Chapter 5

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    Pete had been fidgeting the entire ride over to the party. Yaai had given up on telling him to sit still, resorting instead to a cacophony of heavy sighs. Porsche was not above telling him, however.

"You're going to wrinkle that suit if you don't cut that shit out."

Pete couldn't understand how the three of them were so calm. He hadn't been told where they were going, only that he wasn't allowed to bring a weapon. He had tried sneaking a knife in his boot, anyway, but apparently Yaai had been serious. She had Porsche pat Pete down thoroughly before they left the house.

"Now," Yaai said finally, "This event is very important for the future of our family. Especially important to your future, Pete. No killing. No maiming. No harming anyone. I'm serious. There is a truce at stake, here."

Chay piped up from the side, "What about self-defense, Yaai?"

Yaai smiled at him sweetly as Pete rolled his eyes. If he or Porsche had asked that same question they would have been glared at, at the very least.

"My sweet boy, no one is going to harm a hair on any of your heads tonight. If they do, I will handle them personally."

The car went quiet and Porsche elbowed Pete, leaning in to say, "Just relax and have fun tonight. These people rented out a mansion for a birthday party. Yaai told me their family and yours go way back. I heard the guy goes to our school, but I haven't met him yet. Who knows," Porsche added with a wicked grin, "Maybe we can find you a boyfriend tonight."

"Boyfriend, my ass. I'm too busy to date," Pete snapped.

"You're missing out," Porsche sighed. "My boyfriend is going to be there. So, once we get inside, you're on your own."

Pete leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, listening to his family make small talk while he planned his next move against Vegas Theerapanyakul.

Before getting out of the car, Yaai handed them each an intricate masquerade mask.

Pete was used to covering the lower half of his face, so this change made him feel like he was playing a character for the night. That was fine, he could do as his grandmother wanted. He just needed to stay out of trouble. 

A Thousand Bad Times (So What's Another Time to Me?) ~ A VegasPete AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें