Season 1 Episode 3

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In Derek and Val's apartment, the morning after the club incident....
"Uhh why does my head hurt?" Witney says as she woke up.
"Umm I don't know, you hit your head or the fact that you got drunk out of your mind last night?" Mark said startling her.
"What the hell are you doing in my.... This isn't my apartment.... Where the hell am I?" Witney said, confused.
"In Derek and Val's apartment."
"Well, let's just say you said something out of line to Jenna and she won't be talking to you for a while."
"Oh god, what did I say?"
"You brought up the fact that she slept with Alan."
Witney looked panicked.
"Why the hell would I say something like that?"
"You were making out with Dylan and Derek pulled you away and came and got me. Then Jenna came and you two started arguing, then she slapped you."
"Yeah she slapped you all the way to Rhode Island." Derek said, hearing the tail end of the conversation.
Mark glared at him, "Dude shut up!"
"Why was I making out with Dylan?" Witney asked Derek and Mark.
They both shrugged their shoulders.
"Well I should go talk to her."
Derek stopped her, "Yeah, you aren't going to do that. No matter how bad I want to see two hot chicks fight, considering I missed your fight with Brittany, I have to advise against it..... Unless you guys are willing to fight while like there is water pouring on you guys or, like you two are in mud."
Witney slapped him upside the head and exclaimed, "EWWW!!!"
Mark interjected, "You deserved it."
"I'm going back to sleep." Derek declared.
"So should I go talk to her?"
"Ummmm...... I would give her a little time, maybe ask Lindsay to talk to her."
"That bad."
"You two were going to fight."
"Ohh my gosh."
At Jenna and Witney's apartment.
"Good morning." Val said when he woke up.
"Good morning." Jenna said yawning.
Val sat up, "Well I should get going before they get suspicious."
"Are you sure you have to go?"
"Yes, now don't get me wrong I had a lot of fun last night, like so much"
Jenna laughed, "Well I had a lot more fun when you came over."
"Yeah, glad to know."
As Val was getting dressed Jenna asked him a very serious question.
"Am I a whore?"
"No. I mean why do you think that?"
"Well I mean I am sleeping with you and we aren't dating. And the fact that I slept with Alan even though he is dating one of my friends."
"Well as for you and I, we can date, but do you want to. As for the Alan thing, it's not like you were intentionally trying to hurt Britt."
"I know you and I can be more than friends with benefits, but I'm scared."
Val sat back down on the bed, "Scared of what?"
"This is your last year of college, and...."
Val kissed her.
"You know I love you, right Jenna?"
"Yeah I do, and I love you too Val."
"Okay and that is all that matters, how we feel about each other, not how the outside world feels about us."
"Okay, well I am going to go take a shower, and you are going to your house to take a shower, okay?"
"Yes ma'am."
When Jenna got out of the bed Val slapped her ass.
"Stop or you are not going to get to leave."
"See you later, Jenna."
"See you later, Valentin."
At Val and Derek's apartment after Val gets home.
Val walks in the door and immediately says
"Hey Witney."
"Hey Val" Witney says back with a weak smile.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing I just can't remember what I said to Jenna and everyone is telling me and I feel like a shitty friend, she told me that she slept with Alan privately, and I exploited that."
"Witney. It's not like you knew what you were saying."
"Yeah,but I still said it!"
"You remember when Jenna was drunk and she told everyone that Lindsay had slept with Sam in your bed."
"Yeah, Lindsay was so mad, but did her and Jenna make up after that?"
"Yeah. I see your point."
"Glad you do, we all make drunken mistakes, but what we do the day after determines the kind of person you are."
"Thanks Val." They hug.
"Well I am going to get in the shower, I have class in 2 hours."
"Oh yeah, well I'd better get to my apartment. Hopefully Jenna isn't to mad, so I can apologize."
"You'll be fine."
At that time Derek walked out of his room, "Oh Witney you are still alive thank god, I thought you went to go apologize to Jenna and she killed you, or at least I dreamt that."
Val hit him on the shoulder, "Shut up!" He hisses at Derek.
"You people really need to stop hitting me, like I really don't enjoy it."
"Well then stop being such a freaking idiot."
"I am not an idiot."
Witney coughed, "Yes you are!"
"Can't you just go to your apartment?!" Derek asked.
"Fine, message received." Witney walked out, but not before giving Derek the middle finger.
"Hey, you can't give me that finger. This is my house."
Val laughed and then said, "Yeah I am going to take a shower."
At Jenna and Witney's apartment.
"Jenna? Hey it's Witney." Witney says as she is knocking on Jenna's door.
"Well that'd be a little more effective if I was actually in my room" Witney jumped.
"Jenna I am so sorry, I mean you know I didn't mean anything I said, right?"
"Yes Witney I know that."
"And you do realize that I wasn't in the right mind last night?"
"Yes I do and I shouldn't have slapped you, but I was angry."
"Yeah apparently you slapped me from NYC to Rhode Island."
"Who said that?"
"Who do you think?"
"Yeah, he is just so stupid."
"Do you really think I am a whore?"
"No I was just, well apparently I was mad!"
"Can I tell you something Wit?"
"Do you still trust me?"
"Yes I do. Which is why I am going to tell you that Val and I have been sleeping together."
"Like just sleeping together or like in a relationship together?"
"Friends with Benefits"
"How long has this been going on?"
"For a good 3 months."
"Awww, so like how is he in bed?"
"Witney I won't answer that."
"Awww you are no fun!"
"Well I mean he is no slacker in the sheets."
"Do you guys have like sex pet names for each other?"
Jenna blushed.
"Oh my god you guys totally do! Tell me, tell me."
"He calls me Jennachka."
"Well what do you call him?"
"My Ukranian Monster."
"Oooo Kinky!"
"So does this mean I am forgiven?"
"Yes, you are forgiven."
They hug and talk some more....
At Central Perk Val, Derek, Mark, and Lindsay are there....
"So how do you think their talk is going?" Lindsay asked the guys.
"Well I mean-" Val was saying before Derek cut him off.
"They are probably in some hot chick fight that I am missing."
Mark slapped him on the back of the head.
"Well as I was saying before I was interrupted by this dumbass, they are fine. I talked to Witney this morning when I got in the apartment and she seemed apologetic."
"That's what I've been meaning to ask you, where were you last night?" Derek asks Val
"I was with Jenna remember."
"Yeah, but what took you so long? Did you two have hot sex?"
Mark looked at Derek disgusted, "Why the hell would you say that, you do realize that is my LITTLE sister?"
"So.... I mean have you seen her? She is sexy as hell with a personality to match."
Mark slapped Derek upside the head, twice.
"Owww..... Don't hit me."
"I really don't know what you are talking about. We are just friends." Val said, a little nervously.
"So. How about we-"
Lindsay was interrupted by Jenna and Witney walking in, laughing.
"Oh looks like you two made up." Mark said.
"Yeah both Jenna and I realized that we were both in the wrong."
"So you two didn't like have a super hot chick fight?" Derek asks, disappointedly.
Lindsay then asked, "Can I have the honor?"
They all nodded, Lindsay walked up to Derek and slapped him in the back of the head.
"Owwww...... What was that for?"
"You say the dumbest things." Lindsay explained.
"So.... What do you guys want to do tonight?" Mark asked the group.
"We can ummm......" Jenna said.
"Oh yes. I love a good ummmm......" Val sarcastically responded.
She slapped Val, "Shut up."
Witney looked at them and said "Awww!!"
Jenna looked at her.
"Whatcha awwwing at, Wit?" Lindsay asked her.
"Well.... I....Um..... Can't think of anything to do."
"Yeah, well it is Saturday and we went to the club yesterday. Oooo..... You guys can do what Sam and I do when we are bored."
"No thank you Lindsay." Val says.
"No not that you pervert."
"Then what?" Mark asks.
"We have a game night."
They all looked at each other and then to Lindsay and shrugged.
Jenna then said, "I don't know about that Mark is a cheater."
"No you are just a sore loser."
"No you cheat, therefore you are a cheater."
"Loser." Derek coughs.
Val laughed, "They have a point you girls are sore losers."
"Nuh uh." All 3 girls said.
"Yes." Val said.
"Okay why don't we put this to the test. Boys vs. Girls in a No-Holds-Bar trivia game. We can let Sam referee." Lindsay says.
"How is that fair? He is your boyfriend." Val asks.
"He is also a guy." Jenna responds in a 'duh' tone.
Knowing they weren't going to win this argument they agreed.
"This battle shall commence at 8 p.m. on the dot, at Jenna and Witney's apartment. May the best gender win." Derek said.
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location: Jenna and Witney's apartment.
Operation: Gender Warfare.
"Okay so we have the rules, each team has a buzzer and the first team to buzz in and get it correct gets a point, if you get it wrong then the other team gets to steal and if nobody gets it right then nobody gets a point. First team to 20 points wins. Therefore will be declared the best gender, Understand? Now pick team captains."
The girls and the guys converse a little bit with their respective teams.
"We nominate Jenna as our team captain." Lindsay says.
"Yeah, well we nominate, Mark."
"Okay so team captains, put your hand near the buzzer, not on top of."
"Okay." They say simultaneously.
"The first category is history. And your question is, 'Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?'"
Jenna hit the buzzer first, "John Wilkes Booth."
"And that is correct."
And that ensued a night full of trivia.
Both teams are at 19 points.
It was Val vs. Jenna for the final question.
"Okay Val and Jenna are you ready?"
They both nod their heads.
"Okay and your question is 'Who were the main actors in the movie Friends With Benefits?'
Jenna and Val buzzed in and then answered at the same time, "Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake"
"Ummm.... That was a tie. I guess so we have a tiebreaker question.Mark and Witney you two are up."
"I'm ready." Witney says cracking her knuckles.
"Ditto." Mark says back.
"Okay, so the tiebreaker question is, 'What was the name of Richard Nixon's political party?"
They both looked confused. They looked at their teammates and none of them knew the answer.
Witney buzzed in and guessed, "Republican?"
The boys looked shocked.
"And I guess the winners are the girls. They are the superior gender."
Mark said, "That isn't fair."
"Who's the sore loser now Mark?" Lindsay asked.
"We girls, (clap) We bad(clap) ,We won (clap) , We awesome(clap)."
"Well bask in the glory now, we boys will get our revenge."
At Val and Derek's apartment....
"I can't believe you let them beat us." Derek ranted.
"I let them beat us?" Mark responded.
"Yes, you. I mean come on all you had to do was guess." Derek said.
"What if I was to get it wrong, huh?"
"You had like a 23% chance of getting it wrong, there was only 2 options."
Val interjected, "You mean 50% chance of getting it wrong?"
"That makes no sense."
They continued to argue.
At Witney and Jenna's apartment.....
"I still can't believe we won." Jenna says.
"I made a really great guess.... I actually thought for a minute that I was wrong." Witney agrees.
"Who remembers anything about Richard Nixon?" Jenna asks Witney.
"Nobody. I didn't know who he was for a minute."
"Thank you."
They spend the rest of the night laughing.
Well that's episode 3. I want to thank my good friend @ValkerySheppard, she loves reading it, just as much as I love writing it.
P.S. Her favorite character is Derek.

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