Should we too ?

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The trio had woken up pretty late the next day. As they hurried to the dinning table to have breakfast they met with a surprise.

"Hi James ", Min's voice came.

James looked up to Min shocked.

"I met him while I headed to the store, can you imagine , he was only having cup noodles for his breakfast so I asked him to come over", their mother said.

James took a seat beside Min while the others also sat on the chairs which they usually sit on. Min had brought his car so he and James went together , meanwhile Gun dropped Fourth off to his school.

As they drove by , Min spoke up ,

"I heard you found another love interest. What was his name ? Net right ."

Shut up. James said.

"You are the one that is shut James. You know I wasn't joking when I said that if I can't have you no one would. I don't want to do things you don't like so I'll appreciate that you cooperate with me and get rid of Net as soon as possible ", Min said.

What the fuck is wrong with you !!! We broke up ages ago , you should stop harassing me now. And I can spend time with as many people as I want. I don't need to consider your feelings anymore. James exclaimed.

"That's mean James. Especially after everything we have been through. I gave you whatever you wanted and here you are, telling me to go away. Sorry but that isn't happening ", Min said.

You have to leave me alone Min , you are pyshcotic. James said.

"You know I still have that video of yours. The one which I made , in which you bend down on the floor naked ..." Min said as he watched James' reaction.

Stop it stop it , I don't wanna hear it !!!! James said.

"That's the fun part James , you have to hear it cause you can hear , but you can never say anything about it ", Min said in amusement.

James was on the verge of tears.

Min started laughing , before saying ,

"Exactly , those slight tears you had in your eyes when I told you to put that stick in your hole but it was so big that it hurt you. I love it James , that's the best thing about you, I love it when you cry ."

James stopped his tears. He felt like he was tearing apart. Min , a very unwanted part of his life. He had met Min in early high school where both the boys seemed to realised their feelings for each other and became boyfriends. It was perfect until James found out that Min had been stalking him since middle school, slowly making a plan and evolving into a guy that James can fall in love with.

Min was horrified the time James found out , but James wanting to give the possibility of true love a chance and told Min it was alright and that this showed him that Min was very determined about James. That was the biggest mistake he did, if he had just freaked out and broken up with Min that day nothing bad would have happened.

After hearing that James found it impressive , Min showed his true colours. Showing all his possession , obsessiveness and hardcore love to James. He had recorded a sex video of James , which he had forced James to make and with that video in his hands , he could control James with a flick of his finger.

Them as a couple were well known in the school so to save himself from everything , James fooled Min into cheating on him. Everyone in school saw Min as a jerk but then it was later revealed that Min was fooled , though it was never revealed that it was James' plan , it ended being blamed on the person who slept with Min.

Still James got out of the school in a flick and got his enrollment in Emerald , never expecting to see Min again. James had never told anyone about this , not even his brothers that's what always made them think that Min and James were a star couple that was just meant to be.


"So what did your parents say to P'Gun ?", Gemini asked sweetly as he and Fourth sat next to each other as always.

"They scolded him , but P'Jmaes handled it well. But , the problem has only been delayed, it won't be soon till they ask about it again. P'Gun said he would just introduce Off formally and try to work it out with them", Fourth said.

"Ummm, so like , should we too ? ", Gemini asked.

"Should we what ?", Fourth asked.

"Like , should I also introduce myself , won't it be a problem if we get caught like them as well", Gemini said.

"If you want to meet them , I can make you meet them , it's not a problem for me ", Fourth said.

Gemini was surprised how lightly this was being taken by Fourth.

"You aren't afraid they would lash out or something ?", Gemini asked genuinely confused.

"You are a nice guy Gemini , I don't think they would object , besides it's not like I'll listen even if they do lash out", Fourth said.

"Thanks ", Gemini said after few moments of silence. Fourth looked at him confused.

"Thanks for believing in me so much", Gemini said as Fourth smiled.

Suddenly there was a vibration on his phone. Gemini checked it for Fourth.

"Your parents texted in the group chat. They are saying that Gun needs to bring Off for dinner and if any of you guys have lovers , they should come too", Gemini read out.

"I guess you will meet them now ", Fourth said.


"Didn't expect this from you , we trusted you when you said that you were studying outside", their father said as Fourth came home with Gemini.

Gemini bowed and wished the elders but got no response from them. Both of them walked to the dining area where all the others were already there.
Off and Gun were the main attraction , Beside them were Min and James. Though from Min's face it was clear that he wasn't there as a boyfriend but invited by the trio's parents.

"Let's start with both of you then , Off , what did you like about Gun, actually let's just get to the main question. Doesn't his disability bother you ?", their father asked.

"Why would it ? Actually my mother is also deaf. Though I guess it's true , that if god takes something he gives something in return. The way he is , it took me a long time before I knew he was deaf. But I never cared about it when I fell in love with him so it didn't matter later afterwards as well", Off said.

Hearing that Off's mother was deaf , gave the parents some consolation that Off would know how to be around Gun. Still protective over their child they keep questioning Off.

"Just let the love birds be ", a voice came as everyone looked in that direction.

"Grandma !!", Fourth yelled in glee.

He started moving his hands around to feel her a she walks up to him.

"How are you all ?", She asked cheerfully.

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