Season 1, Episode 10

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Witney and Jenna's apartment @ 12 P.M.
"Well, look who decided to grace us with her presence." Val says looking at the door, that Witney just walked through.
"Yeah, where have you been?" Jenna asks her.
"Here.There.Nowhere." Witney explains vaguely.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Val asks.
"Nothing.Something.Everything." Witney vaguely explains.
"Just stop with this vague crap, and you were wearing that yesterday." Jenna points out.
"What, no I wasn't." Witney stammers
"Oh you most definitely were, I remember we were sitting in Central Perk and you were wearing that exact same outfit." Val remembers.
"No you're hallucinating, now I'm going to sleep." Witney says dismissing her friends.
"That was weird, you wanna go have 'Fun Time'?" Val asks.
"No, I'd much rather have 'Hoe Time'" Jenna says getting up and motioning Val toward her. Val picks her up and carries her to the bedroom for some mid-day 'Hoe Time'.
Central Perk @ 2 P.M.
Jenna, Val, Derek, Lindsay, Sam, Mark, and Witney were there.
"I loved the movie." Sam exclaims.
"Yeah, that movie was epic." Derek says excitedly high fiving Sam.
"I love the fact that Jenna got scared and pulled Val out of the theater." Lindsay says laughing.
"That was funny." Witney says agreeing.
"Shut up." Val grumpily says.
"Aww is Val sad he missed it?" Mark says teasingly.
"Oh leave him alone it's not his fault he's whipped." Derek says.
"All of you shut the hell up and stop making fun of him." Jenna says from Val's lap.
"Well he missed the movie of the year because you got scared, he's whipped." Mark says obviously.
"It's okay babe, I'll make it up to you. All night long." Jenna whispers to Val.
"Okay, well then I guess I'll be whipped because I get to have hot sex." Val says nuzzling Jenna's neck.
"Eww that's my sister." Mark says disgustedly. When they all look over at Val and Jenna they are making out.
"Get a room." Witney and Lindsay say.
"Okay, so Sam us guys, minus Val were planning to go out tonight. Would you like to join us?" Derek asks Sam.
"He will." Lindsay answers for Sam.
"Okay, well about that... I'm going to have to cancel." Mark says looking at Derek.
"What do you mean? Dude come on." Derek says disappointed.
"I mean something important came up. Come on Derek don't be mad." Mark says to Derek.
"You know what Sam and I are going to go out and he is going to be a better wingman than you 2 ever were." Derek says pointing at Mark and Val.
"Okay how about next weekend you all go out?" Jenna suggests, as Val was kissing her neck.
"It won't be the same." Derek whines getting up stomping away.
Jenna removes Val from her neck and looks at him expectantly.
"Come on babe, we all know he's over reacting." Val says.
"It doesn't matter." Jenna says.
"Now either you go after him or you won't have any fun time for a long time." Jenna says threateningly. Jenna then gets up from Val's lap, he then groans and gets up.
"Well I have to go." Mark says getting up.
"Yeah, I have to get to the library to meet Brooklyn." Witney says as well.
Mark's apartment.
Mark and Witney walk through the door.
"Now I feel bad because you cancelled on Derek." Witney says.
"Well I mean I have a hot girlfriend who I want to have a nice dinner with." Mark says as he begins to kiss Witney's neck.
"Mmmm.... Babe as nice as this feels.... Oooh..... I think you need to..... Mmmmm." Witney begins to say before Mark unzips her dress.
"What were you saying?"
"Nothing now let's get down to business and forget Derek, there will be other nights." Witney says before smashing her lips to Mark's.
Val and Derek's apartment.
"Come on Derek, you know I have a girlfriend. So you can't be mad when I bail." Val says to Derek.
"I can be mad and I will be mad." Derek responds.
"Come on, you used to compliment me when I got laid." Val says.
"Yeah, but I mean you hooked up with a girl and she got kicked out then we got coffee. Now every time I see you I see Jenna too." Derek tells him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Val asks offended.
"It means you're whipped, this movie was supposed to be a guys thing then you invited Jenna, and then you don't even get to watch the movie because Jenna got scared. Oh and don't forget about tonight, it was UFC night and you're bailing on us guys." Derek tells Val.
"I haven't done anything wrong." Val says.
"You've abandoned your duties as a bro. Bros before hoes." Derek says walking out of the apartment.
"You can't just walk away from me like it's okay because it isn't okay.... And he's gone."
At Mark's apartment...
"Dude I know I didn't knock, but I used my-" Derek walks in talking and is shocked at what he sees.
"Oh my gosh, you two are banging?" Derek asks Mark and Witney.
"Umm... Well when we get dressed we can answer your question." Witney says covering herself with a blanket.
As they were getting dressed Derek asked them, "So how long has this been going on?"
"Well a little over a month." Witney answers.
"So you two have been banging for over a month, and you haven't told anyone?"
"Well, we aren't just banging we are dating." Mark says wrapping his arm around Witney's waist.
"So you two are secretly dating?" Derek asks.
"Yes." Both Witney and Mark say.
"Oh my gosh, you guys suck! You put me in a position to keep a secret and you know I can't keep a secret." Derek exclaims.
"Well you're the one who barged into my apartment." Mark points out.
"Do you think I walked in here expecting to see you having sex with Witney?" Derek responds.
"He has a point." Witney tells Mark.
"Well you should have knocked." Mark tells Derek.
"If you want me to knock you shouldn't have given me a key." Derek retaliates
"2- Derek 0- Mark." Witney says out loud.
"You know what I'm so sick of getting abandoned so my friends can get laid." Derek says walking out of the apartment.
Val and Derek's apartment
"Wait, so you had already made plans for tonight then you ditched them?" Jenna asks Val.
"For you, babe. Can you believe that he got mad?" Val tells Jenna.
"Yes. I can." Jenna states simply.
"Come on, you know how much I love our fun time." Val tells her.
"Yes I do know, but that doesn't give you the right to abandon plans you made already." Jenna lectures Val.
"I know and I'm sorry." Val says making a move to kiss Jenna, who moves her head.
"No no no." Jenna tells Val.
"What do you mean?" Val asks.
"If you don't make up with Derek, then you don't get to have a Jenna either." Jenna tells him.
"What does that even mean?"
"If you don't make up with Derek then you get no fun time." Jenna says simply, then she walks off.
At the sports bar.
"Can I get another beer?" Derek asks the bartender.
"Well someone looks lonely." Derek turns around to see some girl as the source of the voice.
"No offense, but who are you?"
"I'm Nastia Liukin."
"Okay. Well do you want to take a seat?"
"Sure, now what brings to a sports bar by yourself on a Sunday?"
"Well my friends ditched me to hang with their girlfriends. What are you doing here?"
"Hanging out with my fiancé and friends."
"Well there goes my hitting on you."
"It's okay."
"We came here to apologize, and we see you hitting on some innocent girl." Derek turns around to see Val and Mark.
"Oh well I guess that these are your friends which means I should get back to mine, nice talking to you...."
"Derek. And goodbye it was nice talking to you Nastia." Derek says shaking Nastia's hand then watched her walk away.
"Look man, we are sorry we abandoned you. It's just that this is my first serious relationship and I want make Jenna feel as special as she makes me." Val says breaking the silence.
"Mmhmm... What about you Mark?"
"I mean something came up with a girl that I really like, I'm sorry."
"I mean I think that you guys haven't been good bros. I get it Val, but you and Jenna bang like bunnies I mean, as proud of you as I am, that isn't an excuse to abandon me. I barely see you anymore. Take time out of your banging sessions to be a good bro."
"Understood, now let's watch ourselves a UFC fight." Val says to Derek.
"Whooo..." Both Derek and Val scream.
At Witney and Jenna's apartment @ 10 P.M. after Jenna and Val have fun time...
"You know I am proud of you babe." Jenna says out of breath.
"Yeah, you showed me." Val tells her.
"I can show you again and again if you want me to." Jenna tells him seductively.
Val pulls her to himself and kisses her, "You know I love you?"
"You can show me better than you can tell me." Jenna says kissing Val. Thus the fun times ensue.
At Mark's apartment when Mark gets home from the sports bar....
"Hey Mark." Witney says as Mark walks through the door.
Mark's eyes widen at the sight of Witney in a red and black bra and panty set lying on his couch with a rose in her mouth.
"Well are you going to stand there or are you going to let me show you that you are a great friend?" Witney asks.
Mark begins to take his shirt off, but Witney stops him, "No baby I am going to take care of you tonight."
Mark gulps after hearing Witney's tone. With that a night of fun ensues for them as well.
Well that's the end I hope you enjoy it. I won't update this story tomorrow, but I will have 'Star Academy' updated. Love y'all.

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