Chapter 3

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    In the years that followed, things only got weirder and weirder. With each attempt, Vegas filed what he learned away for the next attempt. All through high school, he looked over his shoulder and never trusted anyone, the one exception being his younger brother Macau.

He wasn't sure when his feelings toward the masked boy started to change, but he recognized it first when his attention to detail saved Macau from being poisoned when they were on vacation. That attempt had gotten their uncle's attention, Vegas was pleased to note. Korn had taken swift action and Vegas learned it was the activity of a rival family, seemingly unrelated to the masked mop-head. Vegas hadn't been that surprised, as the boy seemed to only delight in making his personal life hell. As long as he left Macau alone, Vegas could tolerate it.

Uncle Korn had started giving Vegas special assignments, much to his cousin Kinn's chagrin.

After he graduated high school and started university, the attacks escalated and increased in frequency, but Vegas became more and more adept at setting traps of his own to dissuade the assailant. Once, he had even managed to snag a small bit of fabric, although the wearer had managed to escape.

"You're obsessed with him," Macau teased for the millionth time.

"I'm more obsessed with keeping the same amount of blood in my body at all times."

"Macau," Kim interrupted, "We are just seeing a real-life example of survival of the fittest play out before our eyes."

Vegas rolled his eyes and went back to his Econ assignment.

"I bet he goes to your school," Tankhun said as he moved past Kim to get a glass of water. "I wonder if he's cute."

Vegas spun in his seat to glare at his eldest cousin for even suggesting something so heinous.

"What?" Tankhun blurted. "You've never seen his face, right? Maybe he's your type. Enemies-to-lovers is a popular trope for a reason, after all."

"My life is not one of your dramas, thank you very much," Vegas quipped.

Khun studied him closely with his arms crossed and said, "You fit the mold. You're rich, and I suppose someone might find you attractive. You're cold but adore your little brother. Very typical tsundere if you ask me."

"Yeah, well I didn't. I don't even want to know what that means."

Macau giggled, "He's got a point, Hia."

"Not you, too. No more hanging out with Khun to watch dramas. Clearly, it's rotting your brain."

Macau protested but Vegas just took his laptop to his room to finish his assignment in peace.

It didn't last long, as there was a knock on his door. Vegas reached for the gun he kept under his pillow before acknowledging the interruption.

"It's me," Kinn called gruffly. "Don't shoot me, please."

Vegas smiled but didn't release his hold on the weapon.


Kinn entered, slowly, closing the door behind him. He was careful when he bothered Vegas, since Vegas had once almost put a bullet through him.

Vegas put the weapon down finally as Kinn stood at the foot of his bed with his hands on his hips.

"Pa wants to know if you want anything special on the menu for your birthday party."

"I think 'birthday party' doesn't quite describe the disgustingly extravagant event he is throwing. I mean, a masquerade as the theme? Hundreds of people in attendance?"

"Kim's party next month will be even worse," Kinn retorted. "And mine was...well, you were there."

Vegas shivered at the memory. "I can't believe he's letting that many people in. I mean, someone has only been trying to kill me since forever. You might as well fly a fucking bat signal like 'Here! Come get Vegas!' It's careless."

Kinn frowned. Vegas knew Kinn detested anyone criticizing his precious Pa.

Speaking slowly, Kinn said, "The guest list will be properly vetted. No one that poses a threat to the Theerapanyakuls is getting in."

"Everyone will be wearing a mask and we don't even know who this guy is, only that he's very, very determined and capable."

"You sound like you almost admire him."

Vegas's jaw fell open as he sat in silence for a moment. He wasn't made speechless often, but he truly didn't know how to react. Did he admire the little shit that had been haunting him?


"Fuck off," Vegas snarled, "Unless you want to finish this project for me."

"That's my cue to go see what my boyfriend is doing."

Kinn gave a saccharine smile while Vegas made a light retching sound. Kinn had been dating a mystery boy for several weeks and no one had met him yet. They didn't even know his name.

Alone again, Vegas sighed. He would never tell his cousins or his brother, but hearing Kinn talk about his boyfriend made him wonder again if a relationship would ever be possible for him with the target on his back. Khun's suggestion of 'enemies-to-lovers' rang through his head again and Vegas shuddered. Perhaps, instead of trying to get someone to become a target with him, he would just try having a nameless fling. That might just scratch his itch enough.

A Thousand Bad Times (So What's Another Time to Me?) ~ A VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now