It's talent

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Ok that is suspicious to a whole new level. Missy had never been exceptionally rude but it's clear she doesn't like us because of our disabilities. Her coming and talking to you like that smells trouble. James said as Gun told him about what he talked with Missy.

I know right , she said some weird stuff and didn't bother explaining at all. I was so confused , I thought I had taken something from her but obviously that's not the case. Gun replied.

Maybe it's about that guy , Off right. James questioned.

You think so ? Though I don't know if I have mentioned , he is the same guy that I met during the exhibition. Gun said.

Wait really !! That's such a coincidence , so did you tell him that you are deaf ? James asked.

I was gonna after he told me what he wanted to say but Missy kind of ruined it. I plan on going to his class myself to talk tomorrow. Gun said.

Yeah that would be good. James said. 

The car stopped at the school. The boys waited for some time but they got worried when they saw no sign of Fourth. Concerned they decided to go in the school.
While searching , Gun approaches a boy and asks ,

"Have you seen someone named Fourth ?"

"Yeah he is , oh wait you are his brother's right. It's good you are here. You guys should go to the principal's office. There has been some trouble ", the boy said.

Both the brother's get afraid of what could have happened. Having any disability wasn't easy but being provoked by it was very easy. Fourth was a bit hot headed about the same as well, he had beaten up a few kids before for teasing him about being blind.

James and Gun walk into the principal's office and see Fourth sitting in one chair and another boy in the second chair.
Fourth turned his face towards the door when he heard the sound of the door and his brother's were shocked.

Fourth's face was filled with bruises. His lips were bleeding and he seemed to have other injuries as well.

"What happened", Gun said and Fourth panicked at the sound of his brother's.

"We are so sorry , we didn't expect our son to act like this ", the parents of the child cried out.

Their school , Green High was called the gateway to Emerald High college thus matters like bullying were taken extremely seriously.

"P , let's go , I don't wanna be here anymore", Fourth said as he tried to go away but James stopped him.

"Why did you do it ?", Gun asked in a subtle voice to the other boy.

"I was gonna win but he won , he stole that win from me ", the boy said while looking at the ground.

James tightly hugged Fourth to comfort him. Meanwhile Gun walked up to the boy and stared right in his soul before saying,

"I don't know if anyone has ever told you this , but I will tell you cause you need to hear it. It's alright kiddo , you don't always need to win and the day you will stop trying to only win , you'll be able to enjoy both victories and losses", Gun said as the boy seemed to be tearing up. Gun then looks at the principal.

"We are ok with any punishment for this kid leaving expulsion. I think he has a lot to learn from here ", Gun said before they took Fourth out of that place.

The ride back home was silent.

Since no one is saying it , I will. You do realise we need to tell Mom and Dad about this and that they won't leave that kid alone for what he did to you. Gun said.

I know , I need to figure out how to break it to them and not make a fuss about it. I don't want problems at school. Besides I am pretty sure that kid only did it cause he was pressured to death. Fourth said.

Well that isn't a good excuse for our parents. I think in such situations , James should handle it. Gun said.

Of course , he will do it. Thank you bro ! Fourth said.

James wanted to counter their words but they decided too quick for him to be able to say no.

How do you guys manage to put me in the tough spot all the damn time. James exclaimed.

It's talent. Fourth said.

The trio then we're dropped home by their chaffeur. They get in the house trying to hide Fourth as much as possible , though they didn't expect their parents to give them a jump scare from the back.

The parents laughed when their kids yelled but everything quickly got real quiet when they saw what condition Fourth was in.

"What happened ?", their father said strictly.

Without any hesitation , Gun and Fourth pushed James forth to explain the situation. James sighed before saying,There was an issue at Fourth's school, some boy beat him up but we have dealt with it.

Gun speaks out what James said so their parents could understand.

"What punishment did that guy get ?", their mother asked.

Suspension. James replied.

"He just got an suspension for all that , were you all crazy ", Their mother scolded.

Mom , even he has his part of a story and even Fourth understood it. Why would we want Fourth to feel guilty for anything major happening to that boy. James said.

"Then you learn not to feel guilty when you are clearly the victim. I don't know , I am gonna get that child irradiated from ever goverment education board possible , blacklist him from going to college. I don't accept such behaviour at all ", their father said.

Dad what would punishing him like that do. James said.

"He can think about that in prison", Their father concluded.

That's when Fourth started to tear up, everyone again got quiet and Gun started to hug Fourth to comfort him.

The parents started to call down a bit seeing Fourth cry like that. They also comforted him and got him to stop crying for which they had to now go along with what has been done. They weren't of course happy but they were proud that their sons had grown so much. After dinner the three were in Gun's room discussing about things.

Hey this is gonna be a really wild guess , what if Off was gonna confess his feelings to you. Fourth said.

Gun showed a strange face before saying. I highly doubt that , we literally met like twice.

Actually that might be true you know , I recently heard that Missy had a crush on Off for a while now, she probably sees you as a  rival cause Off was gonna confess his feelings to you. James continued.

I hate how much this story fits in the whole dialogues. Missy telling me not to take what is hers and what not. Well I am gonna talk to him tomorrow anyhow so we will know then. Gun said.

All the brothers added in few more side conversations before they went to sleep.

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