11. Sneaky link

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Felix POV

My head felt heavy as I pushed myself off the bed, searching for my discarded shoes. It was dark, or maybe my eyes were just closed. I couldn't really tell.

I stumbled out of the room, holding onto the walls for support. Maybe I shouldn't have taken those shots. The floor beneath me was spinning.

I heard a muffled giggle, or maybe that's just me. The door closed and a figure was making it's way towards me, fully dressed.


They stopped and cleared their throat. "Hey big bro!" She whisper-yelled.

y/n? "What are you up to?" I croaked, man my throat is dry.

She chuckled. "Just heading to bed." Walking past me awkwardly, she mumbled a quick 'good night' before rushing to her room.

Continuing my quest for water, I go to the kitchen and down two glasses of water. Once I was satisfied, I staggered back to my room and threw myself back on the bed.

Catching a glimpse of the time on my phone, it was well past four. What the heck? y/n was fully dressed until 4 in the morning? Before I could think more about it, I was fast asleep.


Heavy footsteps filled the silence, even though the sun was barely visible at that hour.

A loud yawn echoed in the dark, before being replaced by the sound of moving furniture and opening curtains.

The cold ocean breeze hit his skin like a tidal wave. The morning was welcoming, but he was so detached that he didn't really process the whole morning.


Seeing y/n leaning against the railing of the balcony was the first thing he saw. Her hair was unkempt, dressed in her silk pyjamas and having the very thick socks on.

She seemed to be on the phone, as he could her muffled voice through the glass. Shrugging it off, he made his way back to his room to freshen up.

Hoseok was snoring to his hearts content, and Jin had his limbs dangling off the edge of the bed. Felix made a beeline for the bathroom, it was too early for him to start his day so he only brushed his teeth and washed his face.

"Hey Felix..." Hoseok walked in, his voice down a few octaves.

Squinting his eyes from the water, he lifted his head. "Morning."

He leaned against the wall. "Why are you up so early?"

"I don't know. Is Jin awake?"

He hummed before making use of the bathroom himself.

Back in the room, Felix stared at the sprawled out Jin that lay on the bed. "How we all fit on that bed is a mystery to me." He grumbled before exiting the room again.

y/n was now seated by the coffee table, a drink in hand as she stared into who knows what.

"Morning kiddo." He went to sit down next to her.

She looked at him. "Morning. Kinda weird to see you up at this hour."

He frowned. "I'm a working man y'know, it's a need for me to be up this early."

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