Chapter 12

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    Vegas had to stop himself from rushing past Kinn as they entered the small bar. The place was practically empty, so it didn't take long for Vegas to spy them at the small booth near the back. The taller, tanned man was who Vegas prayed Kinn referred to as his boyfriend. Sure enough, right across the booth, the guy Vegas had been dreaming about was there. He had a black cap pulled low over his face, but Vegas would recognize that mouth anywhere. The gorgeous mouth was moving quickly and Vegas almost fainted seeing a sharp dimple appear as Pete frowned. Before they could move closer, Pete stormed out.

Vegas followed quickly, hurrying down a dark hallway to exit to a side alley. He looked both ways, but Pete was already gone. Vegas turned to kick the door.

"Is he a fucking ghost?" Vegas snarled, biting his lip. Realizing that Kinn was still inside with a source of information on Vegas's phantom menace, Vegas hurried back around to the front of the bar to join them.

"Hey, babe," Kinn smiled, bending over to kiss Porsche before joining him on the bench. Porsche, always an affectionate person, immediately wrapped himself around Kinn.

"Sorry," Porsche murmured into his neck. "He was just here but he got set off and left. We were so close."

"It's okay," Kinn said, pulling Porsche closer. "This might be a bad location anyway. Pete would probably just try and stab him."


"You're right. He tried to poison Vegas with chemicals today. Very nearly succeeded. It took a lot of balls for him to stroll right into our home like he did."

"I told you," Porsche giggled. "Pete looks soft and sweet but he's a sadistic bastard. Well, where your cousin is concerned, at least."

"Speak of the devil," Kinn replied, pulling away from Porsche enough to wave Vegas over to their table.

"It's him. I know it. The guy from the party," Vegas panted as he sat down.

After a beat, Kinn awkwardly announced, "Porsche, this is my cousin Vegas, Vegas, this is my boyfriend Porsche."

"Pleased to finally meet you," Porsche said, nodding his head respectfully.

"Likewise," Vegas sighed, remembering his manners enough to nod back. "I'm surprised you aren't sick of this bastard yet."

"Not yet," Porsche teased, sending heart-eyes in Kinn's direction. After a wink, he turned back to Vegas to say, "Sorry Pete bailed. Something came up."

"Pete? Pete. Pete..." Vegas whispered to himself with a soft smile.

Leaning over, Porsche whispered to Kinn, "You're right, babe. He's got it bad."

"Can I have his number?" Vegas blurted. "Kinn said you guys went to our school, and your little brother goes to school with mine, too. I just want to reach out to Pete. If he's not interested, I promise I won't bother him."

"For some reason, I don't quite believe you. Normally, I would say it's not cool to give out someone else's number, but I think the situation warrants it. Just don't tell him your name. Not at first."

"Why not?" Vegas asked, narrowing his eyes.

Kinn glanced at Porsche quickly and added. "Because of our family reputation. If he finds out you're a Theerapanyakul, he might not speak to you again."

"You're right," Vegas whispered, slumping back in the booth. Their name did come with strings. Over the years, several people flirted with them only hoping to be spoiled by the wealth. Others tried to get close to exploit them for their business ties. Others yet posed a very real threat.

"Here, give me your phone," Porsche demanded. Once Pete's number was safely in Vegas's phone and his phone was back in his hands, Vegas immediately sent off a text.

[Hello, Pete. Your brother gave me your number. He said we go to the same school. Is it okay if I text you?]

Porsche and Kinn made small talk while Vegas drummed his fingers on the table, anxiously awaiting a response.

A Thousand Bad Times (So What's Another Time to Me?) ~ A VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now