8. Mixed Signals

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"This bed is huge!" Lisa dropped her handbag and flung herself onto the bed. "And it's bouncy too!"

"The view is amazing!" Jennie opened the sliding glass door to the small balcony. "I could just live here."

"The shower is huge!" y/n gasped. "And the mirror, I'm abusing these for sure."

A knock came from the door before it opened. "Everyone decent?" Jimin peeked in with his hand over his eyes.

"No I'm actually in my underwear." Jennie snickered.

"Everyone's always in their underwear." y/n emerged from the bathroom. "You were saying?"

He kept his hands over his eyes. "Jungkook and I are going out to get pastries. Would you guys like to come?"

"Are the others not going?" Lisa askes not looking back from the balcony.

"Busy unpacking and fighting over rooms." He said dismissively. "So... yeah."

"I'll go with you guys." y/n grabbed her phone and credit card. "You girls want anything?"

"Nah, we'll unpack for you." Lisa faced them.

"You don't have to do that. I'll do it once we're back."

She joined Jimin and closed the door behind them. "You're only going because you guys grew up here right?"

Jimin pursed his lips. "Whatever gave you that idea?"

She shook her head and followed him to the corridor. Jungkook was standing by the elevator, casually leaning against the wall while scrolling on his phone. He looked up at them and shoved the phone down his pocket.

"It's about damn time!" He waved his arms mockingly.

"Sorry." y/n messed up his hair. "Did we keep you long?"

He pouted. "Hey! I'm older than you!"

She pinched his cheek. "But you act like such a baby."

They all got in the elevator. "I swear you two are such babies." Jimin pat both of their backs. "Even though you are the same age."

"I'm older than her!" Jungkook stomped his foot.

"Yeah by like two months." y/n laughed, seeing Jungkook upset was so adorable.

"Respect your elders." He pointed out.

She grinned widely. "Okay... oppa."

He snapped his head in her direction. "Never call me that."

"Why? I'm showing some respect."

"It makes me feel old."

"Ugh, can you two stop now?" Jimin yawned. "It's my first time hearing you say that."

She pouted. "What? Oppa? Yeah, it feels cringy to say every single time. Atleast for me it is."

"Yeah but what can you do?" Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"For starters, free pastries!" Jungkook cheered.

She laughed. "I second that."

"Motion carried."


The cab made a sharp stop close to the sidewalk. Everyone yelped as they lunged forward from the sudden action.

"Sorry everyone." The driver apologised. "I'll have to get my brakes checked."

"It's alright." Jimin said as he gave him the money. "Just be more careful."

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