You are doomed

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"I don't get it , I am handsome , I am rich , I clearly love him more , then why did he choose that old man", Net complained to his friends.

"Could it be a sugar daddy and sugar baby situation ?", Gemini came to the conclusion out of nowhere.

"Their family is floating on money,  he doesn't need a sugar daddy. It's probably real love ", Off said.

"Guys stop ", Net said , not being able to take the insults given to James.

"Ok ok , oh wait , I guess I know why", Off said.

"Yeah tell me", Net said eager to know.

"Perhaps that guy doesn't tell people that their parents didnt teach them how to speak ", Off said sarcastically which made Net lose his face.

"I didn't know ! I wouldn't have said that if I knew ", Net emphasised.

"Oh right , it is that. He probably thinks you find him as a joke", Gemini added.

"So what do I do to reverse that ", Net asked.

Why don't you learn sign language. Off suggested.

"Right , I should just learn sign language. Thanks so much guys ", Net said.

"You need to be diligent in it , I'll try my best to teach it to you ", Off said.

"Yes sir ", Net said as the other two laughed.

Net was over ambitious about learning sign language as he set his goal to learn it within a week.
One week from then , Net retruened in James' life. James who is used to living for the next day had already forgotten that he ever met Net. Seeing Net drop out of nowhere was truly a surprise for him.
Being recalled of the behaviour Net showed before James tried to walk away , but Net stopped him.

I'm sorry. Net said as James's eyes widened. The last thing he expected was Net doing sign language.

I didn't know you couldn't speak , I didn't mean that , please believe me. Net said as James just blankly stared at him.

Please talk to me. Net said.

It's alright , I know you didn't mean it. I have forgotten the incident a while ago. You don't need to apologize but I accept the apology. James said.

Right ummm, so like , can we hang out some time. Net asked.

You want to hang out with me? James asked.

Yeah. Net said a bit nervous about whether or not James would say yes.

Does this have something to do with my brothers. I know that you are friends with the guys they are seeing currently. James said a bit suspicious.

No , I wanted to hang out with you. Net said.

Why ? James asked.

Just like that , I thought we should be friends you know. Net said.

I clearly don't know, ok seriously , what do you want from me ? James asked taking a step back.

(Great now he hates me ) Net thought as he noticed James' every move.

I really just want to be your friend. Net said.

Be honest. James said as Net watched intently.

You like me don't you. James said and Net froze. James was amused by the response. James walks away now.

It took Net 10 hot minutes to gather himself , he never expected that his intentions were known by James. Till he got himself together James was long gone. It was a Sunday morning in the park where James usually came to jog so he could keep up his stamina.
Net thought long and hard about whether he was too obvious or something but he couldn't come to that conclusion at all. That's when it hit him.

(I swear if either of you spoke something !) Net thought as he collected his friends who were kind of pissed off as they planned to spend time with their lovers.

"No I didn't tell him anything ", Gemini said while Off stayed silent.
Net glared at Off.

"Well, he asked me and I cant hide anything from him, so... Yeah I told him ", Off said as Net bursted at him.

"Your chances might not be ruined though. If he didn't like you then he would have avoided you but I guess since dating is new to him he finds it amusing ", Gemini said.

"No , he isn't new to it. Gun said that James has been in a couple of relationships ", Off revealed.

"Just how much do you know !", James asked.

"Well , a bit I guess , one of the stories he told about James was golden. So like you know the child actor Min. James dated him when he was nothing , made him into a star and then broke up with him, reasons unknown. That's such a sigma move ", Off said as Net's face flew away.

He considered himself to be handsome. He always said that no one could match his beauty that was till he saw Min. Net still believed he was more sexy that Min but he won in the handsome factor.

"There is no fucking way ", Net said.

"He even showed me a picture , it's legit ", Off said.

"You are doomed , he just finds you a nice thing to play with while he finds someone ", Gemini said.

"James is a nice guy , I don't think he will play around like that ", Off said.

"Ok , first things first , you need to tell me everything you know about him !!", Net said as he cornered Off. Off blinked a few times as he started dictating all Gun had told him.


"Can someone take Fourth till the principal's office ", the teacher said as Fourth got called.

A random student volunteered. Fourth hadn't heard that voice in a while. He was confused why that boy was ready to help as he and Fourth almost never talked.
The boy quietly took Fourth to the principal and waited outside. As Fourth came out the guy said,

"Getting another scholarship or something."

"Yeah ", Fourth responded.

"Wait for real ", the guy said as he held onto Fourth so he could guide him.

"Yeah ", Fourth just repeated himself. They walked some more distance in silence  before the guy said,

"You know Gemini ."

The tone of the boy was strange , not like before when everything seemed more causal. The questions seemed to be getting serious.

"Yeah ", Fourth kept his original response.

That's when he suddenly dropped. The guy pushed him to the ground.

"You only know how to say Yeah or something. Anyhow , Gemini is a top league student. He literally attends Ivy High , he is bound to go to Emerald in the next two years so you better stay away from him. You made my friend cry alot ", the guy said.

"You aren't making any sense ", Fourth said while getting up. He felt himself being held by the collar by the other guy as he spoke ,

"Jenna and Gemini are engaged , and you are causing a disturbance in between them so kindly fuck off while I am still being nice."

The guy again pushed Fourth to the ground and gave him a few kicks before leaving. Fourth felt the pain circulate in his body. He gets up and starts to walk in a random direction hoping to get help but his leg slips as he reaches the edge of the staircase and he falls down the flight of stairs making him unconcious.

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