Chapter 5

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It's the next day. Friday, August 16th. 7:50am. Misty is in the front of the academy, talking to Zoey. Serena and Shauna are also talking out there. We're gonna go to them.

Shauna: "Why didn't you tell me that being 16 doesn't feel any different?"

Serena: *chuckles* "Because I'm not 16 yet. That's 2 months from tomorrow!"

Shauna: "Oh yeah, that's right! We'll do something huge for you on your birthday, too."

Serena: "Thanks, but I don't want anything real big; just keep it a regular day like all the others."

Shauna: "Oh, I get it, you wanna do some celebrating with Ash!"

Serena: "N-- no, I-- I didn't mean that."

Shauna: "Haha, I was just kidding! But come on... when are you gonna finally ask Ash out?"

Serena: "First off, I never said that I like him."

Shauna: "Oh come on, I know you, Serena. I know when you're lying and nervous, so just come out with it!"

Serena: "Ok, ok!" *lowers her voice* "I-- I like him."

Shauna: "I knew it!"

Serena: "It doesn't matter anyway because he's with Misty."

Shauna: "That's why you need to be a good friend to him so that he'll come to you first if anything goes wrong with Misty."

Serena: "Well... they ARE having problems."

Shauna: "How do you know?"

Serena: "Because he called me last night and explained it to me."

Shauna: "That's great! That means he trusts you!" *looks to her right* "And by the way, look who's coming!"

Ash walks up to the academy; he starts to walk past Serena and Shauna.

Serena: "Hey, Ash!"

Ash: "Oh, hey Serena."

Serena: "How are you doing?"

Ash: "Not now. I'm about to go talk to Misty, but I'll see you around." *he walks away*

Shauna: "Ooohhh, let's go listen!"

Serena: "No! We're going in the classroom." *rushes Shauna inside the academy*

Ash: "Hey, Zoey."

Zoey: "Sup, Satoshi!"

Ash: "Misty, can you come to the side for a second? I need to tell you something."

Misty: "Sure! I'll see you later, Zoey."

Zoey walks inside and Ash & Misty walk to the side of the building.

Ash: "I have something that I wanna talk to you about after school. You can come to my house."

Misty: "I can't hang out today because I need to--"

Ash: "No, you don't. It's VERY important. I absolutely need to talk to you after school."

Misty: "Oh, ok. Is 3:30 ok? I have to go straight home after school to take care of some chores. We can talk at my house because Daisy won't be there for a while."

Ash: "Ok."

And now, time passes for SEVERAL MINUTES! Again, school is freakin' over. It's 2:32pm. We're in the classroom; Misty has already left.

Gary: "Sup, Ash. You wanna come to my house to play some video games with Tracey and me?"

Ash: "I can, but I'll have to temporarily leave at around 3:30 because I'm seeing Misty for a bit."

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