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So that guy from the coffee shop , Gemini likes me and he had this other guy that basically owns a hotel find Gun so he could find me. Fourth repeated the situation to make sure he was understanding everything.

Yeah , exactly. James said.

Aren't young people ambitious nowadays. Gun remarked as the trio sighed together.

Should we tell mom and dad ? James asked.

What no ! Fourth said.

Bad idea. Gun said as well.

So what are we gonna do ? James questioned.

First thing is , Fourth do you like him ? Gun asked.

Like him ? I didn't even remember that dude. I met him like once , how can I judge him based on that. Fourth said.

Ok new question, do you wanna try dating someone ? Gun asked.

I don't know , he doesn't seem to know that I am blind. He will leave the second he knows that. Fourth said.

Then we should test that out. Tell him you are blind and we will see if he still stays. If he does then we can think forth. James suggested

That's actually not a bad idea. Gun said.

But it's fishy coming from him, he isn't too good at such comments. Fourth said.

You! James scolded as he started to tickle Fourth. Fourth laughed out loud making Gun smile as well.

"Aren't they getting along today", there mother silently whispered to her husband who were standing at the doorway and trying to understand what the boys were talking about.

"They have really grown up , James came home alone today. Also he won his race", their father said proud.

"Really ! We should get him something to celebrate. He hadn't been in that college for long and he already is winning things ", their mother said as the couple walked away from the room.


"I met him , he was as sweet as sugar as hot as fire ", Net went on with his cheezy lines.

"What is wrong with him ?", Gemini said.

"This is what we call a lovestruck Net", Off said.

"Well that's good but I am still at a loss here. What about you ?", Gemini asked.

"Oh well I hit the jackpot , he goes to my college. He is a first tier student in engineering ", Off said as Net spits his drink on the other end of the room.

"You are bold Off , dating a first tier engineer is like giving a proposal to Charles Darwin ", Net said.

"Are first tier students really that smart ", Gemini asked.

"Yeah , they have to have a certain level of IQ to be admitted in the first tier and engineering has the lowest number of first tier students ", Net said.

"How many ?", Gemini asked.

"Two ", Off said.

"Wait really , only two. So like Off's crush and someone other student ", Gemini said.

"Yeah , it's really hard to get in the first tier. I would never dare to go for someone in the first tier of that place. They are way above my level ", Net said.

"Well , love doesn't look at what tier that person is in. Besides he seemed like a cool guy. The first day I met him he was listening to levitating by Dua lipa. He talked really well with me as well , not arrogant at all ", Off said.

"So how do you plan to make him fall for you ? ", Gemini asked.

"Well I need to meet him first then I'll probably confess. Let's see what happens after that ", Off said.

"Meeting him is like getting a solo show from Taylor Swift ", Net said.

"Ok can we stop the comparisons. I need motivation ", Off said.

"Nah bro you need reality ", Gemini said and started to laugh along with Net while Off made a pissed off face.


Are we really gonna do this ? Fourth asked for the 1000th time.

Yes we are , you are clearly interested in seeing how such life goes. You shouldn't let something like being blind stop you from it. Take your chances , opportunities don't come often. Gun said.

Don't be nervous Fourth , we are there for you. Just tell the truth and if he says something mean knock him out. James said.

Yeah ok , that is much better. I'll see you guys after school then. Fourth said as he got inside the school. One of his friends helped him get inside. James and Gun then went to the college.

So what's up with that guy you are dealing with ? Gun asked.

Fourth was driving so he found an excuse to not reply to Gun. Gun sat patiently till they reach college grounds and throughout the way up he questioned James about it. They were still talking when Gun's path was blocked.

"Hey ", Off's voice came.

Gun didn't catch the words but only the fact that Off was standing in front of him.

"You ?", Gun said.

(Wow , he is speaking ) James thought as Gun barely speaks with them.

"So ummm, I have something to tell you ", Off said with a rather nervous tone.

"What is it ?", Gun asked.

"Gun I -", Off was gonna speak but Missy walks in.

"Can I borrow you for some time Gun", Missy said.

Gun looked back at James asking permission to go from his eyes. Only when James nodded in approval Gun followed behind Missy.

"What do you need ", Gun asked.

Missy was walking ahead of him. Without looking back , she replied,

"You know Off likes you ."

Gun didn't give any response.

Missy then turned around and said,

"But you can't steal him from me ."

Gun was very confused. He couldn't hear what Missy had said before because she had her back towards him.

"What am I stealing ?", Gun asked , based on the last thing he understood from Missy's mouth.

"You should just be the star student you are. Why are you distracting people that are meant to be with other people ", Missy continued.

"Missy what are you saying ?", Gun said.

Missy smirked as she turned around and walked away.

(The hell is her problem ) Gun thought as he returned back to his class where James had already left Gun's bag.

Gun was wondering what Off wanted to tell him but he thought it could wait. Focusing back on his studies Gun stares at the teachers lips trying to absorb as much as possible. Since there were only two people in his class including him , the teacher could take things at a slow pace and let Gun know every word he said.

"What are you doing after school?", the person beside him asked. Gun kept on doing his work.

The boy sighed as he knocked on Gun's desk to catch his attention. Gun looks his way as the boy speaks again,

"What are you doing after school ?"

"Going home ", Gun says as he packs his stuff quickly and exits the class.

He didn't like the boy he studied with , he was a bully though he had never bullied Gun. But Gun had seen him brutally bully other kids and discrminate them against their education level. He took off down to his car a bit earlier and sat inside to wait for James.

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