5. When the cat's away

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"Mommy look at that one!" Yu-Ni ran over to the display glass. "Daddy! Can I get that one too?! Pretty please?!"

Her father sighed loudly. "Honey, we bought you enough toys to last until Christmas."

The little girl pouted. "But it's so pretty!"

"Yu-Ni your father has already bought you the whole mall. Don't start straining his pockets for toys." Her mother said strictly.

With tears in her eyes, she joined her parents as they regrouped with the others. They continued walking as a group, until they saw a familiar figure walking towards them.

"Is that y/n?" Felix pulled off his sunglasses to observe the woman.

"Sorry I'm late." She smiled sweetly. "I was booking us a spot to eat."

He engulfed her in a tight hug. "Better late then never." He kissed her temple.

"Missed me that much?" She turned to everyone else. "Hi guys. I see you've been enjoying yourselves."

"More like draining our pockets." Her mother eyed the young parents. "The kids were a handful."

"I hope you didn't give your elders a tough time while I was away." She hugged the little ones as they rushed over to her.

"We didn't." They chirped.

"Good, now let's go eat." She smiled down at them and led the way to a restaurant that she had just come from.

The waiter recognised her immediately and gladly escorted her group to their reserved area. There where a few empty tables that they would fill up and waiters lined up at the far wall.

"Please make yourself comfortable." The waiter gestured for the others to come assist him pull out the chairs.

They laid out the menu's and stepped back into the kitchen. The group had started suggesting on what they would eat and who was going to pay for their large feast. Eventually, their food was served and they were chatting.

Her father cleared his throat. "How was work?"

She sipped her wine. "Well, I had a meeting with a client. It went well for the most part."

"So you struck a deal?"

"That's confidential information."

"Now don't speak to your father like that." Her mother put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright honey. She's following my methods."

"Hardly." She laughed and continued eating.

Her grandfather took the opportunity to whisper in his wife's ear. "That's your granddaughter for sure."

She laughed, "Don't encourage her behaviour."


She scanned the shelves of the store, having no idea what exactly it was that she had to buy. She picked up a bottle of sunscreen and read about it's components.

A cocky smile caught her gaze. "So you really don't know what you to buy for the trip do you?"

She huffed. "Let me guess, you have everything on your list?"

"Answering a question with a question, you must be annoyed." Jimin chuckled. "It's not that big of a deal."

She rolled her eyes, placing the sunscreen back on the shelf. "If I knew you were going to continuously pull my leg throughout our shopping spree, I wouldn't have asked you to tag along."

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