Is it true ?

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"You really showed up again !", a familiar voice said.

It was the same guy that bullied Fourth. Fourth was on high alert.

The guy was slowly approaching him but before anything major could happen the teacher entered the class. Everyone sat in their respective places.

"Ok everyone we have a new student today , please come in ", the teacher said as a handsome boy entered the class , leaving everyone in awe.

"Hello everyone , my name is Gemini , you guys probably already know me",Gemini said as Fourth got on high alert hearing the voice of his boyfriend.

He heard footsteps , coming closer and closer to him. Fourth looked up as he felt a warm presence beside him.

"Hey ", Gemini said in a cool voice.

Fourth smiled as heard Gemini's voice. Fourth hated school because of how he got bullied and he just wanted to go to college soon cause he felt then he could do something for himself but hearing Gemini beside him , gave him peace.

"Why'd you change schools ", Fourth asked causally.

"Well, let's just say I missed a certain someone and there are a few people I need to have a small talk with ", Gemini said as he turned his head and glared at the group sitting in the back cause he knew well they were the ones to bully Fourth.

Fourth didn't understand Gemini's tone in his sentence but decided to ignore it. He was honestly happy to see Gemini in his school. The love birds stuck together all day and after a long time Fourth had a day with no bullying. Fourth had excused himself for a while but as he came back he heard Gemini talking to someone.

"You seriously like someone like him ? He can't even see and appreciate how you look", the girl said.

That was Lia, the girl famous as Gemini's fiance.

"Lia , I don't want to talk about this anymore. It would be better if you just stop bothering him and leave us alone. I am very happy with Fourth ", Gemini said.

"What about us ? I am sorry to inform you but we are actually engaged ", Lia yelled.

Fourth felt a sharp sting in his heart.

"So what ? I don't like you , I can always say no to the wedding ", Gemini said.

"You think wedding is a game ? Moreover your parents would never settle with a blind freak ", Lia yelled.

"Shut up !", Gemini yelled making Lia go quiet.

"Gemini ", Fourth said , not wanting to hear any further of the conversation. Gemini turned in horror on seeing Fourth there.

"You came yourself , you should have waited for me , I would have come to get you. What would you have done if you fell down again ?", Gemini said worried.

"Is it true ? ", Fourth asked with caution.

"What ? ", Gemini said , his smile slowly fading.

"Is it true that you are her fiance ?", Fourth asked again , though he already knew the answer to that.

"Hey , don't think about that. We are nothing , she means nothing to me , you are the only person I love and want to be with ", Gemini said , trying to cover up the mess.

Fourth sighed.

"Fourth , don't sigh like that , come on", Gemini said.

"You should finish things with one person before starting something with another. Lia , I am sorry , I didnt know that you guys were engaged", Fourth said.

"If you are sorry then stay away from him ", Lia said.

"I will", Fourth replied as Gemini's heart sank.

He held onto Fourth's hands tightly as he said.

"I'll break the engagement , give me some time please ", Gemini said.

"Let's talk after you are single then ", Fourth said as he walked away from the place.

Gemini still followed behind to make sure Fourth reached the class safely. He couldn't risk it with Fourth.


"Hello ", Gun said as the door opened.

The lady smiled as she saw Gun and bowed a bit.

Is Off home ? Gun asked.

The lady was shcoked , she didn't expect for  Gun to use sign language. She assumed that he must be a very good friend of Off for Off to tell him that his mother was deaf.

No, he went out to play. But come in , he should be back in a while. The lady said.

Thank you. Gun replied as he walked in.

The house in which Off lived in was nice and cozy. It wasn't too big and not to small. Just the right size for a family of three.

He sat down as Off's mother got him some snacks before sitting down herself.

So how did you and Off meet ? He has never mentioned you so I am very curious. His mother said.

We met at an art event. He was presenting his work and I was there with my brothers to watch it. We coincidentally met , he was very friendly. Gun said.

His mother was in awe , it had been a long time since someone used sign language with her.

You are really good at sign language. When did you learn it ? The lady asked.

Gun smiled a bit before saying.
Actually , I can't hear , so I had to learn sign language to communicate.

The lady was even more shocked.
You learnt to speak without being able to hear ?

You can learn it too. You just need to feel the vibrations of the sounds and memorize them. Each vibration makes a different sound. If the vibration is faint and heavy on your neck the voice is deep if it's tingling and light then it's high. Gun explained.

Can I try it ? The lady asked.

Gun nodded a yes. The lady takes a deep breath as she opens her mouth trying to say something but no sounds come from her mouth. Disappointed in herself , she stops.

It's alright , since you haven't spoken for such a long time it will take time for your body to be able to speak again. Just keep trying , one day you'll be able to speak. Gun said.

Thank you. Your parents really raised you well , did they learn sign language too to teach you how to speak. The lady asked.

No , my parents are very busy to be able to learn sign language. My brother's helped in that department. I have two younger brothers , one of them is blind and the other can't speak. We all help each other communicate. If I want to talk to James then I have to use sign language cause he can't speak and with Fourth since he can't see I have to speak , that way I am good at both. Gun said.

You are a lovely boy , Gun. I wish my son stays friends with you for a long time. The lady said.

I hope so too. We both actually had a bit of a misunderstanding so I wanna talk it out with him. Gun said.

What happened ? she asked.

You don't need to worry about it , just small causal fights between friends. We will get over it soon , then I'll come visit as well. We can have many conversations. Gun said.

The lady smiled as well.

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