Season 1, Episode 5

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At Central Perk, everybody, but Derek is there.
"Awww...." The girls said looking at Lindsay's phone.
"What?" Mark asked the girls.
"Well my mom and Derek's dad are on vacation for their 10th anniversary, and they are in Paris. Eating in front of the Eiffel Tower."
"Okay." Val said shrugging.
"Well Val, obviously having Jenna as a girlfriend hasn't helped you, because you still are unromantic as hell." Lindsay says smiling as Val glared at her.
Jenna laughed, "Okay so as much as I don't want to jinx it, where is Derek and when is he getting here?"
"He is getting Julianne from the airport." Lindsay replied.
"Oh she's coming." Witney smiled.
"Yeah, I don't know why though." Lindsay says.
Before anybody could say anything else they heard, "Hey, where's the party?"
Lindsay jumped up to hug her stepsister, "Hey Julianne, how have you been?"
"I've been good, how've you guys been?" Julianne says addressing the group.
"I've been good." Mark says smiling at Julianne.
"Same here." Val replied.
"Yeah." Witney and Jenna say in unison.
"That's good." Julianne replies smiling.
"Wait, didn't Derek go to pick you up?" Jenna asked.
"No, when I got here I didn't see anybody." Julianne says confused.
Derek then came running through the door panicked, "I can't find Julianne somebody kidnapped her, we could like all become spies to find out who killed her-"
"Hey big brother." Julianne says smiling.
"Oh thank god you aren't dead, where were you I was at the train station."
"I took a plane, what are you talking about. Why did you go to the train station?"
"You said plane, it sounded like train."
At Jenna and Witney's apartment
"Did you see the way he was looking at her, it was totally like he was into her." Witney says complaining to Jenna.
"Yeah, I saw that too."
"Ugh, why can't Mark realize that I'm in love with him?"
"I don't know, but why don't you tell him?"
"I don't want to ruin the friendship, besides why would we need two inner circle relationships, it just wouldn't work out between us.."
"Witney you have been in love with my brother for the longest time, and you've proven you'd do anything for him. You even kicked that whore's ass because of what she did to him. If he doesn't realize this, then he doesn't deserve you."
"I know, but he'll never see me that way."
"He's into blondes your blonde so maybe you have a chance."
"Yeah okay."
"Really. Witney it's not like she wants to hook up with him. Or vice versa. So what you need to do is worry about getting all dolled up because we are going to get your mind off of Mark and have an amazing time. If Julianne tries anything we'd give her the cold shoulder."
Witney looked at her best friend then started laughing because Jenna always had her back.
At Sam and Lindsay's apartment.... (Who are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Cusick, congratulations to them, not in the story, but in real life.)
"Thanks for letting me stay here Lindsay." Julianne say appreciatively, as the two girls walk into the apartment the girl shares with her boyfriend.
"Anything for family."
"So how are you and Sam?"
"We're good 6 years and counting."
"Awww, that's good, anyway what are you and the others doing tonight."
"The same thing we usually do every Friday, which is go to Exchange."
"Hey I have a question. Which one is single Mark or Val?"
"Ummm... Just Mark, Val is dating Jenna. Growing strong for a month."
"Oh.... Well that's good."
"Why do you ask?"
"I really want to know what's going on in New York with your New York friends."
"Oh. That's cool, I guess."
"So would it be okay for me to hook up with Mark?"
Lindsay stopped what she was doing momentarily, "What?"
"Just asking, I wanted to know if it's cool. You know I wouldn't want to step on anyone's shoes.."
"Umm.... It should be cool, he doesn't have a girlfriend."
"Okay." Julianne says walking to the guest room.
At Derek and Val's apartment....
"Dude, you can't hook up with my sister! It goes against Bro Code!" Derek exclaims at his best friend.
"Well then I guess Val is breaking Bro Code because he has totally been banging my sister for..... What is it Val 4 months?"
"Yeah, but let's not bring me into this no matter how much sex I have with your sister Mark."
"Okay so I am friends with a bunch of bro-code-breakers. Great. I have to get new friends!"
"Dude, all I said was that your sister was hot. So that translates to, 'I wanna bang her.'?"
"So now you get it?"
"Derek that makes no sense." Val says.
"Okay, well Valentin how would you feel if I said I wanted to hook up with your girlfriend?"
"I'd tell you to go ahead and try and see what she does to you. She's on a strict Val diet."
Mark gags at Val's words,"Anyway, I think I see your point, Derek, but I have to get points because at least I'm telling you that I want to hook up with your sister, unlike other people." Mark says shooting a glance at Val, who raises his hands in mock surrender.
"I think that this conversation is over because even if you wanted to hook up with my sister she'd never go for it, you aren't her type." Derek says as he is walking out.
"Is he seriously telling me that I can't hook up with his sister who is grown as hell?"
"Keep me out of this. It's none of my business." Val says walking into his room.
"Really, thanks so much for the support!"
"Anytime, Bro, Anytime."
Time: 11
Location: Exchange
Operation: Fun times.
"Okay so do you prefer blondes or brunettes?" Julianne asks Mark.
"That's cool. Look at me I just so happen to be a blonde." Julianne says smiling at Mark.
"Yeah you are." He replies smiling back.
Julianne makes a move to hug Mark, which he gladly reciprocates.
"I'm glad Derek has made a friend like you Mark."
"No problem Julianne, he's a great friend back."
"No seriously I know how hard it can be to be around him."
"It does get difficult at times, but he's amazing."
With Jenna, Witney, and Val at the bar.
"Look at her all hugging him, who does she think she is?" Witney asked drilling yet another shot.
Jenna pulled away from Val to see what her best friend was talking about, "That bitch."
Val rolled his eyes, "What happened now?" Val began to kiss Jenna's neck.
"She is totally wanting to hook up with him." Jenna says as if it was obvious.
"Yeah I mean who does she think she is, coming to New York, thinking she can hook up with him?" Witney asks.
"Girls, he wants to hook up with her too so, there is no party foul. Go Mark" Val says shrugging his shoulders, then going back to Jenna's neck.
Witney looked at Mark and Julianne who were now kissing, and ran off.
Jenna removes Val from her neck and then smacks him.
"Owwww, Jenna what the hell was that for?"
"You're an idiot. No fun play for Val tonight, just go straight home."
Jenna runs after her best friend while Val calls after her, "Oh come on Jenna, you know I'm sorry, I love you.... And she's gone. Thanks a lot Mark."
In the bathroom with Witney, Jenna, and Lindsay.
Witney was crying.
"Come on, Wit we're going home." Jenna say while picking Witney up.
"Why is she crying?" Lindsay asks.
"Julianne and Mark are kissing." Jenna explains.
"Damn! Witney has a crush on Mark?"
"She's in love with him." Jenna states simply.
"Oh.... Well then how long has she been in love with Mark?"
Witney looked up, "11 years."
"Okay well then I sorta kinda have to tell Julianne wants to hook up with Mark, and she asked me if he was single and I said yes and she doesn't want anything serious and I forgot how Mark can be and it really isn't fair." Lindsay says quickly.
"I mean it's not like you did anything wrong! So don't feel bad. It's fine, we all make mistakes, Julianne will be his. No offense," Witney reassures Lindsay.
"No offense taken."
At the Bar Julianne and Mark are kissing.
"Hey Mark, we are going home, okay?" Jenna tells her brother.
Mark pulls away from Julianne.
"Okay, well why?"
"Witney doesn't feel to good." Lindsay interjects.
"What's wrong, Wit?" Mark asks.
"She was in the bathroom throwing up." Jenna responds.
"Oh, well hope you feel better." Julianne says.
"Yeah, I bet you do." Jenna says.
"Jenna, what the hell?" Marks says.
"What??.... You know what never mind just tell Val that I left."
After that Jenna and Witney left.
"I have class in the morning so I will see you tonight or tomorrow, whichever one, bye" Lindsay says before she leaves.
Val comes up to Mark and slaps him in the back of the head.
"What the hell did you do that for?!?!"
"You ruined my night!"
"How did I ruin your night?"
"You just had to kiss Derek's sister didn't you?"
"Well how does that affect you?"
"Well.... Where is Jenna?"
"She went home." Julianne answers.
"Without me, because you two are just playing kissy face. I'm getting no fun time with your sister. Thanks a lot, I will see you in the morning!" Val exclaims, before he walks out, leaving Mark and Julianne dumbfounded.
At Jenna and Witney's apartment...
"I know it hurts now, but maybe this is exactly what you needed to get over Mark." Jenna says rubbing Witney's back as she was crying.
"I don't want to get over Mark, I want to get on top of him."
"Okay, gross. Like ewww.... That's my brother." Jenna exclaims.
"Sorry, forgot there for a moment."
"Wit, you'll be fine. I mean I love you, but you have to get over this. You have to get over Mark."
They were so busy talking they didn't hear the front door open.
"I am in love with Mark and there's nothing that'll change that." Witney says.
"You are what?" The girls turn around to see Mark.
"Oh my gosh." Witney says embarrassed.
"You know what you girls forget I was here to begin with." Mark turns around and walks out of the apartment.
"Mark!" Jenna calls out after him.
"What the hell am I going to do now?" Witney asks.
"I'll go talk to him, stay here."
In the hallway....
"Mark Alexander Corky Ballas Jr. " Jenna says.
"What?" Mark turns around.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"What is wrong with me, really Jenna?"
"Yeah,really Mark."
His eyes widen, "Are you seriously questioning me, when I just heard that one of my best friends is In love with me, how am I supposed to react?"
"Well you're not supposed to shut her out."
"You wanna know the truth Jenna, I just can't be into Witney like that."
"Well, what are you going to do now?"
"Nothing. I'm just going to pretend it didn't happen. Yeah that's what I'll do, she's drunk anyway. Right?"
"Wrong, Mark if you avoid her she'll get suspicious and then I'll tell her and then she'll be sorry. For what reason should she have to feel like she did something wrong?"
Val came out, shirtless.
"What the hell are you two screaming about?"
"Nothing, go back to sleep, babe."
"Well try to keep it down, I'm trying to sleep."
"No Val. I need you to tell me that I'm not crazy for not wanting Witney to know that she said she was in love with me."
"What are you going on about? Leave me the hell alone, since I'm not getting any action, I'm going to sleep, I'm trying to sleep, so shut up."
He walked back into his apartment.
"You know what we will talk about it in the morning, wait why did you come here in the first place?"
"I wanted to see if Witney was okay. Obviously not. I'm not in love with her, she will always be that dorky little 10 year old who was obsessed with me, but never the love of my life"
"Well if that's how you feel, I don't think we need to be friends anymore." The siblings turned around to see Witney standing there with tears in her eyes.
"Wit......I-" Mark began.
"No this dorky 10 year old girl is sick of always being there for you, but you never being there for her. Don't ever try and talk to me because I hate you, Mark Ballas. I never want to see you or talk to you again. Understood?"
"No Jenna don't defend him. Let's tell him how it really is, yes Mark I'm in love with you and I've sat her for 13 years and watched you talk to and fall in love with a bunch of girls and I said nothing. I have said not a damn thing and I'm pretty sure all of those girls didn't give a damn about you, but whenever you had a problem or a struggle who was there for you Witney. Who kept you from being hurt, Witney. Newsflash, Julianne doesn't like you she just wants a hook up. Same for Brittany. So you know what I'd rather be a geeky 10 year old who was obsessed with you than to be hopeless like you."
"You know what, Witney? You're right I can't find a decent girl, but I know one thing that girl isn't you. It never will be you."
Witney closed her eyes to blink back the tears. Then out of sudden anger she punched the crap out of Mark.
"Fuck you."
She walked into her apartment and slammed the door.
Jenna looked at her brother, "Really, you had to egg her on?"
"I didn't say anything that was out of line, she's the one that just punched me in my face."
Jenna attempted to open her door, "Great it's locked." Jenna adjusted her glasses.
She began to knock on Derek and Val's apartment door.
"Go home Mark and think about how you're gonna fix this one."
Val opens the door, "I thought you were going to shut up so I can go to sleep."
"Excuse me." Val looked down only to see he was talking to his girlfriend.
"Nothing babe, what's wrong?"
"Yeah I'm spending the night here, so....."
"Yeah, but no fun time?"
"No... Don't ask me again."
Jenna walked into the apartment, but not before giving his brother this look of 'Fix It.'
With that Mark walked to his apartment.
Well that's all the drama I can handle for 1 episode. Hope you like it, as much as I liked writing it.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S (DWTS) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now