Chapter 1

119 0 3

May 25, 2013


The flames burn in a seemingly endless manner.

They dance and jump along in the hours of the night.

They do not care what is in their path.

They dance a certain dance of excitement and joy, along with anger and wrath, along with sadness and depression.


A few days later. Lumiose City, Kalos. We join in on a video call.

Professor Sycamore: "Hello? May I help you?"

Officer Jenny: "Hello, Professor Sycamore. I'm Officer Jenny of the Cyllage Police Force. How are you today, sir?"

Professor Sycamore: "I'm getting by. So, what's up?"

Officer Jenny: "Well first, when I heard the recent news, I was shocked. I'm so sorry to hear about Kalos Academy burning down."

Professor Sycamore: "Understood. It was indeed tragic when I found out, but I've had a couple of days to get myself together. It's nothing that was in our control, however. It got struck by lightning in that severe storm that night. Some things just happen, I guess."

Officer Jenny: "You're right. Have you taken care of all the insurance-related things?"

Professor Sycamore: "Of course."

Officer Jenny: "Now, for the obvious question. Where are you gonna go from here since you're not the instructor of the academy anymore?"

Professor Sycamore: "Ummm.... honestly, I'm not all that sure. Until I figure something out, I'll probably just go back to being a full-time professor doing research, which I'm actually quite tired of because of all the monotony."

Officer Jenny: "You'll figure something out. May I come to your office tomorrow to get you to sign some papers relating to the incident?"

Professor Sycamore: "Sure, that's fine."

The next day, darn it.

Professor Sycamore's office. The phone rings.

Professor Sycamore: "Can you get that, Jenny? Got my hands full over here."

Officer Jenny: "Sure." *answers phone* "Hello, Professor Sycamore's office." ........... "Sure, I'll get him." *turns to Sycamore* "Phone for you. It's Lucy."

Professor Sycamore: "Lucy? Hmm, wonder what she wants." *grabs phone* "Hello?"

Lucy: "Hi, Professor Sycamore. I heard what happened to your academy. How are you holding up?"

Professor Sycamore: "I'm doing fine for now. Just signing some papers about the incident and trying to figure out where to go from here. Did you have a good past year at your academy?"

Lucy: "My academy? Yeah, it was a great year! I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I love it here in Sinnoh, but lately, I've been thinking of moving back to Hoenn, but I don't know if I should because of the academy. So, I have a pretty big request. Would you be willing to move to Sinnoh and take my spot as the instructor of Sinnoh Academy? I know it's a lot I'm asking from you, and I'd understand if you didn't wa--"

Professor Sycamore: "Are you kidding?! Of course, I'd love to! Count me in!"

Lucy: "Oh, wonderful!"

Professor Sycamore: "Hang on a second." *turns to Jenny* "Hey Jenny, I'm gonna be the new instructor of Sinnoh Academy! Lucy wants to move back to Hoenn. I'll get my assistants to run my lab."

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