4. Odd

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The day didn't start off the way y/n wanted it too. So, from the way she saw it was going to be a bad day.

She didn't bother to make herself breakfast as she was hurriedly putting on her knee-high boots. She dashed down the stairs and ran out of the house.

"Why today out of all days?!" She hissed as she slammed the front door shut. Making sure that she locked it.

She had a very important meeting that morning. And with that in mind, she sprung into the car and drove off.

She dialled the number of her intern desperately waiting for the call to go through.

"Good morning Ms Shin."

"I need to know the scheduled time for the conference this morning with the shareholders. Morning." She grumbled.

"It's scheduled for eight-thirty. Would you like it if I got you something to eat before hand?"

She sighed in relief. "I'd appreciate that."

"Alright, I'll meet you in your office soon."

"And I won't send you back to Japan. See you soon." Even though she had breakfast planned out, she still had to get there first.

Oh boy.


Jungkook POV

I yawned as I poured myself the coffee that I kept forgetting about. Naturally I wouldn't be feeling so sluggish, but today seemed to be an exception. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and went to sit outside.

The morning sun was hot at this hour, so I took refuge under the shade of the trees. My head felt heavy for some reason, maybe I shouldn't have stayed up so late with my hyungs. I should've listened to Jin-hyung.

But there wasn't time to mope about it know, so I quickly downed the dark liquid. The bitter taste filling my senses, hopefully it would keep me awake long enough for my body to actually go off autopilot.

I made my way to the shower, letting the cold water stimulate myself so I could shake off the groggy feeling. I stepped into the room, a towel wrapped around my waist.

Was I the only one home? Usually one of the guys would've, by now already, stormed into my room or had an argument. If it was that I indeed was alone, I wasn't bugged about it too much.

That was until Yoongi-hyung peeked into my room, his eyes hardly open as he leaned against the door frame. I stilled, maybe if I didn't move he wouldn't notice that I was here. And maybe he'd just go away.

"Jungkook." He said flatly lowering his head with a yawn.

"Good morning?" It came out uncertain. "Slept well?"

He rubbed his eyes. "Are you going out today?"

I brushed my wet hair. "I'm going to the gym."

He seemed to think I was lying when he scoffed. "Okay. Don't forget to pay the bills."

I groaned in realisation. We each took turns to pay the monthly bills for the house, but we all put our fair share of money down to make the payment. On good days, all the bills would be paid by one person. Realising that it's my turn to do the payment took the wind out of me.

"I thought it was Jimin-hyungs turn." I whined sitting on the bed. "Did they put the money together?"

"The envelop is in namjoon's study." He rubbed his eyes again. "Get dressed, you're being a thrist trap for who?"

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