18. An adventure.

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Eliza saw Enid sat on a bench on her way to the infirmary. "You okay?" She asked, seeing Enid just looking at her shoes.

"Yeah," Enid mumbled. "How'd the meeting go?"

Eliza sighed, starting to walk over to the bench. "Not great," she huffed as she sat down. "Pete's dead, but so is Reg."

Enid pressed her lips together, looking down. "Oh."

Eliza shrugged. "I think everyone else will be okay though. Pete was just making things worse."

"Yeah. He always did," Enid agreed quietly. Eliza placed her hand down on the bench. She didn't think anything of it until Enid placed her hand on top of hers. Eliza bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to smile like a fool. Thankfully, it was dark outside so her blushing cheeks weren't as obvious.

Eliza tried to make conversation, trying to take her mind off what was happening. "Daryl and Aaron brought a new guy back. His name's Morgan. I think he knows Rick or something."

Enid didn't say anything, she just kept her hand on top of Eliza's and smiled a little, looking down at her lap. Eliza decided to just stop talking.

Despite having just seen two people get murdered, all that Eliza could think about was the warmth of Enid's hand on top of hers.


The next day, Abraham was sat on the edge of Eliza's bed while Rosita sat next to Eliza, playing with her hair while Eliza leaned her head on the woman's shoulder.

"I'm gonna be out for a couple of days. Grimes wants me to lead a horde away," Abraham explained and Eliza furrowed her eyebrows.

"A couple of days?" Eliza gasped. "What the hell do you mean, days?!"

"You know, like a couple'a twenty-four hour periods," Abraham replied, rolling his eyes sarcastically.

"Smartass," Eliza and Rosita chirped in unison.

Eliza looked up, her eyes wide and her lips pursed. "Can I come with you."

"Hell no," Abraham replied. "You ain't ready for that yet, Eli. It's too much for a kid."

Eliza scrunched her face up. "Yes I am. Besides, I'm never gonna be ready if you don't let me go anywhere."

"Still no," Abraham replied.



"Pretty please," Eliza begged.

"No," Abraham said more firmly, but Eliza wasn't letting up yet.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top," Eliza widened her eyes, craning her neck up a little with a wide and convincing smile.

"That supposed to convince me?" Abraham chuckled.

"Yep," Eliza nodded.

"Both of you, make your minds up and shut up," Rosita reprimanded, earning a small laugh from the other two.

Abraham looked back at Eliza, his face turning serious. "You gonna stay by me?"

"I'm gonna stay by you," Eliza parroted.

"You promise?"

"I promise," Eliza confirmed.

"Good. Meet me at the gate when you're ready," Abraham nodded. He got up and left the room, presumably to pack his own stuff.

Rosita stayed with Eliza. "You promise you'll be safe?" She asked, watching Eliza stand up and grab her bag.

"Jesus, how many promises have I gotta make?" Eliza laughed. "Yes. I swear, I'll be safe."

Rosita nodded and smiled. She wanted what was best for Eliza, she was sort of worried that doing something this big with so many walkers involved might not be the right thing for Eliza's first real trip outside of Alexandria, but what could she do? Eliza was fourteen and could make up her own mind.

"You'll radio me if things go wrong?" Rosita asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Nope," Eliza joked, but when she saw the death stare of Rosita, she laughed and nodded her head. "Yep. You don't need to worry so much."

Rosita shrugged with a small laugh and reached over to Eliza's drawer, pulling out a pack of sanitary pads. "Don't want another library incident," she reminded Eliza as she rolled the pack closer to her bag.

"'It seems that Eliza has started the cycle of menstruation'," Eliza remembered Eugene's words. On the day, it made her panic, but after that, she wasn't really embarrassed by it. Maggie and Rosita had made her feel a lot better. "He said that and expected me not to panic?"

Rosita laughed. "He's done worse."

"Oh really? What?" Eliza huffed but also laughed as she chucked a jumper into her bag.

"It's too inappropriate for your teenage ears," Rosita said, laughing at her own joke, making Eliza scoff and roll her eyes.


Eliza walked towards the gate where Abraham, Sasha and Daryl were all gathered around talking.

"We ready for an adventure?" She asked, wiggling her shoulders a little bit to try and get everybody in a good mood.

Sasha laughed, but Daryl just looked confused. Abraham was looking at her with a stare that said, please don't embarrass me.

"Since when was there a kid comin'?"
Daryl circled around to the other side of his bike.

"Since she wouldn't stop asking me," Abraham said, giving Eliza a glare. She just smiled again and shrugged.

"Are you guys gonna be miserable the whole time?" Eliza asked.

"Probably," Daryl grumbled, making Eliza roll his eyes. She'd never really held a conversation with him, but from what she had seen, he liked to be alone and not many people tried to get to know him at Alexandria. That did make her feel sort of bad for him, but he was a grown man.

Sasha scoffed a laugh. "Nope. We're gonna have so much fun leading a horde of walkers."

"We are?" Abraham asked, tilting his head and seeming slightly amused.

"Yep," Sasha replied, making her way around to the passengers door.

Abraham shook his head and Eliza butted in. "Yeah, old man, didn't you get the memo?" She taunted, tilting her head and moving around to the back seat, getting in.


sorry for the short chapter!

I decided to put Eliza with Abraham, Sasha and Daryl because it's the start of s6 and I'm heartbroken

please leave a vote and a comment of what you thought of this chapter! it gives me motivation and I always appreciate it! thank you! <3


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