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Author's Notes:

I literally forgot how many village elders there are in Akita's village-
Also, this is going to be a Lloyd/Akita fic. Please don't kill me.

~✦ ✧ ✦ ✧~

One step in front of the other. One step in front of the other. She kept on repeating that like if she didn't repeat it for one second, then she and her whole family would die. One step in front of the other. One step in front of the other.

She didn't age anymore, since the Ice Emperor's reign. It seems that even his ice had frozen her body's aging. She wouldn't be able to grow up and watch the children grow alongside her and watch the younger generations pass the trial. At least she didn't have to go on her cycle every month.

Only one thing was on her mind; revenge. Revenge for her frozen family. Revenge to melt her frozen body. Revenge against the Ice Emperor.

Stay in wolf form. Only go into human form if necessary.

It's what she told herself every day.

Don't rest unless you're about to faint.

Keep going. Just a little farther.

Do it for the ones who died at the Ice Emperor's hand.

Do it for your family.

Do it for Kataru.

Someone in the distance was calling her name. She sniffed the air. Wolves. And from the sound of it, someone was being attacked by them.

She immediately turned around and dashed to the source of the cry, and saw a boy with blonde hair and a bright green suit holding out a sliver sword trying to fend off the grey wolves attacking him. Something about the boy pulled her in. She wanted to learn everything about him, protect his hopes and dreams, and shield him from the world.

She quickly shook her head of those thoughts. She had heard stories of people falling in love, and she didn't have time for teenage drama right now. She had priorities.

She leaped from her position and onto the attacking wolves, giving the green guy some help. The wolves were easily scared and they ran away once they realized they didn't have a chance of beating them.

She turned to the boy in green to check if he was alright. The boy was grinning at her.

"Thanks, Akita!"

Wait, that's not how the memory goes! He doesn't know her name!

The world swirled around her, but the boy in green's voice only became clearer.

"Akita! Akita!" His voice changed tones and started sounding more like Kataru.

"Akita!" She bolted awake and knocked her head against Kataru's.

"Ow!" They both cried upon impact. Kataru stumbled back as Akita flopped back down on her futon, both rubbing their foreheads.

"Why'd you wake me up?" Akita asked as she sat up. "The sun hasn't even risen yet."

"It's midday and the village elders called for everyone," Kataru grumbled.

Akita looked outside the window to see a pink and purple sky. She looked back at Kataru, unimpressed.

"And that's exactly why the elders want everyone to come outside," Kataru answered her question. "About the strange sky."

Kataru left her to get ready, and Akita leaped out of her bed and threw on the closest and cleanest clothes she could find.

Dragons Rising: The Merge: The RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now