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Some people have gathered in a meeting on the top floor of the Gown tower. Some of them are sitting next to a huge table in the room, and some are standing by the table. This room is very spacious and luxurious. There are many flags, paintings, works of art, etc. hanging on the walls of the room. Which is enhancing the beauty of the room. Also from this room, you can enjoy the view of the whole city. Since this is the tallest building in the city.

A skeleton currently sitting next to the table. Who is looking at some documents with his bright red eyes. Also, some screen is floating in front of him.

"Energy crystals are found in the special region."

"Yes my emperor"

Ragnarok pulled out a green crystal from his storage.

"The energy crystals we found in the special region are very different. With the help of this energy crystal, we can drive vehicles. One gram of this energy crystal can run a car for 6 months without stopping."

"Great," said Energy minister

"But if that happens, many people's businesses will suffer. As a result of these crystals, vehicles can run for many months without refueling. In this, the vehicles that are driven using electricity, magic, oil, etc. will become useless. Also, the business of people who sell electricity, magic, oil, etc. as fuel will collapse."

"Yes, I know. For this reason, we will only use it in military vehicles. Also, this crystal will be useful to us in many ways. We are exploring to find more such mines in the special region."



Ainz then looked at a woman.

She is one of the Chief sorcerscientist of the Sorcerous Empire

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She is one of the Chief sorcerscientist of the Sorcerous Empire. If she looks young. However, her age is much higher

"Ana, how is your research going?"

She got up from her seat nervously.

She bowed his head respectfully towards Ainz.

"Lord Ainz, We have discovered all the knowledge about this gate. We are confident of making such a gate using the Dragon Emperor's stone. Through which we can go to another world."


The woman sat up straight in her seat.

Although Ana had attended such meetings many times before. But even then she was as nervous as ever. Because she is a Human of the new world. Who has been given the right to sit here because of her qualifications. But even then she feels uncomfortable all the time. Because here, Ainz and his companions are equal to or above the gods. Although people's mentality has improved a lot over the years. But they still consider Ainz and his people to be great. And Ana is sitting with these great and legendary people. So she is feeling uncomfortable. When many people do not get this opportunity.

Gate: Thus the Sorcerous Empire Fought ThereWhere stories live. Discover now