Chapter 14

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    Vegas smiled to himself as he tapped his phone on his thigh. He still couldn't believe that he had found his mystery man, Pete, so easily. It was like they were destined to meet. Vegas tried not to bombard him with texts, but his heart jumped every time he saw that Pete was replying.

"You seem to be in a good mood for someone who almost just died this week," Macau said as he sat down next to Vegas on the couch.

"I am," Vegas replied, smiling at his brother. "I met someone."

"Gross," Macau teased. "What are they like?"

"Very interesting. I met him at my party and we just...clicked. In a crazy way. I got his number and we are taking it slow. Just texting for now."

"Texting or sexting? Don't answer that."

Vegas laughed. "Just texting, but that's not a bad idea."

Macau made a gagging sound. "Well, make sure you pack your phone charger so you can keep texting him."

Vegas nodded, his mouth turning down into a frown for the first time in days. He had been smiling so much lately as he and Pete talked. They talked about their taste in music, their favorite shows, and their favorite foods. Pete really liked food, and Vegas wanted to cook for him one day. He could easily picture that perfect mouth as Pete licked sauce from its corner, his pink tongue darting out to tease Vegas. Would he moan if the food was good enough?

Vegas was well aware of how strong their initial chemistry had been, but he was delighted to find that his interest hadn't waned the least as he got to know Pete. If anything, it had only gotten stronger. He really wanted to see Pete again, but knew he had to respect his boundaries. At least he would have a nice distraction while he was sequestered away for his own safety. After the last attack and after they discovered the guard missing from the roster shortly after, Korn had decided Vegas could use some time away at one of the family safe houses.

Vegas had protested, of course, but Macau had begged him to reconsider. At least for his sake, and Vegas had relented. He packed just the necessities as he didn't plan on being there long, and went with a handful of guards.

After the guards did an initial sweep to make sure no one was inside, Vegas entered to do his more thorough check. Over the years of various hotel rooms, vehicles, and vacation spots being tampered with in various ways, Vegas had a long list of places to check. After telling the guards not to touch anything, Vegas started in the kitchen. He couldn't smell any gas, but he still moved to check the line. All it would take was someone lighting a match and the whole place would blow.

He didn't see the guard slip away from the others to use the bathroom.

Benz always did have a weak bladder.

Luckily for Vegas, he was low on the ground when the explosion ripped through the house. The bathroom was on the far end of the house, so Vegas and the rest of the men managed to walk away with scratches and small cuts. Benz was not so lucky.

When Vegas's ears stopped ringing, his men had already folded him into the car to rush back to the compound. The doctor checked him over as Kinn and Korn rushed into the room.

"What happened?" Kinn asked.

Vegas winced as he shifted on the examination table, waving the doctor away. "I'm fine. Benz didn't make it, though. I was checking the place out and he wandered off. The next thing I knew, the whole place was fucking gone."

Korn looked at Kinn before excusing himself.

"Does Macau know?" Vegas asked.

"Not yet. He left to work on a school project."

"Good. No use in stressing him out unnecessarily."

Kinn nodded solemnly and pulled out his phone to update Porsche before hurrying to his father's office.

Korn glanced up when Kinn knocked on the door before entering. He waved for Kinn to take a seat as he continued his conversation.

"Nin, I'm sure you understand the situation is very tenuous right now. You say you have told Pete to stop, but he is disobeying. I cannot protect him if he keeps trying to kill my nephew at this point."

"Pa," Kinn whispered, "If I may?"

"Khun Nin, one moment," Korn said, putting the call on speaker. "My son might have a suggestion."

"Hello, Khun Nin," Kinn called. "Porsche and I have been working on getting Vegas and Pete closer. From what I understand, they have been texting fairly regularly and seem to be interested in each other."

"But Pete doesn't know it's him?" Nin clarified.

Kinn winced. "No, and Vegas doesn't know who Pete is either. But I think if we can force them into proximity, we might have a chance at getting them to work this out."

"That," Nin said, "Or one of them will end up dead. No disrespect, but it won't be Pete. How do you propose we get them to work together? There's no way Pete would agree."

"There might be one," Kinn said.

A Thousand Bad Times (So What's Another Time to Me?) ~ A VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now