6. Road Trip

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The sheets were warm against my legs, but my upper body felt hotter than before. My eyes were adjusting to the dark of the room, as I laid awake waiting for my alarm to go off.

I tried to make out the objects in my room, every cloth and piece of furniture, trying to draw the image in my head. It wasn't hard though, I see them every single day. But it was a good way to wake my brain and mentally prepare myself for the day.

My alarm went off, erupting the once peaceful darkness with it's shrill ringing. But it didn't bother me since I was already awake and aware. I turned it off and sit up against the headboard. Since the sun isn't up yet, I turned on the night lights installed in the ceiling.

Kicking the sheets off of my legs, I head for my open suitcase on the floor. I had done most of the packing last night when I got home and left a few things to squeeze in for the morning. I looked up at my closet, wondering if there was anything that I might have forgotten.

I rummaged through just to make sure of everything, and with a smug smile got on my feet. Since it was still early, I decided to go for an early-morning swim to increase my brain activity.

Discarding my pyjamas, that were barely clinging onto my body, I throw on a bra and grab my towel before sprinting to the pool. Hopefully, the water was still warm enough to accommodate me.

Oh was I wrong.

Being hit with gallons of ice cold water was one way to start your day. It felt like jumping into an icy abyss in the dead of winter, naked. It was frozen needles piercing my delicate skin, sucking the life out of me.

Gasping for air, I wiped the excess water out of my face. "I hope Busan will be better." I tried to keep my legs moving, "Note to self, install a heating system."

I swam to the farther side of the pool, trying to generate heat warm enough to keep the movement. It was still dark out, and I was starting to feel disoriented as I swam further.

Holding on to the edge, I try to level my breathing as I stared at the, now clear, horizon. The trees were like shadows as they swayed with the oncoming wind, meaning I had to get inside before it hit me.

I swam back to where I left my towel on the chairs, hauling myself out of the pool and reaching for it. Wrapping it around my waist, I put on my flip-flops and tread inside.

I hopped straight into the shower so I wouldn't catch a cold. I dressed in one of my football shirts and a matching short, putting on my Jordan's and drying out my hair.

I packed my needed toiletries in a separate bag and stuffed it into the suitcase before zipping it shut. Checking the time, it was well past six so that meant that I needed to eat something.

Marching downstairs, I make a beeline straight for the fridge. To my disappointment, the ingredients for my usual yoghurt breakfast weren't there, so I had to actually cook this time.

I was in the mood for something sweet but meaty as well. So I got out the pan and began cutting the needed ingredients, while those fried I made the batter for the waffles. I don't remember the last time I cooked for myself in my own kitchen, I'd always eat out or not have an appetite at all. It was refreshing to be the cook.

Adding eggs to the pan, I butter the waffle maker and pour in the batter. By the time I was done cooking everything it was almost seven, which meant that there was still enough time to eat and drive into town.

Settling down on one of the stools, I take a large bite out of my bacon. Practically devouring my meal when I hear my phone ringing in the distance. I wasn't in the mood to answer it, I was enjoying the company of my creation. Leave me alone.

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