Season 1, Episode 14

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I'm filled with mixed emotions to say that this is the first part of a two-part season finale. Hope y'all enjoy. There is a breakup. Or is there?
Mille-feuille Bakery Cafe on Monday @ 10 A.M.
Jenna and Val were sitting in the bakery talking about their plans for summer vacation which is in less than 2 months.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to come to L.A. with me this summer to visit Maks and Peta.?" Val asks.
"Really?" Jenna knows how much of a big deal this is to their relationship, I mean they are traveling together.
"Yes." Val responds nodding.
"So this is us, we are together for real? You're not going to like switch out on me, if you find something better?" Jenna asks taking Val's hand and intertwining it with hers.
"I honestly know that I couldn't do any better than you." This statement made Jenna smile and blush.
"I love you Valentin Aleksandrovich Chmerkovskiy."
"I love you too Jenna Michelle Ballas."
"So what do you want to do now?" Val asks.
"Well I would love to... Go see Maks and Peta. I heard they were in town." Jenna suggests.
"Wait they're in town and I wasn't informed?" Val asks offended.
"Well it's on their Instagram pages." Jenna states.
"Well. I don't go on Instagram a lot." Val says.
"Liar. You've posted at least 25 pictures of us and yourself in like 2 days." Jenna points out.
"Oh be quiet and eat your donut." Val says, which makes Jenna laugh. At this point Val realized that this might actually be his only chance to have a relationship like his mother and father. Jenna was his Larisa and he was her Aleksandr.
"So, what's going on in your life?" Jenna asks Val when she stopped laughing.
"Hanging out with this beautiful woman, she is everything in a woman I am looking for." Val responds.
"What's her name?" Jenna asks.
"Ummm.... Lindsay." Val answers. Jenna's eyes widen and she hits his shoulder.
"Babe. I'm joking her name is Jenna Michelle Ballas and she is from Houston, Texas and she moved to New York City when she was 8."
"Aww... Gimme some sugar." Jenna tells Val.
"I would, but it's all over your lips." Val jokes, then leans over the table to kiss Jenna.
Derek and Val's apartment on Monday @ 2:00 P.M.
Derek and Nina were sitting on the couch kissing, when Nina pulled away.
"As fun as this is I would actually like to see what NYC looks like." Nina says.
"Okay well where do you want to go?" Derek asks.
"I want to go see that Statue of Liberty." Nina tells Derek.
"Well can't we do that tomorrow?" Derek asks.
"Well what do you want to do today, I mean I've been here for 2 days and all I've seen is the airport and your apartment." Nina tells Derek.
"So... What's wrong with my apartment?" Derek asks obliviously.
"Nothing I just don't want to spend the entire week in your apartment." Nina tells the blonde.
"Oh, so let's go down to Central Perk. They have got great coffee and scones and donuts." Derek suggests.
"Okay, where is it?" Nina asks.
"Downstairs." Derek tells her. Nina rolls her eyes and laughs at how cute Derek was being.
"Well then what are we waiting for I want a donut!" Nina says pulling Derek off of the couch.
Central Perk on Monday @ 3:00 P.M. with Mark, Lindsay, Sam, Witney, Jenna, Val, Derek, and Nina.
"So wait you actually have met Channing Tatum? I mean Wit, Linds, and I have been thinking about going to see Magic Mike XXL tomorrow." Jenna tells Nina.
"It's a great movie I would so encourage it." Nina says.
"So what's he like in person?" Jenna asks totally fangirling (I mean who wouldn't its Channing Tatum).
"Well, him and his wife are so nice, and their daughter is so adorable." Nina tells Jenna.
"Do you wanna come with us to the movies?" Witney asks Nina.
"Sure, I mean I would love to see that movie again and again." Nina says.
"What's so good about Channing Tatum?" Mark asks.
"Ummm. I think the question should be what isn't good about Channing Tatum. The answer would be nothing." Jenna states defensively.
"Yeah and I mean that body is just...." Witney begins before she goes into a trance. Thus making Mark snap his fingers in her face.
"I mean come on, he's just another guy." Val says.
"Yeah, the only guy I want to strip for me." Jenna says, which makes Val give her a sideways glance.
"Really?" Val asks.
"Well you've never offered." Jenna states.
"Okay well this conversation went from creepy to really creepy." Sam says.
"Well I'm going to the bathroom, anyone wanna come with?" Lindsay asks.
"Oooo.... I have to." Nina says standing up from her chair and following Lindsay.
"Oh thank god I thought she'd never leave." Sam says sighing.
"Well that was rude." Jenna says chuckling.
"No I want to get your guy's opinions on something."
"Okay what's up?" Derek asks.
"When should I propose to Lindsay?I mean our six year anniversary is coming up." Sam asks.
Jenna and Witney squeal.
"I think you should do it on the sixyearversary, I mean that's over half a decade, most couples don't last even a quarter of that." Witney states.
Jenna nods.
"Oh she's coming back, don't say anything." Sam says looking at Derek.
"Why are you looking at me?" Derek asks offended. The rest of the gang looked at him, knowingly.
"So what'd you guys talk about while I was gone." Lindsay asks.
"We talked about Ellie Goulding's ass." Val says nonchalantly.
"Yes, she has a nice ass." Derek says nodding his head.
"Mark over here was like fantasizing." Jenna says pointing at her brother.
"Well, okay Ms.Stalker. You have some nerve." Mark says.
"Whatever, Mr. Creepy." Jenna responds.
"Well I have to go, class y'know?" Sam says walking out.
"Okay bye babe." Lindsay says.
When Sam left Lindsay turned twisted her friends and Nina and asked, "Do you think he's cheating on me?"
"No, why would you ask that?" Witney asks.
"Well I mean ever since he came back from Utah he's been acting so weird and so distant, he keeps like shutting my questions down, what if he doesn't love me anymore?" Lindsay panics.
"Linds, you guys have been dating for 5 years going on 6 and he even puts up with us being your friends, he is head over heels in love with you." Jenna tells her hysteric friend.
"Yeah, I mean anyone who puts up with Derek for almost 6 years has to love you." Val states.
"Okay, what is this bag in Derek day?" Derek asks.
"Yeah." Witney says.
"Your haircut is a bit stupid." Val continues with the joke.
"Your jokes aren't funny." Mark says.
"You guys suck, how is this make fun of Derek day. I mean we were just told that Sam-" Jenna cut Derek off, knowing where he was going.
"Wasn't going to be here for Christmas, but then again neither will you or Lindsay." Jenna lies.
"Yeah, it was like 'Wah.'" Witney says making an odd noise.
"Okay, well I have to go my mom and dad are flying into town, with their significant others." Lindsay says.
"They are?" Derek ask confusedly.
"Yeah, I've like told you 5 times." Lindsay says looking at him in disbelief and walking away.
"They must be coming for Sam's surprise." Witney concludes.
"Yeah, but I can't believe they didn't tell me they were flying into town." Derek states.
"They did and I was standing right there when you got the call." Val says.
"Oh, well... I want to go to the movies. Who wants to go see Terminator?" Derek asks. All three boys raised their hands.
"Well we are seeing Magic Mike XXL tomorrow, so we are seeing Trainwreck today." Jenna looks at Witney for confirmation.
"Yeah, I heard it was funny." Witney says nodding her head.
"Nina, you down?" Jenna asks.
"Sure, let's go. At least I'll be getting out of the bedroom." Nina says looking at Derek.
"Hey Jenna you have the same problem." Witney points out.
"Shut up, Witney" Val and Jenna say in unison.
The girls get up and peck their significant other on the lips and walk out in order to catch the movie.
"I need your help guys." Derek says.
"With what?" Mark asks rolling his eyes.
"I need an excuse to get rid of Nina." Derek says.
"Why would you want to do that?" Mark asks.
"Because I brought her gear to have fun, if you know what I mean..." Derek wiggles his eyebrows.
"Yes, we know what you mean. Continue." Val says.
"Now she wants a relationship. I mean she is making me show her places, why?" Derek tells his friends.
"Wow it's so hard to believe that she would visit New York City and want to see it." Val sarcastically agrees.
"That's what I'm saying, I mean the sex is like 'WOAH', but she's getting attached. I mean she basically marked her territory by going to the movies with the girls."
"What?" Val asks confused.
"You know she's getting in with the girls, so they convince me not to dump her. You guys know how scared I am of Jenna." Derek explains.
"You're just paranoid." Val concludes.
"Yeah. I mean look at Val he was so afraid to commit, now look at him. He's so happy. Derek maybe you need to let Nina into your heart and not just your pants." Mark tells him.
"Yeah and now Val is incredibly whipped. So no...." Derek says.
"I mean come on commitment sex is the best." Val says causing Mark to look at him disgustedly.
"Again I tell you, that's my little sister..... Gross." Mark exclaims, Val just waves them off.
"Well I have class to go to so, I will talk to you idiots later." Mark says getting up.
When Mark was out of earshot Derek asks, "So how good is the commitment sex?"
This question causes Val to laugh.
Witney and Jenna's apartment on Monday @ 5:30, Nina, Witney, and Jenna are there.
"Oh my gosh I am like so in love with Amy Schumer." Witney says.
"I know, she is like my new bae." Jenna agrees.
"So... What do you of Derek and I dating?" Nina asks.
Witney and Jenna looked at each other, and squeal.
"That's like so great, I can tell you from what we know of Derek he is totally into you." Witney says.
"Yeah, I mean then we can go on like quadruple dates. Eeeee....." Jenna says excitedly.
"I love it, so do you think I should go make things official with him?" Nina asks.
"No I think he will do something soon enough." Witney reassures.
Before Jenna could say anything Val came in the apartment and asks, "Babe can I talk to you?"
Jenna gets up and says, "Sure."
In the hallway on Monday @ 5:40 P.M.
"What?" Jenna asks her boyfriend.
" have to convince Nina to hate Derek." Val tells his girlfriend.
"Why? She is totally into him."
"Well Derek is only into wanting to get into her pants." Val tells Jenna.
"We'll have you tried to convince him otherwise?" Jenna asks.
"Well, I told him commitment sex is the best sex he'll ever have."
"That didn't convince him?" Jenna questions.
"Nope, he won't budge on his opinion."
"Oh my gosh, Val!!!!" Jenna whines.
"Please, try and convince him that he'll like relationships. I will love you forever." Jenna gives Val the puppy dog eyes.
"Okay, I'll try. No promises. Love you, Bambi." (Her eyes, I was reading a story and Jenna was described to have Bambi eyes)
This makes Jenna smile and say, "Love you too."
Derek and Val's apartment on Monday @ 5:50 P.M.
"Well what did Jenna say?" Derek asks as soon as Val walks into the apartment.
"Yeah, you're not going to hurt Nina's feelings, for some odd reason she likes you." Val tells the blonde boy.
"Ughhhh." Derek says throwing his head back.
Lindsay and Sam's apartment on Thursday @ 7:30 P.M.
The whole gang including Julianne, Nina, Sam, Lindsay's parents and Sam's parents were there.
"I am so happy that you all came to celebrate Sam and I's sixyearversary." Lindsay says cheerfully.
"Well how could we miss it Linds?" Jenna says.
"I love you guys and I want to thank all you for coming here for my surprise to Lindsay." Sam says then continues, "Lindsay we first met when we were 15 years old. When I looked in your eyes for the first time I knew there would never be anyone else in the world for me. I live for you Linds and I love you, so..." Sam gets down on his knee, "So Lindsay Arnold, will you marry me?"
Lindsay looks around the room and stutters, "I-I-I can't... No not...." With that Lindsay ran out of the apartment, Jenna and Witney looked at each other then ran after her.
"Soooo..... How about those Patriots?" Derek says trying to make light of a serious situation.

TO BE CONTINUED......... (I've always wanted to do that)
Okay so as of now you all probably hate me, but trust me, this is going to be so great. So in light of this saddening moment, what was your favorite scene of the season thus far? Why do you think Lindsay ran? Thank you guys for all the support throughout this entire season. Let's cheer for 1 more episode. And then another season. So how did you enjoy this episode.

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