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AN: This is a silly, but will get explicit story I wrote to help me through my burnout because while I may be struggling, I will never abandon Vegas and Pete. 

I hope you enjoy. 

Please note: This is an Assassin!Pete AU, so there is an attempted shooting that takes place at a school function in Chapter 2. No one gets hurt, but this is a serious topic and can be triggering, so I wanted to make everyone fully aware. The scene is very quick and there is some panic. Please take of yourself when reading. 


You make my life so hard

But that's what gets me off

I had a thousand bad times

So what's another time to me?

You try to burn my house down

But what's another house to me?

'Cause I can take anything that you give me

It's gonna take a lot more to kill me, bitch

So thank you for the grave

I needed me a place to sleep

-Post Malone, "A Thousand Bad Times"

    Nin Saengtham stepped in a wide circle, keeping a grimace on her face and her eyes on her prey. In her outstretched arm was a pistol, her other hand hovered close to the blade she kept on her belt. She knew better than to underestimate a Theerapanyakul. Especially one that was trying to negotiate.

Korn held his own pistol, but his stance was more lax. He despised getting his hands dirty.

"Is this really necessary?" he drawled. With a sigh, he made a show of turning the safety on before removing his bullets. When Nin cocked her head to the side, he removed the shell from the chamber as well with a small laugh. He set the pistol on the table between them just out of easy reach and took a seat. After a long pause, Nin sat down as well. She set her gun down, but well within her reach with the bullets in it and the safety off. She wasn't stupid.

"You said you wanted to make a proposal?" Nin barked. She wanted to get home to her grandson. He was still young and needed her. Especially now that he was an orphan.

"How many have you lost now, Khun Nin?"

"Too many. At the hands of you and your men."

Korn exhaled slowly. He had to tread carefully if he wanted to put an end to this generationally transmitted feud. Neither side could even remember anymore who had started it. They only needed it to end peacefully before the children became involved. Enough lives had been lost as it was, and while Korn didn't mind using his offspring as pawns, he didn't intend for them to be uselessly thrown away. Instead, he intended to use the newest pawn that had recently fallen into his lap. After the most recent attacks, Korn found himself to be an only child, with his young nephews in need of a warden. Nin had lost her daughter at the same time, with her worthless son-in-law long gone. Korn always suspected Nin had cut that rake down herself. Good riddance.

"Your grandson is the same age as my nephew, Vegas."

"And that matters because...?"

"You and I are getting older, and you know that they will be the ones to take our places. They are still so young, barely in grade school. Shouldn't we try to move past this meaningless conflict for their sake? To give them somewhat of a stable life?"

"Are you saying I should not train Pete in the family business? I should let him get soft and ripe for you to catch him unawares when he is older? Go fuck yourself."

Korn rubbed a hand across his forehead while he counted slowly to ten in his head. He knew it would not be easy to negotiate. Not after so much bloodshed. He thought about his young boys, about Tankhun, who was already traumatized after being kidnapped by a different group, and pressed forward.

"I have a better idea, if you will hear me out."

When Nin didn't argue, Korn continued.

"I say we make a truce. Here and now. To show our good faith, I will offer up my dear nephew Vegas as your grandson's future husband. I want to keep this a secret from the boys, for the time being. I will let you raise your grandson as you see fit, and if both boys survive until they are 21, they are to be wed."

"Survive? Are you planning on still trying to kill us in the meantime?"

"No. I will put an end to the bloodshed if you agree to do the same. Heaven knows we both have enough enemies to keep us both occupied. In exchange, Pete can hone his skills using Vegas as a guinea pig. I will guide Vegas in survival tactics, to offset Pete's attacks. This way they can both grow to be the best in this larger game we both play. If they live to meet on their wedding day, Vegas will have one of the world's best assassins as his partner and personal bodyguard and Pete shall have the power and influence that being a part of my empire brings."

Nin drummed her fingers across the table loudly while she contemplated Korn's offer. It sounded insane, but she, too, was tired of the losses. She only had Pete left, and this was the best way to ensure his safety. Not having to worry about the Theerapanyakuls so directly would allow her to focus her efforts elsewhere, as well, such as training more disciples.

"You promise none of your men and none of your sons will make a move against Pete?"

"Outside of the men assigned to help protect Vegas, Pete will not be targeted. You have my word."

The drumming stopped as Nin stood. "I will not slack with Pete's training. You had better be prepared. If Vegas proves himself to be worthy of a Saengtham assassin, then I will agree to their marriage."

Korn smiled and stood to shake her hand across the table. "We have a deal then. I will leave it to your discretion as to when you want to start the...attempts. I will see you at the engagement party, then."

Nin nodded, wiping her hand on her pants before picking her gun up again. As she walked out the door, she only hoped she had made the right decision.

A Thousand Bad Times (So What's Another Time to Me?) ~ A VegasPete AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя