Good talk

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"Come on !!!", the sounds of cheering were echoing in the room.

There was dead drop silence for a fraction of seconds before the cheering became uncontrollable.

Well done. Gun said from his spectator seat as James got out of the shower.

The inter school swimming competition was finished with Emerald's victory. James was also part of the team.

Girls from other schools were cheering for James as well. He bowed in appreciation before collecting his trophy and then being hugged tightly by his brother.

"Congrats ", Gun said in a whisper.

Thank you. James said back.

As the brothers talked there was someone who was at the edge of his seat. All tiers were invited to watch the swimming match and Off had never imagined that he would see his crush in the same college as him.
But suddenly now Off was jealous , seeing Gun so close to another guy. Before he knew it they both were gone. Off raced around to search for them but couldn't find him.

"Ugh !", Off groaned as he lost Gun again. But he was more confident this time.

He walked up to Missy , who was the class president to question her about it.

"Gun ? You mean the one from first tier engineering. Why do you want to meet him ? ", Missy asked.

(He is in first tier engineer that guy is basically Einstein at this point ) Off thought.

"Yeah , how do I meet him ?", Off asked.

"Well umm, third tier isn't allowed in first tier halls so you would have to wait till the end of classess. Then also it would be hard to get a hold of Gun. He is crazy rich , his driver is always ready to take him home after the classess. Besides communicating with him is a different difficulty ", Missy said.

"I'll see that , just tell me the exact route he takes when he comes down ", Off asked.

Missy shows him the staircase from where Gun exits. Thanking Missy for the help Off leaps towards his classroom, over the moon to finally find the person he had been looking for , all this time.


Are you sure you can come by yourself ? Gun asked James for the 100th time.

Yes , I will be okay. Don't worry. I will be back before dinner. James replied.

Well if you aren't , mom and Dad are gonna have me grounded. Be back home in time ok and enjoy yourself. Gun said.

After his wonderful victory James was invited to join the after party. Gun offered to pick his brother up but James insisted that he could come by himself.

Agreeing to his brothers demands , Gun was letting him go , but of course he put up the classic rules of coming home on time.

James was very excited , his friends from the swimming team were really nice. They all treated James fairly and even helped him from those who tried to bully him.

They all went for a fine dinning restaurant , it was great service. After the wonderful meal the cook was called to thank for it.

All the kids were confused when they saw that the servants bowing to the chef.

"Sorry if that caught you off guard , I am also the son of the chairman so everyone prefers to show their courtesy", he said as his eyes landed on one of the boys.

"Oh wait you ",Net said unconciously as he saw James. James looked around with a confused face as well.

"Do you guys know each other ?", The coach asked.

"Umm no sorry , I thought it was someone else ", Net said.

"You really don't know him", the coach asked this time looking at James.

James nodded a no.

Net didn't want to admit it , but he was slightly hurt that James said that he didn't recognise Net but it was for the better. After the meal all the boys collected outside. James excused himself for the restroom where he was stopped by the mysterious figure again.

"You really don't recognise me ", Net asked cheekily as James just started to wash his hands.

"Oh come on don't ignore me , that time we had such a good talk ", Net said.

(Good talk ? What conversation did you have with someone who cant speak) James thought as he closed the tap and was gonna walk out but Net blocked his way.

"I won't let you go till you remember me ", Net said.

James sighed. Net was gonna say something else but James held his mouth with his hand , the same way Net had held James' mouth the first time they met.

"So you do remember me ", Net said as James gave a smirk before getting out of the restroom.

"Atleast tell me your name !", Net said as James was leaving. James turned around with the same smug smirk and walked away.

"Ugh my heart ", Net said as he got to the ground trying to stop his heart from beating out of his body. He always got aroused when James was around him , today was no exception.

James joined back with his team and then headed home. He didn't want to trouble anyone so he decided to take the bus. He got off at the last stop and decided to walk rest of the way. As he walked he saw something surprising , this kid seemed to be getting bullied. James got to them and stopped them.

"Who the fuck are you ", One of the boys said as he tried to punch James but he stopped the boy and pushed him back instead.

After that all the bullies were running for their lives as the boy on the ground gets up. James helps him.

"Thank you , I didn't expect them to be such traitors . They pretended to be my friends just for my money. Oh btw I am Gemini , who might you be my savior ", Gemini said.

James didn't reply cause he couldn't and just took out the first aid from his bag and started to treat Gemini. Gemini looked at the kit and was surprised by the logo.

"You go to Emerald High ? Wait ummm, I have a question , you know someone named Gun, he is deaf ?", Gemini asked.

James looked up confused to hear his brother's name. Seeing James' confused face Gemini noticed that he might be comming of as someone suspicious to be randomly asking for a person.

"Actually , I have a crush on his brother Fourth. I have been trying really hard to find him. So do you know him?", Gemini asked.

(He has a crush on Fourth. The heck is happening. So that guy that was asking for Gun was because of him as well) James concluded.

"Hey , do you know him or not ?", Gemini asked.

James nodded a no. He finished the first aid and started to walk back home. Gemini tried to stop him and offer him money but James didn't take it and practically ran home.

It was the first time he had encountered such a situation , he had to discuss this with all his brothers.

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