Got a lover

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The music was high and the party was in full swing , everyone was dancing as if they would never get to dance again. In some deep corners of the party , few were doing all kinds of drugs and alcohol.

"Finally made it ", a voice said as Off walked up to him.

They shook hands and then had a quick hug before they got inside the house. Leaving the chaos behind they enter the top floor of the huge mansion where someone awaits them.

"Oh P you finally came ", Gemini said.

"Of course we did ", Off said.

"Btw thank you P'Net for helping me throw this party ", Gemini said as the third person in the room did a funny bow and then took a seat with the others.

"So what's up nowadays , you still studying for medical ", Net asked as he looked at all the books piled up at Gemini's place.

Gemini , Net and Off were a rare combo that became best friends. Net and Gemini came from an exceptionally rich family whereas Off was from a upper middle class family. Net and Off were friends from before. They had met each other randomly in the subway and really hit it off. One time they were recklessly driving bikes and had to run away after being chased by the police. They ended up hiding in a school where they met Gemini and befriended him as well.

"Yeah of course I am still studying. Being a doctor is everything for me. Though I am scared I might be distracted for sometime", Gemini said.

"Why , got a lover ?", Off teased.

"More of a crush , but I am not able to find anything about him ", Gemini said defeated.

"Tell us about him , I will find him and then you can make your move", Net said.

"Well he has a brother that is deaf , he is a very caring brother though he is the younger one. He is so handsome and sweet, his voice is like a angle singing from heaven", Gemini ranted.

"Yeah the only helpful info we got from this was that he has a deaf brother. Could you tell us anything else ?", Off asked.

"Oh ummm, his brother had these papers of some college , I think it was Emerald something ", Gemini tried to recall.

"Emerald High ?!!!", Off and Net exclaimed together.

"Is that a good college ?", Gemini questioned.

"The best one in the country. They are very strict with their policies. Only those you are eligible can go , the system of money doesn't work there. You actually have to be few of the top minds in the country to be able to enter there ", Off said.

"I was rejected a lot of times , that's why I ended up going to another college ", Net said.

"I got in but only at the third tier. They have second and first tier as well. If he had paper that said the name of the college he probably is in second or first tier", Off said.

"So can you find him ? Then we can find my lover ", Gemini said.

"I'll try to look into it , but it would be helpful if you knew which branch he was in ", Off said.

"I am not sure about that ", Gemini said.

"That's fine , I can work my way around this as well. If the brother was deaf there are not so many people we need to choose from. We can probably narrow it down ", Net said.

"Well since we are on this topic , even I want to found someone. I met this boy at the event today , he looked like a college boy as well, his name is Gun. Very soft spoken and his voice was music to my ears ", Off said.

"Look at you both , conveniently falling in love. But I guess we could reach the people at the event and find out who you are talking about. Now I just need to find someone as well ", Net commented.

"Oh you'll find a special one too ", Off said as all of them giggled a bit.


"Mom I am going to school and the others are going to college ", Fourth yelled from the house door so that his parents who were in the living room could hear them.

"Ok , have a nice day ", their mother replied back.

She said have a nice day. Fourth told for Gun to understand.

The three hopped in the car and drove off. Fourth was dropped off first then Gun and James had to go to the same place. The results came in quickly and James got in his desired branch.

The brothers had dispersed when they reached the college. James always liked to explore places on his own. He was wandering around the backyard of the college when he saw this figure just leap above the wall and enter the college grounds.

James was shcoked and so was the intruder on seeing James. He quickly got a hold onto James and put his hand on his mouth to make sure James doesn't scream, little did he know. James couldn't scream even if he wanted to.

"Hey listen , I know whatever I did didn't seem too fancy but I am not here to cause trouble. I am looking for someone. My friend has a crush on someone and his brother attends this school , so it would be good help if you could find them for me. It's someone deaf, I bet you could give me a list of kids that are deaf here ", Net who had just entered the college grounds requested.

James pushed him back , he was confused.

"Oh ok , I know I am looking real shady but please believe my story. That guy is in first or second tier and is deaf , do you know him", Net asked again.

(First or second tier , and is deaf ? The only such person here is Gun ) James thought in fear.

"So do you know him ", Net asked.

James tried to walk away but Net held onto him again.

"Don't do this , ok I get you must be creeped out. I won't interrogate you anymore but promise me that you will not tell anyone about this ", Net said. He had his pinky finger out to make James promise.

(Is this guy 10 or something , whatever, I need to go to Gun right now and warn him) James thought. He made the pinky promise and got the hell out of there.

"You could have stayed though , you are pretty cute ", Net let his intrusive thoughts out.

James turned around and gave Net the middle finger before going back inside the college.

Net thought it was best to leave for the time being and he sincerely hoped that James wouldn't expose him. Though he actually didn't care if James did that , he just wanted to meet James again.

meanwhile James had already reached to Gun and asking him about the whole situtation.

Are you sure he was looking for me ? Gun questioned.

A deaf person in second or first tier. Yeah I am sure there is no one in this college. Do you really not know anything about it ? James asked.

No , let's discuss this later now I have a class. Gun said and James nodded and left.

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