3. Mamma Media

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The morning sun shone through the curtains of the home. The distant sound of birds chirping filled the air, and the calming wind passing through the trees.

y/n was busy choosing an outfit to wear, for the day. She had just gotten out of the shower, so she was standing in her walk-in closet, drapped in a towel.

She brushed her fingers on the fabrics, contemplating on what to wear. Usually she wouldn't have any trouble choosing, but since this was a special occasion, it wouldn't hurt to play dress up.

A few days had passed and it was finally the day of the family reunion. They agreed to have brunch at an outdoor café. She's never been there, so this was alittle exciting for her.

Her floral sundress caught her eye. "This looks cute." She checked it out in the mirror.

She walked over to her shoes. "These whites would look nice. And now for the hair." She took the shoes and the dress and stepped back into the bedroom.

Placing the outfit on the bed, she walked over to her mirror. "It's not that hot outside, so I'll keep you down." She pulled at a damp strand of hair.

She began working on her hair, making sure to pay close attention to detail as she didn't want it to look too boring. She dressed up afterwards, putting on her jewellery as well and looked at her reflection again.

"Maybe I should add ribbons." She tried braiding her hair with the ribbons, but it wasn't giving the effect she wanted it to. "I'll add a bandana."

She wrapped the white fabric around her head and tied it. Putting on a delicate coat of mascara and lip gloss, finally adjusting a few things to her hair, she finally gave a confident smile to herself.

"I actually look nice." She scoffed grabbing her purse and exiting the room.

Her shoes clicked against the marble floor as she descended the stairs. She listened to the emptiness of her home, sighing at the fact that she wanted it like that.

Her phone rang in her purse as she reached the bottom step. "Hello?"

"Hey, I was wondering if you needed a ride." She smiled at the sound of Felix's voice.

"Oh! Umm, yeah." She stared at her shoes. "I'd appreciate that."

"Alright, I'll be there in twenty."

"Alright. I'll be waiting." She put her phone back in her purse and went into the backyard.

The golden morning light was welcoming to her, the soft breeze making her dress sway in its movement. The clear blue sky was so rich, she couldn't help but smile at it. She looked out at the land that she owned.

The vast greenery and little critters that were hiding mad her feel like she was a guardian. Just as she wanted to wander to the pool, her phone rang.

She held it up to her ear, "I'm outside."

"Okay, I'm on my way." She took one last look at the greenery before of rushing in the house.

At the front door, she was greeted by a very judgmental look. "You look nice."

"Thanks Yong-"

"Almost too nice." He scanned her figure. "What's with the innocent look?"

She smiled sarcastically, closing the door behind her. "Why can't I play dress up? Plus I always used to dress like this."

He shook his head. "Being a kid doesn't count."

She locked the door and put the keycard in her purse. "Yongbok, you look very handsome. Except for that haircut."

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