Infor Sheet for Izuael's pet

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Name: Kelly and Kevin

Species: Saint Bernewfie/Wolf hybrid (runt)

Family Line

Start ---› Saint Bernard (Grandfather) + Newfoundland (Grandmother) = Saint Bernewfie (Mother) + Northwestern Wolf (father) = Saint Bernewie Wolfdog (Kelly and Kevin) ‹--- End

Gender: Hermaphrodite (Male and Female)

Age: 3 weeks old

Height: 0.2 feet (6.096 cm) (2.4 inches)

Weight: 10 pounds

Quirk: Supreme Hellhound (Hellhound Quirk times two plus Magic being absorbed)

Condition for Quirk: Master Bond to active

Medical Condition:



Hyperthermia (VN a.k.a Vet Note: Until they can control their Quirk once they are grown up, they'll need to have a Quirk Cancellation collar on their necks twenty-four/seven. Vet's orders)

Note: Do to Izumi's magic leeching out of her sometimes and how powerful it is, Kelly and Kevin absorbed some of her magic causing their Quirk; the Hellhound Quirk to fuse together cause of Izumi's magic and it caused a small reaction as including Magic and Quirks makes the Quirks to mutate a bit more than normal in this time of age fully

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