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Although I wrote this in my other story, there is not enough to describe how awesome it is that DWTS got 8 Emmy noms for Choreo, Hosting, and being the best Tv Show. So Go Witney, Derek, Julianne, and Tom for having a dream and achieving it. This is the best case scenerio so let's #DoTheCarltonForWitney💖💙💖😎😇🙏🙏 . #TeamWitfinso. 👉👉Remember DWTS is where it's at.

Really sad that Mark and Allison didn't get an Emmy nom, for their phenomenal dancing , I however encourage you to. One for Allison as Teen Choice Dancer.
#TeamMarkingjay #TeamRallison
I also thought it was cute what Willow said on Twitter about Mark deserving an Emmy nom and at least a Teen Choice Dancer Nom.

So to sum up this A/N I will say this:
"If you dream and work hard towards a goal you will get there, maybe not today or tomorrow, but you have to believe that you will get there one day."

F.R.I.E.N.D.S (DWTS) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now