Chapter 8

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At this point, we skip all the way to Thursday, January 9th, 2014. It's 7:52am. Drew and Trip are talking in front of the academy.

Drew: "Birthday man! What's up?"

Trip: "Haha, hey Drew."

Drew: "Man, there's a lot of birthdays today."

Trip: "Who else's birthday is it?"

Drew: "Well, you know May's little brother, Max? It's his birthday today. And you know what? It's Jay's birthday today! Happy birthday, Jay!"

Drew, it's not January 9th where I'm at right now. It's not my birthday yet.

Drew: "So, you're like 158 now, right?"

No, Drew!

Drew: "Remember when the whole Alain segment started at November 7th? Why didn't you tell people that was Misty's birthday?"

Because no one cares since nobody except Paul likes her because of how she treated Ash.

Drew: "Can we skip to July 10th? That's my birthday!"

NO, Drew! I'm trying to tell a story here! You're such an annoying salad head!

Anyway, it's after school now. 2:33pm. Classroom.

Ash: *to Gary* "Those girls seemed mad."

Gary: "Yeah."

Tracey: *walks up* "Hey, guys. Who seemed mad?"

Ash: "Don't worry about it. I'll see y'all later." *starts to leave the room*

Gary: "We should somehow see what he's about to do while remaining unnoticed."

Tracey: "Agreed! That might help with the plot later!"

Miette: *as Ash is about to leave* "Hey, babe! Where ya going?"

Ash: "Hi, sweetie. I gotta handle something. I'll see you soon." *leaves*

Let's head outside to the front.

Ursula: "You shouldn't have left me like that!"

Zoey: "You shouldn't have gotten angry with me for no dang reason!"

Ash: *walks up* "Girls! What the heck is going on?!"

Zoey and Ursula start talking over each other.

Ash: "SHUT UP!" *they go silent* "I need to talk with each of you separately. Ursula, you're first. Zoey, don't move."

Ash and Ursula go to the side of the academy to talk.

Ursula: "Zoey and I hang out at the mall every Monday and Wednesday. Yesterday, she told me on the phone she would meet me there. I waited at the mall. She never showed up or answered the phone! I'm gonna get my revenge on her somehow!"

Ash: "Why would Zoey do that?"

Ursula: "I may have gotten angry with her that morning and made her mad, but I wasn't in the mood to be bothered! She should know that!"

Ash: "L-- L-- Look, how would she know that? She's not a Psychic-Type. You shouldn't seek to do someone wrong just because they did you wrong. That's not right. That makes you no better than that person! And just because you're in a bad mood doesn't mean you should ever take that anger out on a friend who's only being nice to you! Now go wait in the front and send Zoey."

Switch. Zoey's turn.

Zoey: "All I said was hey to her yesterday morning and asked how she's doing. She had the nerve to get mad at me, saying she wants me to go away and that she's not in the mood to be talked to. What the heck? We're friends! We always talk. We had a big argument after that. So yeah, I lied about coming to the mall with her yesterday."

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