Chapter 15

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    Pete watched through binoculars as Vegas and his small team of guards entered the safe house. He didn't have to wait long until the explosion took out at least half the house, easily. A little C4 packed into the back of a toilet with a dead man's switch on the seat lid could do quite a bit of damage, it turned out.

Pete didn't celebrate yet, though. He knew Vegas was incredibly difficult to get rid of.

"This motherfucker!" Pete spat as he saw Vegas hurried out of the house, in one piece at that.

Pete knew he would be in deep shit with Yaai and he had nothing to show for it. There was no way for him to go home until he finished the job. Then he could deal with whatever punishment Yaai had to dole out before he fled the country.

He would miss Yaai, Porsche, and Chay, but he felt like he didn't have any other option. Not if Vegas's death meant the end of the truce. Besides, Pete had never personally agreed to those terms.

Moving quickly, Pete moved to the Theerapanyakul compound. They had beefed up security, he noticed, but he wasn't going to sneak in the same way as before. After some guards were distracted with a delivery that Pete had scheduled just for such an event, he slipped onto the grounds, hugging close to the corners and shadows. He wasted no time in scaling the balcony to slip into the house. Cautiously, he made his way to Vegas's room, remembering where it was on the map.

He heard voices coming down the hall, so Pete slipped into the room. Luckily, it was empty. Perfect. Pete could snoop around for a while and find the perfect place to hide for Vegas to return. He didn't appear to be that injured, so Pete doubted they would take him to the hospital. Not when there was medical staff on hand.

Pete didn't have to wait long. Footsteps from the hall got louder and louder as someone approached. Pete quickly slipped into the bathroom where he wouldn't be easily seen, taking the blade from the sheath on his belt as he waited for Vegas to enter the room.

From the sound of the footsteps, Vegas was alone. Pete had made sure to cover his face, as usual, so he could slip out as quickly as he came in once the job was done.

Vegas had barely closed the door before Pete was stepping out to throw the knife at him. Somehow, Vegas turned enough that the blade only nicked his arm before embedding in the door with a loud thwack.

"You?" Vegas asked, unable to say more as Pete was throwing yet another knife at him.

Vegas pulled his gun out of his waistband and fired a quick shot, which Pete dodged. Vegas cursed as his lamp shattered. He had always liked that lamp.

Pete moved close, striking a few well-placed jabs, and knocked the gun out of Vegas's hand. He didn't have time to grab it, as Vegas landed a quick punch to his side. They had never been so close in a fight before, and Pete didn't know that Vegas had also been thoroughly trained in hand-to-hand combat just for such an occasion. After they each landed a few hits, they grappled as Vegas slammed Pete into his wardrobe.

"You've never tried more than once in a single day," Vegas grunted. "You must be desperate for my attention."

Pete cut his eyes and hooked a leg around the back of Vegas's knee. Before he could gain leverage, Vegas was reaching up and yanking his face mask off.

When he saw Pete's full face, Vegas froze. This gave Pete control again as he threw Vegas to the ground and ran to pull his knife out of the door. He knew the commotion would draw the guards any second, so he didn't have time to spare. He needed to end this, now.

"Time out!" Vegas screamed, putting his arms up.

"You don't get a time-out," Pete screeched. "This isn't a game!"

A Thousand Bad Times (So What's Another Time to Me?) ~ A VegasPete AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin