12. Two-for-one

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Soon-young POV

I was busy watering the house plants, they seemed neglected for sometime now. This house has always been so empty, when she's not around.

I've been house-sitting for a good year now. Whenever she's on a business trip or just wants to get away from the city for awhile, she'd call and ask me to come over.

The weird part is that I'm always available whenever she asks me to. This house has become my second home... my penthouse doesn't count.

I've memorized every turn, corner and tile of this house. I know where she keeps what and even how the housing system works. I have the spare keycard, and I've been scanned into the system as well.

The low hum of an engine caught my attention. With a smile, I put down the spray bottle and head for the front door.

And there she was.

Hair falling down her back, her skin glowing and her movements graceful. As she heaved her suitcase and several other bags, she noticed me in the door way.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." She laughed.

Automatically, a smile graced my lips. "I see you enjoyed your trip."

"Hardly. Yongbok can be such an asshole." She finally reached me.

"Need a hug?"

"Yes please." She wrapped her arms around my middle. I pat her head and return the gesture.

"I've missed you." I whisper into her ear.

She hummed. "I've missed you too."

I helped her bring in her luggage and settled on making her a snack. She looked slightly tired, but overall beautiful.

"So, he took your phone?" I chopped the mango pieces and added them to the bowl.

She ate a piece. "And he has yet to give it back."

"That's a shame." I reach into the fridge for yoghurt. "I wanted to see pictures."

She sighed loudly. "He's getting an earful from me."

I pushed the fruit bowl and yoghurt towards her. "No use in getting mad, you'll only give yourself a headache."

She pouted. "Atleast you care for me."

I shake my head in disbelief, this woman and her mood swings will be the death of me. "Does that mean he's coming later?"

The doorbell answers my question instead.


"When I get my hands on him!" She ran for the door, abandoning her snack. She's definitely not gonna finish that.

I eat a few fruits and wash up before going to check on her. She wasn't yelling, that's a good sign.

Peering past her frame, I notice someone completely different with doe eyes and a childish smile. He was tall, and built.

He seemed to notice me when his smile faltered. "Uh..." He pointed at me.

"Hello." I almost whisper from the corner.

"Oh Jungkook. This is Soon-young." She gestured to me. "Soon-young, Jungkook."

I took a few steps forward and shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

He tightened his grip. "You too."

"I'll keep myself busy." I smile awkwardly before practically evaporating from the space.

For you; Everything Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon