Season 1, Episode 12

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Well from the outpouring I got most people's favorite character is Derek because he's funny and they side with Witney. I appreciate the fact that you love the story. Also, I'm glad I shocked everyone with the fact that Witney and Derek hooked up.
Also, italics indicate the flashback.
At Witney and Jenna's apartment on Sunday @ 3:30 P.M
"You should just apologize." Lindsay tells Jenna.
"Why should I apologize she told me to continue to call her pathetic desperate mess."
"That doesn't mean you should've done it." Lindsay lectures.
"She basically called me a whore so if she wants to continue to be a baby that's on her."
"Jenna...." Lindsay begins.
"Lindsay, I'm not apologizing so if I were you I'd be giving her this speech, maybe while she's banging my brother."
At Mark's apartment on Sunday @ 3:55 P.M.
"....and that's why you should apologize." Lindsay tells Witney.
"I'm not apologizing, she said I was pathetic and desperate."
"Yes, but you said she was a whore."
"Yeah, but she brought up the fact that I slept with Derek. It was not my finest moment."
"How did it happen?" Lindsay asks curiously.
"Well it all started the night Mark told me he wasn't in love with me and never will be..."
Witney was crying on the couch in her apartment, when she heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?!" Witney asks.
"It's Derek."
"Ugh!!!" Witney gets up to get the door.
"Are you okay, because you look horrible, like so horrible."
"Thanks Derek it's my dream to be told that I'm hideous." Witney says as she walks back to the couch.
"Well..." Derek says as he sits down on the couch.
"Why are you here, Derek?"
"Well... I forgot my keys and Val won't open the door, now what's wrong?"
"Everything, am I like ugly?"
"No, in fact I think you're pretty hot." Derek says.
"Good, now go tell Mark that."
"What happened?"
"I say I'm in love with him and he basically tells me I'm pathetic and obsessive."
"Ouch that's cold."
"Yeah, I wish I was a little more drunk. Then maybe I could forget this night ever happened."
"Yeah, I was rejected by almost every girl in the bar. So I stayed at the club and took a cab here. I'm a little to drunk to walk in a public place. Not that drunk, but... Still drunk." Derek says.
"Yeah, I'm in the mood for a drink, you down?" Witney asks.
"Come on, do you even have to ask?" Derek responds. With that Witney gets up, walks over to the kitchen, grabs the vodka out of the cabinet and gets the shot glasses.
"Let's play a little game." Witney suggests.
"Okay, what's the game?"
"We drink for every time we have been rejected."
"Are you trying to get me drunk, Carson?" Derek asks.
"Maybe." Witney and Derek begin to take shots. After about 20 shots Derek and Witney begin flirting.
"You know, I have never told anyone this, but I wonder what you look like naked. I mean I can only imagine. You are just sexy as hell" Witney whispers loudly, rubbing Derek's abs through his shirt.
"Yeah, I look amazing naked, but I guess you do too. If we weren't friends, you know what I'd do to you. I'd totally bang your brains out. You wouldn't be able to walk straight ever again."
"You can still bang my brains out. I wouldn't mind. I need to stay off my feet anyway." Witney says seductively and then straddles Derek.
"Mmmhmm." Derek says, then he kisses Witney.
"The couch or the bedroom?" Witney asks Derek.
"The couch." Derek says kissing her feverishly.
Witney begins to moan as Derek takes her shirt off and sucks on her collarbone.
"Wow." Lindsay says after Witney tells her about that night.
"Yeah, it felt good. Like he knows how to-"
"Okay gross, that's my brother." Lindsay says disgusted, which makes Witney shrug.
At Derek and Val's apartment on Sunday @ 5 P.M.
"It's official, neither of them are going to apologize." Lindsay announces when she walks into Derek and Val's apartment.
"Okay, so how about we lock them in a room with tigers. Thus having them make up. It's a fear bond. Fear bonding helps people become closer." Derek says.
"How about we tuck that one into the back pocket and come up with a plan that's a lot safer?" Lindsay suggests.
"What the hell are they even fighting about?" Mark asks.
"The fact that you're banging Witney and Jenna didn't know." Val says.
"No, It's because Jenna feels betrayed. And Witney feels disrespected, by the things that Jenna said." Lindsay says.
"It's no different than Jenna sleeping with Val, so I don't see why Jenna is overreacting ." Mark points out.
"Well it is different because I'm not Witney's brother." Val says defending Jenna.
"Well in that case, I should hate you because Jenna's my sister." Mark points out.
"Yeah, but Val wasn't in love with Jenna for 10 years." Derek counterclaims.
"Yeah, but Val deflowered her." Lindsay says rolling her neck and crossing her arms.
"Yeah!" Mark agrees.
"Yeah, but we were just sleeping together, when we were in a relationship, you all knew about it." Val says.
"Point, but you two were sleeping together." Lindsay replies.
"Yeah, but so were Mark and Witney." Derek says defending Val.
"Oh come on, they won't admit to the fact that Witney's right, and Jenna needs to apologize so let's just go." Mark says.
"How about the fact that Witney is wrong and needs to apologize to Jenna." Derek says.
"Well that's not happening so...." Lindsay says flipping her hair and grabbing Mark's hand before walking out the door, so she didn't have to hear further arguments.
"I hate when she does that. She always did it when we were kids." Derek says rolling his eyes.
Jenna and Witney's apartment on Sunday @ 7:30 P.M.
Jenna and Val were making out on her couch, when Val pulls away.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Jenna asks.
"Well it can't be nothing. You never break up a kiss."
Derek bursts in before Val can respond.
"Have you told her yet?" Derek asks Val.
"Tell me what?" Jenna asks curiously.
"No, I haven't told her." Val says.
"Tell me what?"
"That your brother and best friend are siding with Witney and to get this over with we think you need to apologize." Derek tells Jenna.
Jenna gets up from Val's lap and gasps in shock then tells him, "You're a traitor."
"No, I just think that you should apologize to Witney." Val says.
"Yeah, because you think I did something wrong. Don't talk to me." Jenna glares at him.
"Babe...." Val says.
"My name is Jenna, and you can leave." Jenna says pointing the two boys toward the door.
"Jenn...." Val begins. All Jenna does is point to the door and go in her room.
Central Perk on Monday @ 12:00 P.M.
Jenna was working, while all the other friends were talking.
"I've never actually had her go this long without talking to me." Val says, looking at his.... Well he doesn't know.
"Well.... If she would just apologize to me, then all this would be over." Witney says.
Jenna walks over to the group and tells them, "My boss says if you aren't going to order anything then you all have to get out."
"Okay well I will have..." Mark begins, before Jenna walks away not even listening to what Mark has to say.
"How is she going to tell us we have to order something and then walk away?" Lindsay asks.
They call Jenna over and she gives them attitude, "Oh my gosh, what?!"
"We just want to order." Witney says.
"Well, it's too late. I'm going on my lunch break. Ask someone who cares." With that Jenna walked away, leaving the gang to look at her as she walks away.
"Did she just dismiss us?" Derek asks, shocked.
The rest of the gang, minus Jenna nod their head slowly.
Witney and Jenna's apartment on Tuesday @ 3 P.M.
Val had barged into the apartment without knocking.
"Umm... Excuse me." Jenna says looking at Val.
"You are not excused because you're acting like a brat, and it's not fair to any of us." Val says looking at Jenna.
"I'm acting like a brat, really?" Jenna says standing up.
"No in fact you aren't acting like a brat, and I'm sorry mama for saying this, but you're acting like a bitch."
Jenna gasps, "Well then if I'm acting like a bitch then why are you still dating me?"
"Good question."
Jenna took a deep breath to hold in her tears and asked Val, "What is it that you want?"
"I want you to apologize to Mark and Witney."
"Why should I? I haven't done anything wrong."
"Oh my god, you don't see it. It's actually not that big of a deal. They are happy and that's all that matters."
"No, what matters is that I.... You know what, you know where the door is you can let yourself out." Jenna went to walk away, but Val grabbed her and told her,
"If you walk away from me, this relationship is over."
Jenna looks at him and sighs, "It's not like I don't want them to be happy. I just.... I know I overreacted, but at that point she had told me that our relationship didn't mean anything when it first began. So... I lashed out, but if apologizing means I save our relationship, then I'm sorry."
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."
"I know, but considering the fact that we almost just broke up... Does that mean we are entitled to hot make up sex?" Jenna asks with her pointer finger in her mouth.
Val picks get up by her thighs and carries her to the bedroom, laughing and squealing.
Mark's apartment on Tuesday @ 3:30 P.M.
"I don't know Mark, I just have a feeling she is never going to forgive me." Witney says.
"She has to forgive you, eventually."
"Mark, it's Jenna. When she's mad, she is mad and you saw her yesterday. She wasn't exactly the sweetest person, or even pretending that she likes us."
"Yeah, but she loves you. You're like the sister she always wanted, now just give her another day or two." Mark smiles and kisses Witney.
Just as the kiss was getting heated they heard a knock on the door.
"Ignore it." Mark says climbing on top of Witney.
"No don't ignore me." The voice says.
"What do you want, Jenna?" Mark says recognizing the voice.
"I'm here to talk to Witney. Now open the damn door." Jenna says. Mark groans and gets off of Witney, and gets up to open the door.
"Hey Witney." Jenna says shyly as she walks into the apartment.
"Hi." Witney says looking at Mark and nodding her head towards his room.
"Oh come on, I don't want to leave."
"Leave now." Witney and Jenna say in unison.
"Okay." Mark says walking into the room.
"So.... You wanted to talk to me?" Witney asks.
"Yeah, I can't believe I'm saying this, but..... I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I love you. You're like the sister, I never had and it would be stupid of me to lose you because you're happy." Jenna says.
Witney smiles and pulls Jenna into a hug and says, "I love you too."
"So.... Have you told Mark about your thing with Derek?" Jenna asks.
"No, should I?"
"Well... Yeah."
"Okay. How about this. I'll tell him in a week, and if I don't then you can tell him, but right now I have to just be cool, I love him. I'm afraid if I tell him now, the relationship I've always wanted will be over."
"Okay, well I have to go and apologize to other people. I guess.... So I'll see you later." Jenna says as she walks out of the apartment. When Mark heard the apartment door close he came out of the room.
"Did she apologize?" Mark asks.
"Yeah, I'm shocked. I've never actually heard her apologize to anyone, like ever." Witney says laughing.
"So how about we celebrate." Mark says wiggling his eyebrows.
"Yeah, group coffee sounds good." Witney says casually. Mark then picks the girl up and throws her over his shoulder, as she laughs.
Well that's the end of the episode. I hope y'all enjoy it. Did anyone hear about the U.S. Women's Soccer Team winning their 3rd World Cup. Go U.S.A.🇺🇸
So I have some more questions: how many episodes would you like to see this season go on for? Do you think Witney will tell Mark about her and Derek? Do you think she should have to tell Mark? How much do you enjoy this story?

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