Chapter 11

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    Pete groaned loud enough for Porsche to hear him as they sat in a small booth at Hum Bar. The owner, Yok, was like a mom to Porsche so he loved to spend his time off there. Plus, she often gave him free drinks since he also worked there part-time.

"Quit your bitchin'," Porsche snapped with a smile. "I need you on your best behavior tonight."

"Why?" Pete quipped, running his hands through his hair again before tucking it under the ballcap he pulled down over his eyes. "It's dead in here. There's no one for me to embarrass you in front of."

"Well, there should be very soon."

Pete looked at Porsche carefully as he pulled his phone out for the millionth time to frown at the lack of text messages.

"Porsche," Pete warned in a low tone, "Tell me who we are meeting up with. Now."

"My boyfriend."


Porsche flailed his arms as he made a distressed whine. "Fine! My boyfriend is bringing his cousin."


"Because we've never been on a double date and we deserve it."

"Porsche, I don't date. You know this. I'm too-"

"I know! I know! You're too busy being a menace!"

Pete sighed heavily as Porsche pouted, taking a long sip of his drink as he pointedly looked anywhere but at Pete.

"Maybe I can give it a shot. Besides, if I was successful, then I'll have to find a new hobby."

"You're twisted," Porsche said, shaking his head.

Just then, the extra phone in Pete's pocket buzzed with a mass text. It was meant for the guard Pete had impersonated and said, "Khun Vegas had an emergency meeting today- all is clear- but starting tomorrow we expect all hands on deck."

"Fuck!" Pete hissed, hopping out of the booth.

"What's wrong?"

"It didn't work. How the fuck-? This motherfucker just won't die," Pete muttered. "Sorry, Porsche, I have to go run damage control and check for loose ends."

Before Porsche could protest, Pete grabbed his jacket and hurried to exit through the back alley.

A Thousand Bad Times (So What's Another Time to Me?) ~ A VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now