015. "thank you?"

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the library episode was the only thing on aurora's mind, the only thing she could even comprehend

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the library episode was the only thing on aurora's mind, the only thing she could even comprehend. singing in the shower? nope. thinking about matt? obviously. eating breakfast? nope. debating wether or not she should face matt? yes. how many more could she list? most likely a thousand.

but being in an ap maths class at the start of the day, with taylor who was prying her with questions about why she was so quiet. and jackson who she was supposedly dating even though they'd only gonna on a single date.

"girl why you so down" is what the note taylor had impressively thrown from halfway across the room read. how their teacher hadn't seen was a mystery to her.

she read it keeping her solemn expression then picked up her pen scribbling down her response. she crumpled it back up, carefully watching the teacher until she turned around, before throwing it back to taylor who was waiting for her.

after taylor read "stfu i'm not" an annoyed expression waved over her face. taylor couldn't wait until class was over to go and yell at aurora to find out what the fuck happened. her current number one guess was matt.

then when she heard the loud ringing of the bell she was out of her seat in seconds, and bolting towards aurora who was nearly out the door. clearly eager to avoid taylor's interrogation disguised as important questions.

"yeah noo" taylor tugged on auroras shoulder catching up to her. "why are you so gloomy gloomy about matt?" that last word caused aurora to holt.

"why do you assume my solemn mood is caused by matt?" she asked.

"ok shut up with your fancy wording shakespeare" taylor said. she caught sight of jupiter who seemed to be looking for them also, beckoning her over with a "get the fuck over here we got tea" look.

when jupiter reached them she immediately knew something was up. "ok what happened with matt?"

"seriously why does everyone think i like matt" aurora grumbled annoyed. jupiter and taylor just looked at each other knowing another speech about why she 'hates' matt was about to happen. now they wanted leave more than anything.

"but seriously what happened?" they both asked in union.

"so basically we library"

this left them even more confused than a few seconds ago. they knew she was good at english and basically everything but at this moment she was not. if she was fumbling they knew intense shit happened.

"english please" taylor said gesturing her hands around.

"matt and i were at the library alone together—" the bell rung ending their conversation separating them to their respective next classes.

"sorry see yeah bye" aurora called to them as she sprinted to her next class eager to get away from a dreaded conversation. she knew she would eventually have to talk to them about it but that wasn't going to be in the sweaty halls of a monkey cage.

as she looked back she saw the faint silhouette of taylor's middle finger being held up at her then jupiter grappling it down. chuckling at the sight she was close to her science classroom until she bumped into a hard brick wall.

she'd dropped her phone and books spreading her notes all across the unwashed floors. the hard chest she!d bumped into simply bent down next to aurora helping her pick up her books and handing them to her.

before aurora could even say anything to them they simply walked off maintaining no eye contact or conversation.

"thank you?" aurora thought to herself finding herself dumbfounded at the interaction that just happened. it was nice that they'd helped to pick her things up and not walk always as if he didn't notice, but it was also a little rude that they walked off directly after.

she knew it wasn't going to stop her from thinking about the library for the rest of the day but it would still be on the back of her mind ready to pounce as soon as the library situation calmed down. she was the most overthinking person anyone could and has met.

matt strode down the halls shoving past the slow walkers, keeping his hood up and a minimal appearance to anyone he didn't already know. he'd already fucked himself over when he tried to make a move on aurora in the library.

but bumping into her at school in front of everyone - despite of no one watching, was the worst fucking thing he could do. at least he thought so for himself.

and helping her pick up her books, that was even worse. if he could fuck up any more he did. he certainly shouldn't have just brushed that off like it didn't happen and walk away, but it would've been awkward if he talked to her.

so he opted on the easier to execute harder to deal with plan. which would not end up well for him like everything did with aurora.

but he too ignored that train of thought like he did with other things involving aurora then headed straight for his next class trying not to worry about the drive home. it was either going to be the most awkward situation of his life or the most awkward situation of his life.

chris seemed to be last one who arrived at the van which was unusual considering how much he loved being able to pick his own special seat. so he got stuck sitting directly between a heated conversation with nick and jupiter.

they were stupidly arguing about how apple juice is better than orange at least nick was and jupiter was disagreeing.

and some who just magically aurora and matt were stuck at the front together which was happening more frequently nowadays. they were both trying their best not to talk and be unnoticed by the others so they would be able to avoid their burning questions.

which was unsuccessful when taylor got sick of nick and jupiter arguing and turned to aurora asking, "so what happened in the library?" it came out like it had poison dripping off it slicing through the air like a bullet.

matt came to a stop at the red light then turned his head to aurora giving her a cold stare. which she immediately understood.

he'd given her the "why the fuck did you tell her?". they may not have spoken aloud about the library but it was unspoken between them to keep it under wraps and to never talk about it. which was going smoothly, for about twenty four hours.

sorry not sorry about the cliffhanger but i wasn't half bothered to write the rest and i have no idea what to write anyway
binging gilmore girls - latest obsession
the thing that happened in the library is now being referred to as "library" it's official
DEFINITELY not 2 am and i'm posting on wattpad
LOVE THEM when they finally talk about the library it's going to be...

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