, they just needed to get her to the infirmary.

Daryl had Eliza's old soccer team badge. It fell off when the window smashed and he picked it up, he told Abraham that some people he ran into looked at it weirdly and whispered, but neither of them thought anything of it.

They'd been driving for just a short while when the road was blocked off by a group of men on motorcycles.

"Why don't you come on out, join us in the road?" The guy at the front waved his hand. Slowly, Daryl, Sasha and Abraham got out. "That's great," he smiled sinisterly. "It's going well right out of the gate."

Eliza jolted awake after the truck stopped and slowly got out of the back, still staying out of sight though. Her legs were wobbly and her stomach hurt, but that was nothing compared to the amount of men who had guns pointed at her family.

"Now, step two, hand over your weapons," the man held up two fingers, then put a hand to his face and scoffed. "Oh, and the girl from the soccer team. We're gonna need her, too."

"Why should we?" Daryl grumbled.

"Well, they're not yours, the weapons, I mean. The girl, I'm afraid I can't say," The man replied, still keeping that creepy grin on his face.

"Whose are they?" Sasha tried to keep the topic of conversation on the weapons instead of Eliza.

Eliza didn't know what to do. How did they know about her? She'd never seen these people before in her life.

"Your property...now belongs to Negan."

Negan. Coach Smith. Eliza's eyes went wide. No. It couldn't be. It must've been a coincidence. Coach Smith was good. He wouldn't associate himself with people like these men.

"And if you can get your hands on a tanker, you're people our person wants to know," the man said, pointing at the truck. "So let's get those sidearms, shall we? Right now."

Eliza kept on peeking around the corner as she could see Daryl handing over his gun to the man.

"Thank you," the man smiled sarcastically and walked out of Eliza's view, presumably towards Sasha and Abraham.

It was all silent for a moment. Eliza kept on flickering her gaze through the group of men on bikes, just incase Coach Smith was there. He wasn't, but she couldn't stop checking over and over and over again.

"Now, we're still in need of the girl," the man said.

"It looking like we have a girl with us?" Abraham boomed. Eliza put her hand up to her face. She felt sick. Abraham was putting himself at risk for her, once again.

The man started to laugh. "You see, I know some of my people who saw something the boss has lost. Something that belongs to that girl. So, I'll ask one more time politely, where is she? In the back?"

Who lost Eliza? Were they even talking about Eliza or had they ran into the wrong group?

"Who are your people?" Sasha asked.

"I get the curiosity, but we have questions ourselves," the man replied. "And we'll be the ones asking them while we drive you back to wherever it is you call home. Then, we'll take whatever it is we want, including the girl."

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