Season 1, Episode 13

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Okay.... Well I am so sad to say this season has 2 more episodes, so..... Looking for a big shocking season finale. Comment me some ideas open to all.
Mark's apartment on Friday @ 10 A.M.
Mark was getting out of the shower when he heard a knock on the door.
He groans and asks, "WHO IS IT?!"
"It's Witney."
"Okay well use the spare key under the plant."
"Umm okay." Mark heard the door unlock.
"Okay so... Oh you're not dressed." Witney begins, but stops to look at her boyfriend.
"Yeah, that's why I told you to use the spare key." Mark says putting his pants on.
"Oh well I came to tell you something, but if you don't put your shirt on, well..." Witney says.
"Well in that case..." Mark put his shirt back in the drawer.
Witney walks up to him and jumps up to wrap her legs around her waist.
"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Mark says smirking at Witney.
"It doesn't even matter, less talking more kissing."
Derek and Val's apartment on Friday @ 2:30 P.M.
"Come on babe, we are going to be late." Jenna says waiting for Val.
"Remind me again why we are going on this double date?" Val asks.
"Well 2 things: 1. I said so. 2. Emma is our friend and he mlikes Emma. So stop arguing." Jenna says.
Val groans and asks, "Wouldn't you rather stay and have some hot 'Hoe Time'?"
"As fun as that sounds, I'll give you an offer you can't refuse, if we come to lunch. Then I will..." Jenna whispers the rest in his ear. Val's eyes widen at the offer and then he stammers,
"W-W-Well, what...." His voice begins to crack then he clears his throat to continue, "We should go."
Jenna laughs as Val pulls her out of his apartment.
Lindsay and Sam's apartment on Friday @ 3:00 P.M.
Lindsay and Sam were on the couch making out on the couch, books were on the floor. They heard a knock on their door. Sam got off of Lindsay to get the door.
"Hey Lindsay I need your help." Witney says walking in.
"Sure, Witney come on in." Sam mumbles as he closes the door.
"What's wrong?" Lindsay questions.
"Well.... Jenna told me that I have to tell Mark that I slept with Derek or she will. So I went to tell him this morning and he wasn't wearing a shirt... So I got distracted and we well...." Witney tells Lindsay.
"Oh. Well when are you going to tell him?" Lindsay asks.
"Well I have 3 more days, before Jenna does it herself... So I don't know next year?" Witney says.
"Next month?" Witney questions.
"No..." Lindsay says while shaking by her head.
"Never?" Witney questions.
"Witney Capri Carson." Lindsay says.
"Ugh... I just think he doesn't deserve to know, I mean... It was when he broke my heart." Witney states.
"Okay... Still as a girlfriend, you need to tell him you hooked up with his best friend. I mean come on it's Mark, guy can't stay mad for more than 5 minutes." Lindsay tells Witney.
"I don't know... I mean... Come on... Okay I'll tell him in two days." Witney says.
"Good, now I want food. We are going to go get some food."
"What about Sam?" Witney questions.
"What do you mean?"
"You guys were 'studying'"
"Ehhh... He'll get over it." Lindsay responds, putting on her white and pink converse.
The girls walk out of the apartment arm and arm. Sam walks out of the room and asks,
"Linds are you....?...and she's gone."
AppleBees on Friday @ 3:15 P.M.
Jenna and Val were waiting for Sasha and Emma.
"Where the hell are they?" Val questions getting very agitated considering they had been sitting there for about an hour.
"Maybe they got caught in traffic?" Jenna says trying to calm her boyfriend down.
"Yeah, well I don't have time to waste, waiting for these dumbasses to show up." Val states.
"Okay... Well can you believe school is almost over for you and the guys?" Jenna changes the subject.
"Yeah-" Val was interrupted by Emma and Sasha.
"Sorry we're late." Emma apologizes.
"Oh it was no problem." Jenna says despite Val.
"Like hell it wasn't." Val mumbles so nobody, but Jenna could hear him.
"Yeah, she couldn't find an outfit to wear." Sasha says sitting down.
"Oh please, you were the one looking for the right shirt." Emma says.
"So. Nice to meet you Sasha, Emma has told me a lot about you." Jenna says getting up to hug the Australian man.
"Same for you, Jenna." Sasha says reciprocating the hug.
"Nice to see you as always Val." Emma says.
"You too, as well as you Sasha." Val responds.
"Okay, so let's order our food and get down to business." Jenna says trying to alleviate tension, knowing her boyfriend.
The waitress came over and they ordered their drinks and food.
"So... How did you two meet?" Jenna asks.
"Well... You know how my major is dance well so is his, I don't know we got to talking and we just clicked." Emma responds.
"Aww... That's so adorable, right babe?" Jenna asks Val.
"Yep." Was all Val said, because he knew that if he said anything rude Jenna's deal would be off the table.
"Anyway, so..." Jenna whispered the rest in Emma's ear, causing the British girl to laugh.
"Jenna. And if you must know it's amazing." Emma says.
"Ooo...." Jenna says.
Sasha whispers to Val, "Do you know what they are talking about?"
Val responds laughing, "Your sex life."
"Oh, well. Why?" The Australian asks.
"That's what this lunch was all about to get the nitty gritty on your life in the sheets." Val tells Sasha.
"Then why the hell are we here?" Sasha asks.
"Yeah, why are we here if you two are just going to talk about your sex lives, which by
the way I know Jenna's is going amazingly, but anyway couldn't you two just do this at one of your apartments?" Val questions.
"Umm... Are you questioning me?" Jenna asks while raising her eyebrows, but continues, "I did this nonetheless because I want to spend time with you outside the bedroom and the coffee shop and spend time with non inner circle couples."
"Okay. Well-" Before Sasha could continue he was interrupted by the arrival of the food. They all thanked their server.
"Anyway, I was wondering what you two major in."
"Well I major in Philosophy." Val says.
"I now officially major in Photography." (I know I said Art History, but she just screams photographer, thus I am making her a photography major.)
"So... How do you guys know Emma?" Sasha asks.
"She moved in our neighborhood when we were about 15." Jenna answers.
"That's cool." Sasha comments.
They spend the rest of the lunch getting to know each other and laughing.
Witney and Jenna's apartment on Friday @ 6:55 P.M.
Witney was pacing in her apartment when she heard a knock on the door.
"He's 5 minutes early, of course he's five minutes early." Witney whispers to herself.
He knocks some more.
Witney then tells him, "I'm coming."
Witney takes a deep breath and she opens the door with a forced smile, and says "Hey babe."
"Hey so what's up. I was wondering why you called me to come over."
"Okay so I called you over here to tell you something. Something that you might hate me for."
"Just tell me. Rip the band aid off, I'm ready."
"ISleptWithDerek." Witney rushes.
"Okay, for a minute I thought you were going to tell me that you were pregnant." Mark says letting a breath out.
"Wait you're not mad?" Witney asks.
"Derek told me already." Mark tells his girlfriend.
"Like 4 days ago."
Witney hits him on the shoulder and yells at him, "So you've had me worried for the past week?"
"I've been worried that you were going to break up with me after I told you, but you had already known?" Witney yells.
"Wait, what?" Mark was confused.
"Ugh, you are so clueless." Witney says in frustration as she walks into her room, slamming the door.
"Oh my gosh, what the hell just happened?" Mark mumbles to himself before getting up to knock on Witney's door.
Derek and Val's apartment on Friday @ 8 P.M.
Jenna and Val walk out of the room sweaty, Jenna's hair was messy and matted, Val was clad in boxers (Loving just thinking about him shirtless. LOL😂) and Jenna in a robe.
"Woah, that was fun." Val says before he gets two bottles of water 1 for himself, and one for Jenna.
"Well it was well deserved I mean you weren't rude during lunch." Jenna tells Val before kissing him. He quickly begins to kiss her back. She jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist.
"To your room." Jenna moans breathlessly, due to Val biting her bottom lip.
"Yes Jennachka." Val responds. Thus (LOL😂) ensuing endless rounds of 'Hoe Time'.
Central Perk on Monday @ 4:30 P.M.
"So Derek, how was Utah?" Jenna asks.
"Well Jules brought her hot friend Nina (Dobrev) and I totally banged her brains out.
"Wow! It's like another day, so nothing good." Witney states.
"No that girl is coming to visit." Derek tells his friends.
"Wait you invited her to NYC?" Mark asks shocked.
"Yep to spend the weekend." Derek clarifies.
"Aww... Derek's growing up." Jenna mocks, which causes Val to laugh.
"You know what you two shut up." Derek says defensively.
"I for one am proud of Derek." Lindsay says and continues, "He is taking a chance because he likes this girl."
"Well coffee on Mark for all of us." Jenna says.
"Wait I never-" Witney shushes him and whispers something in his ear.
Mark rubs his face and nods.
Jenna brings the coffee back and gives one to all of the friends.
"To us." Val toasts.
"To us." They repeat, clink glasses and then drinks.
Well that's it for this episode. Hope you enjoyed. Okay so I have some questions: What are you most looking forward to next season? Do you think I've done a good job with this story? Who do you think would make a good guest star who hasn't been on the show yet (Former Partners of the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Or anyone)? (Excludes Shawn Johnson, Bethany Mota, and Nastia Liukin). Ooo... Are you excited to see Nina Dobrev? Who do you think Derek should settle down with? If you think he should settle down.

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