Let it be

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"Well Net , you know we have something called a door. You don't really need to use the window. We are okay with all of you guys dating", their mother said after finding , James and Net in one room.

"Let it be , they seemed to have a good night", their grandmother said.

We didn't do any funny business. James said.

"I know , that's why I said good. I like him, you should keep dating him ", Their grandmother said as Net forms a bright smile on his face.

The parents just went along with the conversation. After breakfast , Net went home while the trio went to their respective educational institutions.


"This is actually pretty hard", Net said to himself as he climbed up the wall of the college and entered the premises. He walked quietly around the place looking for his lover but he found someone else instead.

"You shouldn't be moving around here you aren't allowed ", Off said.

"Oh hi", Net said as he waved to Off.

"You shouldn't be here , are you searching for James ? You can find him after college ends you know ", Off said.

"Is there a problem if I meet him now ? Besides I am too curious , I need to ask him something ", Net said.

"What ?", Off asked.

"Oh wait , even you might know , tell me what these signs mean ", Net said as he started to sign.

Thank you for not rapping me , thank you for not abusing me , thank you for loving me.

Off's eyes widened as he looked at what Net was signing.

"What does it mean ? James said it to me yesterday but he wouldn't translate it ", Net said.

"He was just thanking you for loving him ", Off said.

"Oh come on , I know he said more than that . Translate everything word by word", Net said.

Off sighed. Thank you for not rapping me , thank you for not abusing me , thank you for loving me. That's what he said.

Net freezes.

"What ?", Net says , not being able to believe that his lover was going through so much.

"I know you must be shaken but try to talk to him after college. That would be better for him", Off said.

Net just slightly nodded. He then leaves the premises , still pondering upon the words that James told him.

"Who could it be ?", Net thought deeply as he was gonna exit the place .

He climbs over the wall and starts to walk towards his house when he sees someone else.

"Isn't that Min", Net thought as he looked at the artist that seemed to be roaming with his friends.

"I already told you he couldn't get over me. Besides he is hot , it was nice to have him under me", Min told his friends.

"What if he tells someone bro ?", one of his friend said.

"What will he tell, he can't speak and he is too embarrassed to say anything anyway. I have all of his moments in my phone. I also have other people here , you want to see few ?", his friend asked as Net's blood boiled.

With anger and a goal set in his mind he walks towards the friends crashing into Min. They both fall down.

"I'm so sorry , I was in a hurry ", Net said as he got up and helped Min stand up as well.

"It's fine ", Min said with a disgusted face as Net nodded and ran away.
Min walked with his friends when suddenly panic struck him.

"My phone is missing ", he said in panic as he started to search his pockets.

Meanwhile Net was sitting in a cafe trying to break into Min's phone. It didn't take much to hack into it. The jerks phone was filled with texts of random people sending him pictures on his request.

Disgusted by the behaviour Net gives a call to a media station and told them that he has a hot story for them to release.


"Hey ", Net called out as James looked in his direction.

James held Gun's hand which made him look in the same direction.

Gun smiled as he saw Off standing beside Net. He ran to his boyfriend and hugged him while James slowly walked to Net.

"I wouldn't mind the run hug as well you know", Net said with a slight pout as James gave a quick peck on his cheek.

I felt , doing this would be better. James said as he opened the car door and sat inside.

"If you are gonna do it , do it on the lips ", Net said as he sat in the driver's seat.

Gun sat at the back with James while Off took his place in the passenger seat.


"I can't imagine he turned out to be someone like that. How horrible. I hate that boy. He didn't do anything bad to you did he James ? ", their mother asked worried.

I'm fine. James said.

"That means he is fine ", Gun interpreted for the parents.

"Well you have a better guy now so just focus on him instead ", Net said cheekily as he patted James' head.

"I have a more lovely boyfriend !", Fourth said as Gemini blushed.

"Well all got the best boyfriends ", Off said as he looked at Gun.

A special meal for all the boyfriends together with the trio's family. It was beautiful and fun just like their lives from now on.


(Author's note : Sorry if the ending is a bit rushed. Do check out the other story Villan and thank you for reading this story❤️)

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